Things Never Change

Chapter 6 The Landlord

Disclaimer: The characters depicted, settings, and some terminology in this fan work are the property of Masashi Kishimoto. The views and opinions of this fan based work in no way reflect the views or opinions of Masashi Kishimoto. This is a fanfiction written purely for entertainment purposes and nothing more. The author of this fan based work receives no profit gain in writing this.

WARNING: Contains content NOT suitable for children under the age of 17, and readers are strongly cautioned. The following contains but is not limited to, light sexual acts, rape, inappropriate language, self harming and violence.

AN: Just wanted to mention there is rape in this chapter, and if that is something triggering to you it might be best to skip it.

Naruto walked into the landlord's office pace as though he were part of a death march. Naruto trained his gaze to the floor as he walked avoiding the eyes of the man behind the desk. The man had a wide smirk on his gaunt face. He drug his hand through dark greasy unkempt hair. His narrowed eyes watched the cautious demeanor in which Naruto entered. His lips turn upward into a sneer as he waved at the boy.

"Ah, right on time Naruto-kun." His voice rang tauntingly in Naruto's ears.

Against his better judgment Naruto lifted his gaze to the man, who never looked at Naruto like he was a monster to be feared. No. It was much worse. He looked at Naruto like he was his prey. Naruto tried to swallow the lump that formed in his throat as his handed the money over. He only just suppressed a chilling shudder when the man's hand lingered on his brushing his hand delicately. He watched as his landlord counted the money. He shifted uncomfortably keeping his eyes on the hands counting his money. He was still holding on to the hope that maybe he could get an extension for the part that was missing.

"Oh Naruto-kun is there some mistake? It looks like you're short this month?" his tone was even, but Naruto knew not to build up his hopes. He knew not to trust the man's honeyed toned voice. He was just as insidious as the villagers, but pandering to him had become a necessary evil for Naruto over the years.

"I w-was wondering if maybe I could pay the difference next month?" he asked watching as he stood up from behind the desk.

"I'm afraid I must receive payment in full today." he sighed almost sounding apologetic and if it weren't for the widening smirk Naruto might have believed his tone to be genuine.

"That's everything I have, please." he pleaded trying to ignore the hand that came to rest on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but you know that's not our deal." he shook his head.

"I c-can't do this again." Naruto spoke through gritted teeth. He hated how tears began to collect in his eyes against his will. He hated the way his stomach clenched when the hand on his shoulder gave a squeeze.

"Is that what you want, to terminate our agreement?" the man asked with an edge of warning in his tone.

Naruto didn't know how to respond. It was an unwinnable situation. He chewed nervously at his bottom lip. He tried to ignore the hand slowly moving down his back resting just above his buttocks. Terminate the agreement. He wanted to so badly, but there were things much worse than this. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"Very well then you have two hours to vacate the premises, and good luck finding another place to rent to an ungrateful child such as yourself." his tone was callous and his hand slipped away from Naruto's back. He felt relief at the loss of contact, but dread immediately followed.

"I'll be keeping this money for all the trouble putting up with you has caused me." he taunted holding the bills Naruto worked so hard to earn. Naruto couldn't contain the anger in his eyes or the scowl on his face.

"What? You expected me to return this?" he laughed waving the bills in front of him. "I've housed you since you were five years old out of the goodness of my heart, even though having you here has lost me plenty of loyal tenants. This money barely covers the trouble you caused, but because I'm such a kind person I'm allowing this to wipe your debt free. Now go on clock's ticking, pack up your things."

Pack my things and go where?

The thought brought Naruto screeching back to reality. He had no where to go, and he knew no where else would rent to him. He checked every apartment building in Konoha when he became a genin. He was stuck here or he'd have to live on the streets again. His eyes widened there was no where for him to go, at least nowhere he'd be safe. His hands trembled and he stared at the man behind the desk.

"Naruto-kun, didn't you hear me?" the man mock cooed getting into Naruto's space again. "It's time for you to go." he pushed Naruto towards the door.

"Wait." Naruto managed to choke out. "I can do it." the words burned like bile in throat.

The man smiled wickedly at the boy knowing what would happen next and he couldn't wait. He eyed Naruto with that predatory gaze that made Naruto want to run, but he kept his feet rooted in place. He tried to remind himself that sometimes in life you have to do things you don't want to do to survive. He took in a unsteady breath and steeled himself for what was to come. He just had to do this one more time. He'd be back on missions soon enough.

"I wish we had all day," he purred much to Naruto's disgust. "but unfortunately I have a lot of work to do." he sighed staring expectantly at the boy in front of him.

"Transformation Jutsu." muttered the blonde.

"Oh excellent, you still remember my favorite form." he grinned taking in his new form with lust filled eyes.

Naruto scowled as the man leered at him. His new form was a variation of his sexy jutsu. Naruto stood in female form before the landlord. However, this form was different than his sexy jutsu. This form was that of young girl not a woman. Her long blonde tresses curled at the ends. The blonde's eyes snapped open when rough hands pulled his wrists towards forward.

Naruto felt a cold heavy weight pressing in his chest as hands removed the clothing he was wearing. He bit back the urge to cry. He did his best to force down the panic, and get this over with so he could go home. He shivered as his pants were pulled slowly down his thighs. He let out a stuttering breath. Fingers gripped his chin forcing him to look the man in his hungry eyes.

"I'm so glad you learned this jutsu." he whispered against Naruto's ear.

Naruto scrunched his eyes closed trying in vain to shut out the tears as they rolled down his whiskered cheeks. Fingers dug into Naruto's hips as he was forced to turn around, and pushed forward into the desk. He grunted as his stitches made contact with what he assumed was the desk he couldn't open his eyes. His hands clumsily slid over the desk until he was able to push himself up enough to remove the pressure from his stomach.

Even though he was in female form it was still his body and it still caused him pain and shame. Every glide of a hand or tongue caused his stomach to retch. Every hot puff of breath against him made the bile rise further up his throat.

"Naruto-kun, are you ready?" he panted against Naruto's back.

No, please stop. I can't do this again please.

His lips quivered and a guttural sob tore through him as he nodded, not that it mattered this was going to happen whether he responded or not. This way at least it felt like he had some control. Pain. Searing shooting pain. His eyes snapped open wide. It hurt so much more than he remembered. He vaguely wondered if it always hurt this bad before or if it was because he'd convince himself he would never have to do it again. He cried out as his stomach slammed into the desk again hard.

"Sssssshhhhhh, sorry little fox did that hurt? Don't worry I'll make you feel good." he whispered into his hair changing his brutal pace to a slower more gentle pace.

Naruto bit down on his own hand to muffle the moans that were forced out of him. No. This was worse than the pain. He'd rather feel searing pain than this. This coil of heat in his gut or the way he feels a light buzz under his skin with each disgustingly delicate touch. No, he didn't want it to feel good. He couldn't bare to feel good from this.

"Let me hear you." he insisted pulling Naruto's hand from his mouth.

The heat in his gut kept building and building, and he hated how he whimpered. He hated the way his body wanted this even though he felt like vomiting, even though he felt like dying. Filthy hands left goosebumps along his flesh as they slid around.

"P-please...stop." he spoke shakily through gasps.

"Don't worry Naruto-kun, I'm going to make you feel better."

No no no no no! Please stop!

He tried to yell but his throat felt tight. He felt like he was on top of a waterfall about to go over the edge. His stuttering cries were ignored. Please stop, was his final plea before he crashed over the waves and plummeted. He tried not to moan, he really didn't want to let him hear it, but his traitorous lips let it escape anyway.

Someone help me.

Pain, so much pain all of a sudden his gut was burning from being smashed into the desk repeatedly. The corners of his vision turned dark with each slam into the desk until he could barely breathe, barely see. He thought he was dying, and at first he panicked and struggled, but then would that really be so bad? After a few more times of getting the wind knocked out of him, everything stopped.

His vision slowly returned and he was able to push himself up. He cursed the way his limbs felt wobbly and weakened. The man ruffled his hair in mock affection earning a glare from Naruto. He raised a trembling hand to smack the offending hand from his hair. He paid his debt, he didn't need to touch him anymore. The man seemed indifferent to his hand being knocked away, in fact he was smirking at Naruto in what appeared to be amusement.

Naruto started frantically pulling his clothes on and dispelled the jutsu returning to his own form. He walked as quickly as his legs would allow to the exit. He could feel himself beginning to break down, and he wasn't doing that in front of him.

"See you next month Naruto-kun." he called out with a casual wave.

Naruto cringed and quickly exited the building slamming the door harder than necessary. He stood in the concrete corridor of his apartment building staring at his own shaking hands. He gripped them tightly into fists trying to stop them from shaking. He inhaled as deeply as possible in an attempt to calm himself before starting his long climb up the stairs to his apartment. He really didn't want Shikamaru to find out what he'd done.

He stared at his apartment door hand outstretched and frozen. He wondered if he could hold his composure in front of Shikamaru. He didn't think he could look at him in his current state, not after that. He was so ashamed and disgusted with himself. It had been two years since the last time he'd used his body as currency for his rent. He swallowed back the bile that rose in his throat. He pushed the door open in one swift motion even though he was terrified of the idea of breaking down in front of Shikamaru. His wide eyes searched for Shikamaru. He let out a sigh when he noticed the brunette had fallen back to sleep.

He quietly rushed past the sleeping brunette to the safety of his bathroom. His stomach lurched again and he vomited on the cracked tiles just in front of the toilet. He grimaced pushing himself to sit against the tub eyes closed breaths coming out in ragged pants. Heart thudding behind his ribs. Throat tight. Chest heavy.

He tried to rid his mind of hands moving along his skin or the sounds that spilled unwillingly from his lips, but it was all in vain. It all came spilling back in an instant, years of that man's touches both gentle and rough. He stifled a sob as best he could. It was just recently he'd stopped feeling like his skin was constantly crawling, and he'd forgotten just how filthy he was inside. Now, it all came rushing back.

Filthy. Disgusting. Monster. Worthless.

Shikamaru heard the shower and woke up. He sighed in relief that Naruto returned. It would've been such a drag to have to go looking all over for him. The brunette drug himself off the couch and went into the kitchen to get some food ready. Shikamaru made enough food for two and waited for Naruto to come out of the shower.

He sat back on the lumpy couch and waited and waited. He shifted uncomfortably several times and glared at the clock though due to being broken was no judge of the time that had passed. He tapped his foot nervously wondering what he could be doing in there. His gaze wondered back to the no longer steaming cup of ramen, and decided enough time had passed he should to go check on Naruto.

Shikamaru tapped on the door which opened due to a faulty lock. Shikamaru was in shock as that day replayed in his mind. He clenched his jaw trying to rid his mind of the memory. He tried really hard, but it was in vain as he heard the blonde's sobs from the opposite side of the shower curtain.

The brunette's heart stopped in his chest. He stood in the doorway afraid of what he might find if he went inside. He couldn't will his body into the room not matter how hard he tried. All he could see was Naruto stabbing himself repeatedly. The brunette fought the memory as he regained his voice.

"N-Naruto?" he called out voice wobbly with emotion.

No answer just sobs. Shikamaru hesitantly entered. His eyes surveyed the room. The first thing he noticed was the vomit on the floor. He grimaced. He knew that vomiting was a really bad side and could mean widespread infection. He frantically looked to the closed shower curtain. The shower was still running and the blonde was nowhere in sight. In fact had he not heard sobbing he'd think the shower was empty due to the absence of clothes on the floor.

"Hey, you okay in there?"

Still no answer so with a trembling hand Shikamaru grasped at the shower curtain and slowly pulled opened it.

Naruto was sitting fully clothes with his knees to his chest. Shikamaru stood shocked at the scene before him. He bent down next to the tub. Naruto's face buried in his knees didn't seem to register the brunette's presence. Shikamaru couldn't breathe somehow he thought nothing would be as haunting as that day, but this wouldn't be something easily forgotten. Some blood ran down to the drain most likely from Naruto's stomach. Shikamaru's tears rolled down his face, as he reached for Naruto's shoulder. He felt the blonde tense at his touch.

"Naruto...hey look at me."

Naruto shrugged the hand off his shoulder and shook his head as he struggled to speak. Something was seriously wrong. Shikamaru left his hand outstretched toward the blonde awkwardly hanging in the air near him. He watched in confusion as Naruto's shoulders shook with silent sobs.

"Please leave." His voice was strained as he pushed Shikamaru's hand away from him.

Naruto's cries became more violent than before. Shikamaru couldn't speak. His words caught in his throat and tears ran down his face. Naruto had really pushed him away. He asked him to leave. Shikamaru wasn't about to leave him like this.

"I'm not going anywhere." he sighed settling down into a more comfortable position.

Naruto refused to look up at Shikamaru. He was too ashamed to show his face after what he'd done. He felt so disgusting and stupid. He pressed his face into his knees as hard a she could. It felt like if he stayed still and ignored everything around him, he could pretend it never happened.

"What happened?" he asked uncertainly.

Shikamaru shifted and reached into the tub to turn off the now freezing water. The way Naruto flinched and tensed did not go unnoticed by Shikamaru nor did the way Naruto shook with cold. Shikamaru left him to find some towels. His mind raced trying to figure out what the hell was going on. What would even cause this?

'What hell happened this morning?!'

He re-entered the bathroom with towels. Naruto was trembling violently with cold. Shikamaru tried to get him out of the tub but he just screamed for Shikamaru not to touch him and leave him alone. The brunette was worried for Naruto and his injuries. The stitches shouldn't be getting wet and he was sure they were soaked. Shikamaru didn't want to do it but he had no choice. Naruto needed to get out of those wet clothes.

"Naruto, please you've got to dry off." he pleaded with the blonde.

"I can't please just go." he whispered through tears.

"I'm not leaving you like this."

"Please." he whimpered.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled forming hand seals. "Shadow Possession Jutsu."

He caught Naruto in his jutsu and made him step carefully out of the tub. The blonde stood reluctantly being caught in Shikamaru's shadow. His actions mirrored the brunettes. Shikamaru wanted to see how bad Naruto's stitches looked and it was the only way without touching him.

"Sorry Naruto." he apologized quietly.

Shikamaru lifted his own shirt which moved the blonde to do the same thing. The stitches were bleeding. He frowned letting his own hand fall, Naruto's hand fell too with a sob. He forced the blonde to walk over to him and he grabbed him releasing the jutsu. He only grabbed him to make sure he didn't fall on the ground. He wasn't sure what was wrong and didn't want him to get hurt.

"Get off me!" he spat pushing Shikamaru away, but his grip was tight on his shoulders.

Shikamaru was confused. Naruto was really beginning to scare him. He retracted his grip on the blonde, but kept his hands close hovering in case he fell.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay. I just need you to take off your shirt. Can I help you with it?" Shikamaru spoke in as calm a tone as he could muster.

"O-okay." Naruto answered.

Shikamaru steeled himself willing the tremor of his hands to still as he peeled Naruto's shirt off slowly keeping contact to a minimum. He wasn't sure how much pain Naruto was in from his injuries.

The blonde dropped to the floor with a stuttering sob. His breaths were ragged and his eyes blown wide. He sounded pained or scared the brunette wasn't sure. Shikamaru shook himself mentally to first worry about the stitches as they'd gotten wet and possibly infected. The skin around the stitches was raw and red, with some blood seeping around them.

Shit, that looks really bad.

"Naruto, you need to take off these wet clothes." he stated making eye contact with the blonde watching his reactions.

"N-no...please. I can't." he whimpered.

"It's okay. I'm going to help you." His voice was calm and gentle.

Shikamaru wrapped a towel around Naruto's bare shoulders and laid a towel over Naruto's lap covering him completely. Shikamaru grasped Naruto's pant legs while holding the towel in place over his lap. He began pulling them off because he feared Naruto would catch cold if he stayed in wet clothes. Naruto's body visibly tensed and his eyes shot up and looked at Shikamaru's eyes with fear.

"Please stop." his plea sounded so desperate.

It was like a sucker punch to the gut when Shikamaru began to put the puzzle together. He recoiled as if burned. Damn it. He was supposed to be a genius. It took him way to long to recognize the signs. His jaw clenched tightly as watched Naruto helplessly. He really hoped he was wrong about it, but he had a feeling in his gut that he wasn't wrong.

Naruto hugged the towels to his body sobbing after breaking eye contact with Shikamaru. The towel around his abdomen was already spotting with blood. Shikamaru didn't know what to do other than to sit there with him. He didn't want to touch him anymore because it caused Naruto distress, but he couldn't leave him like this either. His chest felt like it was being crushed as he looked at Naruto. It was one of the few times he wasn't sure what to do.

"Naruto, please…its okay let me help you."

Shikamaru gradually tried to move closer, but as he inched forward so did Naruto in the opposite direction. He observed the tension in the blonde's body and the stiff movements he made. He sighed halting his movements.

'He's afraid of me…'

Shikamaru looked dispiritedly down at the ground. He found that again there was nothing he could do for Naruto except stay by his side. Shikamaru furiously rubbed his wet eyes with the back of hands. He could cry later. He had to keep it together for Naruto. Shikamaru decided to stay there until Naruto felt better since it was all he could come up with.

It took some time and many reassurances on Shikamaru's part, but the blonde finally calmed down. His breaths regained a normal pace and his shoulders had stopped shaking. He also seemed to be coming back to reality slowly. He still avoided eye contact with Shikamaru. He noticed Naruto's fingers gripped the towels around him so tightly his knuckles had turned white.

"Hey, you with me?" Shikamaru asked the blonde softly.

"Yea." he responded with less confidence than Shikamaru preferred, but at least he responded.

"I'm going to grab you some dry clothes."

Naruto barely nodded in response to Shikamaru's statement. His panic attack waned away, and he came to the harrowing realization that he'd fallen apart right in front of Shikamaru. He couldn't look at the brunette without tears welling up in his eyes again. He scrunched them shut as tightly as possible. He wondered if Shikamaru was mad at him for freaking out. His stomach flopped and his chest ached.

Shikamaru stood up causing Naruto to flinch at the sudden movement. Shikamaru felt like he'd been stabbed in the chest. Naruto was really afraid of him. He decided the best thing to do might be to just leave Naruto alone although it was killing him. He placed some clothes in the bathroom and shut the door and sat right outside. He was out of ideas. He wracked his brain for ideas and cursed himself. He was dubbed the best strategist in the village after his old man. Hell, he had no idea if he could look at Naruto without the guilt welling in him. He was so upset he thought he might vomit.

Naruto finally came back to reality and pulled on the dry clothes. Naruto rinsed out his mouth and placed his hand on the doorknob he hoped to slip past Shikamaru and hideaway in his bedroom for a while possibly forever. Naruto didn't think he'd ever be able to look Shikamaru in the eyes again, not after having a complete meltdown. He slowly opened the door only to walk into Shikamaru. He stared uneasily at the tears falling from Shikamaru's eyes. He really just wished he'd drop dead from the guilt and embarrassment. He knew Shikamaru as smart as he was most likely had a pretty good idea what had happened. Neither moved. Shikamaru stood frozen in the bathroom doorway.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea... I'm fine." he responded avoiding eye contact as he weakly tried to push past Shikamaru.

"You've got to stop lying to me, it's pretty obvious you're NOT okay." he snapped.

Shikamaru was startled by his own outburst. He watched as Naruto's head turned and misty blue eyes met his. His stomach clenched. This wasn't okay. He shouldn't have raised his voice, but it hurt to Naruto lying to his face. He watched Naruto open and close his mouth like he wanted to say something, but ultimately the blonde stayed silent.

"Did something happen at the landlord's office?" Shikamaru asked hesitantly.

He gauged Naruto's reaction. Shikamaru watched his lips formed a tight line and his body go rigid. He guessed by his reaction the answer was indeed yes something did happen. He kept his ground unmoving as Naruto tried to push past again.

"Please, can we just not talk about it? I-I just can't right now." replied the blonde biting back a sob.

Shikamaru sighed in defeat dropping his arm from his path. He knew he couldn't force him to talk about anything he didn't want to, or keep him there. Naruto stood motionless staring at him.

"I just..." Shikamaru started and fumbled with his words. "I would never betray your trust, so if you want to talk about it I'll listen, because we're friends after all." he affirmed with a wobbly smile.

Shikamaru carefully wrapped his arms around the blonde shoulders. He left his arms loose at first giving Naruto the option to push away. Naruto flinched in his hold, but didn't move from the embrace. Shikamaru tightened the embrace feeling Naruto's shoulders shake again. Naruto's forehead rested on his chest. His face looking down at the floor arms still at his sides. Silent sobs shook Naruto's body and Shikamaru had to fight back his own tears as he fought to speak. "It's okay. Let it out." he whispered.

Shikamaru needed Naruto to understand he wasn't going anywhere and he wanted to help him. He smiled when he felt the blonde gingerly wrap his arms around the brunette's torso. Naruto closed the distance between them and buried his face into his chest. He felt Naruto's tears on his shirt and felt the silent sobs shaking the boy in his arms. It seemed like an eternity that they stood that way.

As embarrassing as hugging Shikamaru and crying into his chest was Naruto couldn't help but feel warmth in his chest. He'd never had a hug like this before, and despite the circumstances it felt nice. It was something he'd watched other people do, but never understood why until now. He wondered how long he'd be able to keep Shikamaru around. His throat tightened, and the warmth abandoned his chest.

Disgusting. Filthy. Worthless.

The words echoed in his mind souring the embrace. He shouldn't let Shikamaru touch his body. Naruto pushed out of Shikamaru's arms and dropped down onto the floor. He watched as Shikamaru lowered himself down to sit next to him in the hallway. He caught the concern in Shikamaru's eyes as he stared at him.

"Shikamaru…" he started awkwardly.


"I'm sorry you had to see that." voiced the blonde embarrassingly.

Shikamaru didn't know what to say, but before he could think of anything Naruto spoke again.

"It's not usually this bad." he conceded.

"What do you mean usually? This has happened before?" he asked unease clear in his tone.

"It's embarrassing to talk about it." he muttered looking down at his lap.

"I'm not a gossip like Ino, I won't go blabbing your secrets everyone." he assured the blonde leaning in closer.

"I was short on my rent this's been so long since this has happened. I've been able to make rent with my missions earnings since becoming a gennin." Naruto took a deep breath, and contemplated just booking it to his room. Before he could make up his mind whether or not to flee Shikamaru's hand gently rested on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can do this." he covered his face in his hands.

"It's okay you don't really have too, but I want to help you. So it'll be easier to help if I know what's going on..." he pressed the blonde for more details.

Naruto wanted to believe him. He wanted to trust him. He longed to have someone save him from this situation, but could it really be that easy? His fists clenched in his lap and the warmth from Shikamaru's hand radiated through his body. He wanted to open up, but he was scared Shikamaru would find him repulsive.

"Okay, but please, just don't think less of me." he requested with tears in his eyes.

Shikamaru squeezed Naruto's shoulder. "I won't." he spoke with such confidence in his voice Naruto actually believed him.

"I moved in here when I was little and before that I lived on the streets." he admitted chancing a glance at Shikamaru whose expression was unreadable. He exhaled slowly and continued. "One night while some drunk guys kicked me around my landlord stepped in and saved me. He gave me this apartment, but I was too young to work, so he came up with an alternate payment method for me." He dropped his gaze from Shikamaru's face. "I haven't had to use this alternate method since I started missions and honestly wasn't planning on ever doing it again."

"What type of alternate payment?" the brunette asked. He had an idea but he wanted to hear it from Naruto, before he made any assumptions. He wanted to be wrong, because this is worse than he imagined. He fought to keep himself composed.

"It's not something you'd want to hear, it's not pleasant."

"Say it. I can handle it." he spoke with certainty even though he wasn't sure he could handle it inwardly.

"I let him use my body so I could continue to live here." he blurted out eyes closed.

He waited. He listened to hear Shikamaru move, but he stayed right where his was. His hand still firmly planted on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto waited for Shikamaru to let go now that he knew how filthy he was. He held his breath. His chest felt tight. He sat motionless waiting for everything to be ruined.

"I'm sorry." Shikamaru spoke quietly leaning his head down into Naruto's shoulder catching the blonde by surprise.

"N-no I should be sorry I did that."

Shikamaru shook his. "No, I should have gone with you this morning." Shikamaru voice was thick with tears he couldn't hold back any longer. He threw his arms around Naruto so hard he nearly knocked the air from his lungs. He squeezed him tighter. Shikamaru wasn't sure what to do. He was sad, angry and felt helpless all at once just from seeing Naruto this way and knowing what happened. He couldn't begin to imagine how Naruto actually felt.

"I'm sorry…" he muttered into Naruto's shoulder where his face was still pressed.

Shikamaru couldn't shake the feeling he could have prevented all this from happening if he had insisted on going with Naruto that morning. He couldn't imagine the pain Naruto must have been faced with. Shikamaru cried harder than he'd ever cried. Steady streams slid down his cheeks. Shikamaru was trying his best to comfort Naruto but he wasn't sure any of this was helping. Especially since he couldn't even stop himself from crying. This was so much worse than he thought. Naruto had been doing this since he was a little kid. God, this was so wrong. He forced himself to calm down as best he could, so he could comfort Naruto.

He felt Naruto's breath stutter and felt his body quake as tears overcame him too. His sobs ripped through him and echoed off the walls. Shikamaru rocked him slightly trying to calm him down. Shikamaru wondered if this was right. He never had to comfort someone like this before and he hoped he was at least helping a little. He felt like he was failing. Naruto was still shaking and the sight hit Shikamaru hard and before he could think the words escaped his lips.

"Naruto, I promise I will never let anything like that happen to you again." he startled Naruto with his sudden oath.

Naruto looked up at Shikamaru with wide tear filled eyes. Shikamaru thought he'd die seeing the hurt look on Naruto's face. The way his nose scrunched and his lips tugged downward into a frown. It hurt.

"Can you really promise me something like that?" Naruto's voice sounded hurt like he doubted Shikamaru.

"If I make the effort to claim I'll do something I always do it." he explained lifting making direct eye contact with the blonde.

"I just don't understand why you care so much…I mean I did this to myself…I h-had a c-choice. I could have packed up and left." he mumbled looking away from the brunette's intense gaze.

He couldn't believe his ears. He pushed down the anger threatening to spill over. Naruto really believed what happened between him and the landlord was HIS fault and that he chose this to happen.

'That piece of shit landlord I'm going to kill him.' Shikamaru thought bitterly to himself.

"Naruto, that guy is scumbag and this isn't your fault. Having to choose between being homeless or that isn't a real choice. Anyone in your position would have given in. He manipulated you."

"It doesn't matter anymore." Naruto pushed back out of Shikamaru's arms again. "I'm disgusting." his eyes watered with fresh tears.

"He's the one whose disgusting coercing a child to have sex with him. I'm going to take care of him." Shikamaru stated as calmly as possible.

"No." Naruto exclaimed sounding panicked.

"No?" he question disbelievingly.

"I don't want you to hurt him…please just let it go?" Naruto begged.

Shikamaru was at a loss for words. He just couldn't process the appropriate response for Naruto's response. He sat there silently as his words echoed in his head. This bastard hurt Naruto in such an harrowing way he couldn't believe Naruto was protecting the sick bastard. His stomach shifted and he thought he would vomit.

"N-Naruto why are you protecting him?"

"It's not like I don't hate him for what he's done to me over the years, it's just even though it came at a high cost he was the first person to keep their word to me. I paid him monthly and he let me live here safe behind these walls from the outside."

"Naruto…" It was all the brunette could manage.

His stomach was sick with the thought of Naruto really being serious. He couldn't begin to feel the fear of a boy who would willingly give his body just to be safe. He sat motionless trying to process everything.

Naruto stood up and walked away. Shikamaru was trying to get a handle on the situation. Shikamaru just sat frozen in the hallway not sure what to do. What should he say? What could he say? He listened as the bedroom door closed and he heard Naruto throw his body on the bed.

None of this was fair. Naruto didn't deserve any of this.

Shikamaru punched the wall hard. He let his anger get the better of him. He wasn't sure if he should go to the blonde or kill the landlord. He really wanted to just leave and kill the sick pervert, but realistically he knew he couldn't do that. He didn't know what to do. He just sat there as if waiting for the answer to become clear. He had no such luck. He would have to figure this out on his own, but deep down he knew it would only cause Naruto more pain and it was the last thing Shikamaru wanted.

Damn it.

He drug himself down the hallway until he stood in front of the closed door listening to his own heart beating. If he went in there would it upset Naruto? A closed door was typically a sign the inhabitant wanted to be left alone. He really didn't have a choice. He needed to take care of Naruto's injuries. The brunette turned the doorknob but it was stuck in place.

Great the one lock in this place that actually works.

"Naruto…please let me in…"

His plea to be allowed entrance into the room was met with muffled sniffles. Shikamaru rested his forehead against the door shadowing his troubled features. Tears leaked down the brunette's face and he wasn't sure about anything anymore.

Naruto lye in his bed hugging the covers to him shaking as he cried into his pillow.

'What have I done? How could he still want to talk to me after all I've done? After all I've told him even though he doesn't even know the half of it. I've done a lot of things in my life that I'm not proud of but this by far has been the worst.' thought Naruto.

"Naruto…please…I'm sorry…"

Naruto ignored the voice from behind the door. He wasn't mad at him at all. He was ashamed and couldn't imagine looking at him right now. Naruto never truly wanted to die as much as he did now.

"Please don't be angry I'm sorry." Pleaded the troubled brunette.

Shikamaru listened in hope of hearing the lock click open, but again he had no such luck. He slid his back down the door knowing Naruto wasn't opening the door any time soon.


Shikamaru sat with his back against the door wishing Naruto would just let him in. Shikamaru felt as though he was being torn apart inside, he longed to comfort Naruto. No one should ever have to live a life like this. It baffled the genius how something like this went unknown. No it didn't baffle him, it infuriated him. He strained to listen through the door. He wondered if the blonde was still crying.

Naruto's wounds were bothering him and he hadn't taken any of his medicine. The stitches burned and itched from getting wet. He tossed and turned groaning in pain. He tried to be as quiet as possible in case Shikamaru was still around. He'd already troubled Shikamaru enough with his problems for the day. The blonde's pain increased and he wasn't able to suppress the pained whimpers coming from his mouth.

"Naruto! What's going on?!" yelled a panic stricken Shikamaru.

Naruto didn't answer. He was in too much pain. He tried but his jaw clenched tight and his breaths were painful.

"I promise I'll fix it later!"

The blonde was confused but the pain kept him from doing much as the very last of the pain killers he'd taken and the last of the adrenaline had worn off completely. Before he knew it there was a loud crash and the door tumbled down and Shikamaru rushed into the room. Shikamaru could tell by looking at the blonde he was in some serious pain. Shikamaru moved closer hoping to look at the wounds to gauge the severity, but Naruto flinched at his touch and whimpered.

"I'm sorry." he spoke through gritted teeth.

"It's okay, but I need to remove your shirt." he said with hands hovering at the hem of his shirt waiting for Naruto to give permission.

He felt awful for forcing Naruto to do this, but if his wound was to get infected he could die. Naruto closed his eyes and nodded. Shikamaru gently removed his shirt. Shikamaru's heart died a little as Naruto flinched and whimpered under his touch, but it couldn't be helped. He carefully turned the blonde to lie on his back so he could examine his stitches. He tried to hide his grimace, but Naruto had to know how bad this was. He definitely could feel how bad this was.

"Oh Naruto…this is bad really bad." he gasped.

"I-I'm s-sorry." the blonde stuttered an apology.

"Don't apologize this wasn't your fault, but in any case you need to see a medic."

"No, please don't make me go back to the hospital."

"I promise I won't leave your side, it's just I don't think this is something I can heal."

"I really I just can't do it. I just...don't want a bunch of people touching me right now." he admitted rolling his head to look away.

It was then Shikamaru noticed how badly Naruto was shaking. It was clear that Naruto wasn't going anywhere. Shikamaru brought Naruto his medications to take and even brought in the ramen from earlier. He handed Naruto the ramen first.

"I'm not hungry."

"You have to. You can't take any of these on an empty stomach."

"Okay I'll try."

Naruto was able to keep down about two good bites of food and he took his medicine. Shikamaru waited until the pain killers were working before he started to clean off the old wounds and spread an antibiotic ointment on them. He then wrapped the wounds carefully. He tried not to wince every time Naruto squirmed or flinched under his touch. It wasn't his fault.

"I patched you up as best as I could, but I'm not medic and if this doesn't look any better by morning you have to let me take you to the hospital."

"I can't go to the hospital again. I hate it there so much." his eyes pleaded for anything but the hospital.

"What about Ino? Would you feel comfortable if it was Ino healing you?"

"I'm not sure." he answered honestly. "I'm not sure she'd want to come all the way here for me."

" She may be a pain in the ass and a gossip at times, but she's a good friend. I know she'd help you without complaint."


The blonde was exhausted from the day's events and his eyes drooped and his breathing seemed to slow. Shikamaru breathed a sigh of relief that Naruto was getting some rest.

Shikamaru covered Naruto with the blanket and left the room.

AN: Sorry for the delay on this chapter, it was very difficult for me to write originally, and even harder to throw myself back into those feelings for the re-write. I hope I didn't mess it up. I hope there aren't many mistakes.