Ok folks, DGL here from his apparent 2-3 year hibernation (also note: apparently it ruins the point of hibernating if you go to Antartica...WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME?!)

Anyway, I'm posting this chp to give pop ups to people who may possibly still be fans of this Fanfic. Can't say I blame you if you're not anymore, but on the off chance that you still are, I need support and votes as to whether I should really consider go back into working on this thing. If I get 2+ reviews/votes over the next week after this thing is posted both to rev and vote, then I might just come back as my job is almost ending and school is starting again (though I have TONS of time :D!)

Anyway so ya, to fellow fans of new and old, if you want me to continue this work for real, REVIEW/VOTE!

*Update: 7/26/13: WTF (What The French) People?!*

Umm...WHooo! That's uhhh...that's a lot more than I was expecting at this point peeps : /...And now it's 2x more awkward considering I was going to wait, or at least expect 2 or less reviews by the time the week is up. Yet here we are now apparently, less than 24hrs after the update post, and with up to practically 5 reviews, if not more by the time I update this.

Soooooooooooo now aside from feeling a bit like a nutcase considering I wasn't expecting much in terms of votes/reviews, I am now 1, having a seizure after seeing the number of revs I received, 2, convulsing in disbelief (or is that something I should have a doctor check up...?) that I actually got any replies at all, 3, sobbing in a small corner considering I promised something that's reeeeally going to cut into my social time with my one friend on Xbox live...*sniff* (I hate my loneliness...). But all joking aside, I must appease my fellow Reviewers!...Even though most of them barely had anything to say other than continue...Ok, so I will, but in addition to this, there is one other thing I need happened:

As you know, I also have a spinoff going on called "Raising Princess of Los Noches" detailing Ichigo's earlier years growing up around the other espada's and arrancar. So, while I'm writing the next update (insert cheer's here) for the fanfics, I need some voters to decide on another pairing between Ichigo and one of the Arrancar, mostly in terms of who she hangs out with for the day. Read the fic to get more understanding of what I mean. She can hang out with any espada - Nnoitra for obvious reasons, and can be around any age, though would prefer sometime after the age of 4 as it's typically hard enough to do episodes with her as an infant itself...unless she's with close family (Exa, Stark/"Big brother", Neliel or Halibel/"Mothers/Mommy", etc. *if you can think of any that are like family*...Oh! And Gin/"Uncle").

So to sum this up, vote up your choice of pairing for RPLS by choosing the pair and then age. It'll help me get my mojo faster and in turn, get me to post faster. So gratz to the people who voted and thanks in advance! But do this piece I asked so I can post faster (whether I post this fic first or the other one I need a choice for will be questionable but assured). So help me help my fans by helping Raising Princess episode!