A/N: an email I got from my sis inspired me to write a story about it, but I'm going to rearrange several things. I hope you all will enjoy it.
Demyx: why do I have to be the dependent one (whine)?
Chocobo-kun: because you're the only one I see fit to do this part of the story. You should be grateful that you're the main character here instead of Roxas or Sora again.
Demyx: fine, but I'll take my own sweet time doing it.
Chocobo: you better memorize script fast or I'll shove where the sun don't shine.
Demyx: ok, ok, look I'm memorizing! (reading the script)
Chocobo: good now shall we get this story started XP.
"..el, Axel… AXEL!"
A fiery redhead jumped from his spot behind his desk when his name was shouted into his ear, waking him up from his light sleep. His chair scooted back from his desk, making a screeching sound.
"Football practice…" the redhead mumbled when he jerked awake. He rubbed his eyes and glanced up at the imposter for disrupting his sleep. He glared at seeing his best friend Reno looking down on him with a quirked eyebrow. "What the fuck do you want?"
Reno, a redhead like Axel but with darker hair and green eyes with crescent moon shape tattoos underneath them, smirked at the brighter redhead. "What's with the hostility? Roxas not giving you any?"
"Shut up…" Axel growled. His spiky hair that reminded Reno of a hedgehog was flimsy from sleeping on his desk. His emerald green eyes with triangle tattoos underneath them, narrowed, daring the other guy to say something else.
"Oooh, he isn't… and why the hell not? I thought you two were friends."
"We are, just friends with benefits. He hasn't been wanting to fuck with me anymore though." Axel laid his head back into his arms that were crossed across the desk.
"So you gotta find another victim to sleep around with then, eh?"
"Yep. But I don't know who to choose."
"What about Zexion?"
"Roxas likes him and would kill me if I touch the little emo freak."
"Really? Well, how about Tidus?"
"Did him."
"Did him."
"Did me."
"No fucking way."
"Xemnas' bitch."
"Will cut off my dick."
"Riku's bitch."
"Ew, no."
"Did me."
"You like him."
"Who haven't you fucked yet that you'll do it with?" Reno blushed at the last part.
"I kinda lost count by the tenth one," Axel mumbled into his arms like it wasn't a big deal. He was lucky he and his friend got to class early before their teacher did.
"You really are a slut, aren't you?" Reno placed his hands on his hips, smirking down at the lighter redhead.
"And don't forget pompous jerk."
"Right… how can I forget about that?" The darker redhead sat down next to the lanky jerk just as the teacher, Xemnas, came in. "I'll find one after school, maybe…."
A blond that had a hairstyle that looked like a Mohawk and mullet mixed sat in the passenger car seat, looking out the window boardly. His green-blue eyes sparkled with happiness as he watched his new all-boy's school rolled into view. He almost started to bounce in his seat at the huge building.
"Would you calm down already, Demyx?" said the spiky haired blond who was driving. "I know you're excited about going to a high school for the first time, but you're starting to act like a kid. Besides, you need to save that energy for the tournament tonight."
"I know that Cloud-san, but I can't help it. I'll actually make some new friends," said the hyper blond, Demyx. "I just hope no one will make fun of me for my condition or else I'll have to beat them off."
"If you get in trouble, it's all on you; got it?" Cloud smiled when the younger blond grinned towards him. "And why would people make fun of you? You're too loveable to make of."
"Helloooooo, no arms, remember?" He sat up from his seat to indicate that he truly had no arms. "You're my older brother and you still forget that I was born armless? Some bro you are." The young blond started to pout at the window.
"I'm just kidding, don't take it so seriously." Cloud couldn't help but chuckle at the childish pout that was directed towards him now. "You're also lucky that you have me as your gym teacher so I won't go easy one just because of your condition."
The older blond parked his car near the school entrance and helped his younger brother out of the car. They made their way into the school and saw the halls were empty. They must have started class already.
"I'll help you find your first class, but after that you're on your own," Cloud said as he started towards Demyx's first class; history. "I hope the teachers don't mind you wearing flip-flops even though it's out of uniform." He point at the sandals the younger was wearing; it didn't mach the crimson school suit at all.
"I'll just explain the reason. But they should know just by looking at my arms… unless they're too stupid to notice."
"Just be grateful that your legs are flexible enough so you can do almost everything without help." The older smirked and stopped at the younger's first class. He knocked before opening the door enough to poke his head in, announcing that the new student was her.
Cloud opened the door for Demyx before saying good-bye and closing the door behind him. The blond gulped as he saw the students looking at him, especially at his armless body. He tried to smile, but it came out as a cracked grin.
"You must be Demyx Strife, the new student?" Xemnas asked from the white board, a black marker in his hand.
"Yes," the blond said nervously.
"Well, tell us a little about yourself. Say hello to your classmates."
"Ohayou." Crap, he always speaks in Japanese when he gets nervous. "I mean…hello. As you can see, I am armless if that's been all on your minds. I'm half Japanese and half American and this is my first time ever going to school."
"So you're saying that you were home-schooled before?" Asked a light haired blond with blue eyes.
"Hai, I mean yes."
"How do you write?" A brunette girl asked this time.
"With my feet of course. How else do I write? With my mouth like Joni Eareckson Tada?"
"Never mind. Is there any other questions?"
"Can you make your leg go straight up into the air without help?" A black haired girl with very short hair asked.
"Prove it…" a blond haired boy asked.
"Ok," Demyx shrugged, lifting his leg straight up into the air to where his knee was practically touching his cheek, toe pointed. "Anything else you guys want to touchier me with?" The blond grinned at the students when they laughed at his joke, except for one.
"That's enough everyone," Xemnas said sternly. "Demyx, you may grab a seat in front of Axel. Axel, raise your hand."
Axel rose his hand, his eyes smirking at the blond. His face may have been expressionless, but Demyx could see the smirk and knew that this guy was not a good person to hang around with. The guy wore several buttons loose, jacket open, and tie gone. Yep, a jerk just by the looks of him.
But this wouldn't stop Demyx from trying to befriend him. With a nod, he smirked back at the redhead and took a seat.
A/N: dun, dun, DUN! I hope you all like it so far. I expect many reviews.