After taking an additional month off just to make sure Jeff, was okay, Mark decided it was time to go back home. Neither of them were going back to wrestle yet, but living in civilization would give them even more time to make sure Jeff was ready to live his life again. To his credit, Jeff didn't relapse into his near suicidal ways. In fact, the last dream he had had about the good Matt coming back to save him had given him a sense of peace. Mark was thankful for that, and it made him happy to see Jeff acting like his old self again.

About a week after they returned home, Glenn told Maria and Eve that Jeff was feeling better. That of course meant the girls told everyone else, and they all decided to come down to Mark's house for a party. Now how eating his food, drinking his beer and destroying his stuff was a party, Mark did not know. But he did know that Jeff was excited, so he decided to raise too much of a fuss.

"Mark!" Jeff yelled. "I have a problem! Help me fix it!"

Mark sighed as he got up and went to the bathroom. "What is it?" he asked.

Jeff, who was wearing a skin tight, blue, long sleeved shirt and black cargo pants, was holding his freshly dyed purple/pink hair like he was going to tear it out. "The pig tails won't go the way I want them too!" he whined. "I need you to do it for me."

"Okay Jeff, I know I'm gay and all that, but I'm not THAT gay."

"Mark! This is no time for jokes! People are going to be here soon and I don't want to look like crap!" His lower lip began to tremble and he looked at his larger lover with puppy dog eyes.

Oh the things I do for love, Mark thought to himself as he sighed. He took the ponytails off the sink and started fixing Jeff's hair. "If you ever tell anyone I did this, there will be hell to pay," he growled.

Jeff grinned sweetly. "Are you afraid your reputation will be ruined by this?"

"Oh it would totally ruined. I can't be a badass that knows how to put hair into pigtails. Those two things go together like oil and water." He pulled his hands away and stepped back. "There. Is that better?"

Jeff looked in the mirror and nodded. "Yup. I look pretty now." He hopped over to Mark and gave him a big kiss. "Don't worry, I won't tell anybody you did it." He tried to walk away, but Mark stopped him in his tracks.

"I sacrificed some of my macho points for you and that's all I get?" Mark asked. He actually felt kind of used and offended at the moment.

Jeff rolled his eyes and gave Mark another kiss. "You'll get more later," he promised as he broke apart before Mark could even begin to deepen the kiss. "I need to go downstairs and get ready to claim my presents."


"Yup. Maria said they were bringing presents. And I can't get my presents if I'm busy trying to make you feel all manly."

Mark sighed and shook his head as Jeff happily ran out of the room. "At least the boy knows his priorities," he muttered to himself. He reached down and felt the thing he had stashed in his pocket. Maria had called him the day before and said they should all get presents for Jeff to make sure his spirits were kept up. He had thought that was a good idea (even though he hadn't admitted that out loud) and had a long lengthy talk with Glenn about what he should get. And even though he was even less likely to admit that Glenn had put the idea in his head, he had bought something for Jeff that needed to be given at the right time and place. He wasn't sure when and where that was, but he would figure it out soon enough.

The others started arriving not too long after he left the bathroom and joined Glenn and Jeff in the living room. About half of the company showed up, and it didn't take long for Mark's house to get almost completely destroyed. He almost throttled Ken and Jay because they kept knocking shit over, but Jeff apparently found the whole thing hilarious. Mark was so happy to hear Jeff actually laughing that he let the two blonde idiots go (although he did say he would kill them if they did it again, whether Jeff laughed or not).

"Presents!" Jeff yelled suddenly. He began jumping up and down like a small child. "Give me the presents! I did them now people!"

"Okay okay, calm down," Maria said. She led him over to the presents, which were all stacked up by the couch. "Don't go completely nuts on us."

Mark watched Jeff in amusement as the younger man tore through the presents like there was no tomorrow. He ended up getting a Playstation 3 (which meant Mark was going to have an even harder time tearing Jeff away from the television when he wanted to have sex), Guitar Hero 3 with a guitar (which would probably get broken), a remote control car (Mark immediately planned to take it and run over Glenn's feet with it), nail polish (now the house was always going to stink like that shit) a giant box of Pixie Stix (Ken was going to get killed) and about fifty bags of Skittles (Jay and Mickie were joining Ken in hell).

Jeff looked at Mark. "Do you got a present for me?" he asked sweetly.

Mark raised his eyebrows. "Maybe," he said teasingly.

Jeff looked at him expectedly. "Well hand it over Marky. I want it right now."

Mark looked at Glenn, who just kind of nodded at him. "Okay then," Mark agreed. "Close your eyes."

Jeff closed his eyes and held out his hands. Mark reached into his pocket and opened the small box he had in his possession. Maria almost squealed out loud but he shushed her with a look. He placed the open box in Jeff's hand and grinned. "Okay, open your eyes now."

Jeff opened his eyes and they nearly popped out of his head when he saw what he was now holding. "Is this a…? What the…? Mark…?"

"That is an engagement ring my friend," Ken said wisely. He had a grin on his face that Mark did not really like. "Now is the moment of truth. Are you willing to go from--"

Mark heard Ken's intake of breath and slapped his hand over the idiot's mouth. "Boy, if you start that yelling shit in my house, I'm going to--"


Mark was so shocked to hear Jeff speak that he let go of Ken. He turned around to see Jeff putting the ring on his finger. "What did you just say?"

"He said yes you fucking moron!" Glenn snapped. "He's going to marry you! Although I don't know why, because it wasn't a very romantic proposal. I think you should get down on your knees and make a big beautiful speech so I can mock you with it later."

Mark glared at his little brother. "Or I could take my foot and shove it up your--"

"You, me, bedroom, now!" Jeff said. He grabbed Mark by the hand and started dragging him upstairs. "Sex must be had!"

Mark looked at the others. "If any of you destroy any more of my stuff, you are so dead when I get done!" He picked up Jeff and started carrying him to their room. "So you like my present the best?"

Jeff nodded. "Yup. And I'm going to show you every day from now till the day we die."

Mark liked the sound of that and he was perfectly willing to go along with that plan. "Jeffery Nero that has a nice ring to it."