Well, I was thinking…What would happen if Cynder defeated Spyro in convexity?, and I realized, HOLY SHIT! THAT WOULD BE A GREAT STORY!, So I decided to write this. Ok, I've done stories before, for like school and stuff, but this, THIS, is new, so if I do bad, just tell me what I did wrong. Oh, and if you try to put me down,it won't work because I AM UNFAZED BY INSULTS!!! Oh and don't worry, Spyro doesn't die.


The Will of Cynder

Chapter 1:Defeat

"Foolish dragon! I told you that you can't defeat me!"

Spyro was exhausted. He could barely even stand, and his whole body was burning in extream pain from his fight with Cynder, yet she (just to clarify, she is still evil and is in her "adult form" or whatever you want to call it...) was perfecty fine. His head was pounding with an intense pain and his vision was becoming fuzzy. The portal to the Dark master's prison was beginning to pulsate as a gust of wind began pulling him torward the portal, but his body just would not respond anymore.

It's over, I lost... Spyro let himself fall into the pull of the portal, which surprised Cynder.

What!? He's just giving-up!

Spyro was now laying on the ground, no longer conceouse, and he was slowly being pulled torward the portal

"Spyro!" yelled Sparx, who was hiding behind a small rock with a worried expression on his face.

Cynder truned to leave, but something stopped her, something in the back of her mind told her that she couldn't just leave Spyro here, she didn't understand it, but she had to do something.

I can't believe I'm about to do this! But, something's telling me that I should... Cynder thought to herself as she walked over to Spyro. She bent her head down to him, but quickly pulled it away when a bright yellow light flew into her face and yelled,

"Stay away from my brother or I'll...uh,...I'll..." Sparx trailed-off his sentance as Cynder starred at him with a hungry look.

"You'll what?" asked Cynder mockingly.

"Or...I'll...do THIS!"

Sparx flew right up in Cynder's face and made himself glow as bright as he could, momentarily blinding her, causing her to stumble backwards, then flew down to Spyro's slowly moving body and started slapping his face,

"C'mon bro! Wake-up! We gatta' go!"

But it was done in vain, Spyro didn't budge at all. Suddenly, everything around Sparx went black and he felt something wet and stickyish cover him.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" vame the muffled voice of Sparx from Cynder's closed maw.

"SHUT-UP!" yelled Cynder through a closed mouth, "I'm trying to help!"

"Yeah! Right! And I'm a beetle!" replied Sparx.

"Don't make me start chewing!" yelled Cynder, which shut-up Sparx instantly.

Cynder then took one of her paws and grsped the center of Spyro's body and started flapping her wings to lift her off the ground. After she was about 10 feet off the ground, she angled herself torward a shrinking portal in the distance, with a strong gust of wind pulling her torward the portal leading to Malefor's prison making her flight difficult. Also, Sparx moving around in her mouth and carrying Spyro wasn't making things any easier. Eventually she was able to exit the portal and return back to the Dragon Realms and out of Convexity, the portal closing right behind her.

She landed at the mouth of a large cave then walked inside, placing the sleeping Spyro on the floor and opening her, mouth to let Sparx out. After Sparx failed at flying and crashed to the ground because of the dragon spit, Cynder fell onto her back and began panting heavily from the hard flight.

"Why did you save us?" asked Sparx in a questioning voice while shaking himself to get the spit off.

"I-I don't know...," started Cynder drearily, then getting seriouse all-of-a-sudden, "but I could change my mind at a moments notice, so don't do anything annoying!" replied Cynder between each pant.

Sparx, who would usually make an annoying retort, took the advice and flew over to his sleeping brother (with most of the spit off of him) and qickly fell asleep.

Why did I save him? Cynder thought to herself, I mean, he's my enemy, and if Gual, Master, or anyone found-out what I did, I could get in a HUGE mess...but..., Cynder looked over to Spyro, a questioning expression on her face, something, I don't know what, but SOMETHING, told me that I had to save him...

After thinking about what she should do with Spyro, she came-up with the best decision and fell asleep, enjoying the few hours of comfort brfore returning to the Fortress in the morning.

Well, it's all I have for now, so if want me to continue, PLEASE SAY SO! Also, sorry for the shortness (not a word right?), but it was only the first chapter and it was kind've like a "test," if you will. So, again, PLEASE review...OR ELSE!!!

The one that's silently watching,

Cyrus Black, Assassin of Shadow