Title: Time Lapse
Series: Saiyuki
AN: Wanted to try a Hakkai/Kannan/Gojyo-centered poem.
Rating: T
Daffodils have this funny way about them
They sigh and breathe when you're not watching
Folding in upon themselves when you do
Apricots in cream, brilliant sun speared oranges glistening in the summer heat
Swallowing the bees and dragonflies that come to suck the sweet nectar from their wombs
Too quickly they fade, overcome by the very sun they strive for
Withering at the height of their beauty
Ashes on the ocean, swept free of mortal cares are worries
And still the ocean continues to swell, pulsing with the pull of the moon
Pulled out so far as to lose its anchor, sent crashing back
Crushing waves and dangerous currents twist and pull
Gradually changing the surface of the world around it
Melding it into a new entity, always changing, always flowing
And when the sea stills there is a quiet calm that washed away the stain of the ashes
Pulled down into the depths by currents better left undisturbed
But man is adventurous, masochistic in nature, and cannot leave the sea alone
Once tasted, salt stays on the tongue
The body starts to crave it-a swell rising in the blood and flesh and bone
Eventually the moon turns again, and there is a new swell, a new beginning
Ashes inevitably become the sea floor, buoying the sea, allowing life to flourish
One cannot walk on water alone
With ground below and light above, the sea is allowed to pulse and churn and watch and wait
Still waters run deep, but not as deep as blood, nor as deep as the soul
Water and moon and earth, forever twined together
A glorious symphony of passion and power
Strength and security
The sea is ever changing, yet forever bound to the moon
Give and take, ebb and flow
You and me and she
Us and we