I do not own Evangelion, it is entirely the property of Gainax.

This is the first story I have written in a long time so I hope everyone enjoys it. I'm a bit of a reviews addict so if you read the story and like what you see (or not) please let me know. Also If you would like to read more I would love to know that too (I am definitely encouraged to write more if I think there are people who want more)! Anyway Enjoy!


Shinji Ikari watched as the breasts of his girlfriend rose and fell with her breath in the dim morning light. She was strikingly beautiful. Something about the way that her dark hair cascaded over her pale shoulders, and the way that the dawn played over her face held him there in her dorm room when all he wanted to do was leave. Shinji searched around in the semi darkness for his pants, which he had discarded on the floor the previous evening. He put them back on and then grabbed a pen and a piece of paper off of her desk and wrote out a note.


I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore. You deserve so much better.

--S. Ikari

It would be better to end things this way, Shinji thought. If things went farther they would just end up hurting each other. It was best not to get to close.

He left the note on her desk where she would find it and carefully opened the door that led into the dorm hall, making sure to be as silent as possible. During the sex he had managed not to imagine Mari was Asuka the best that he could. That however had been little in the way of defense.


Misato Katsuragi checked her teeth in the rear view mirror of the rented BMW that she had gotten at the airport. She was at the right address, she was sure of it, but she was unsure of what exactly to say when she actually knocked on the door.

"Suppose I shouldn't over think it," she said to herself.

Outside of her car the German air was warm and inviting and Misato instantly recalled fond memories of her time stationed here with NERV when she had been younger. She walked swiftly up the small stairs to the townhouse listed as the address of Asuka Langley Soryu and Hikari Horaki and gave a sharp knock. She could hear the noise of someone getting up from somewhere inside and then a voice she hadn't heard in five years emanated through the blue wooden door.

"Wer ist es?"

"Um…it's Misato Katsuragi."

"Ernst Nehmen? Misato?"

The door swung open suddenly to reveal Asuka Langley Soryu, nineteen years old and clearly as stunning as ever.

"Mein Gott! I…I…I can't believe that it's really you!"

"I know. It's been a long time," Misato said.

Suddenly Asuka sprang forward and gave her former guardian a very unexpected hug. Misato was taken aback as the two of them had not parted on the greatest of terms.

"What are you doing here?" Asuka said with a skeptical look as she broke away from the embrace

"Actually I've come to offer you a summer job."


Eiji Narita placed his teacup back onto the coffee table coaster of Kozo Fuyutski's home and spoke.

"Come on let me see it."

Fuyutski glared at the enthusiastic young JSSDF officer in front of him. He knew that Narita had had family that had worked for NERV but he had never actually met the man in person until today.

"A Military liaison at twenty-five years of age is extremely impressive Mr. Norita but I think that you still have a lot of growing up to do."

"Just let me see it," Norita said with a grin.

Fuyutski sighed, "Fine." He reached down and extended his leg to where Norita could see it and rolled up the cuff on his right pant leg to reveal a yellow and black striped bracelet. There was a small electronic device attached to it that flashed a soft red light every five seconds.

"Hey, beats the hell out of prison," Norita said.

Fuyutski smiled through his teeth, but it was true nonetheless. After the debacle of third impact had concluded and the world rebuilding process had gotten underway the Japanese government had needed a scapegoat.

"The court understands that Gendo Ikari is of primary blame here," the judge had said, "but that does not relieve you Dr. Fuyutski of the part that you had to play in all of this. However considering your huge contribution to the defense of Japan during the Angel attacks and the lack of direct evidence implicating you in the third impact plot…"

Fuyutski knew that he had managed to escape the entire thing with a highly lenient punishment. Six years of house arrest and permanent probation in Tokyo 3 certainly could have been much worse, but something about the tone of this Norita upstart irked him.

"Look Mr. Norita what exactly is it that you need from me?"

"Why the rush? You got someplace else to go?" Norita asked with another sip of his tea.

Fuyutski opened his mouth to respond but Norita waved the question away and produced a manilla folder out of the black briefcase he had brought with him. He reached into the folder and threw three large photographs onto the coffee table.

"We found that in a recently discovered synthetic Geofront in South America yesterday morning. There's NERV logos stamped all over the damn thing. 'God's in his Heaven all's right with the world' and all that nonsense. You want to tell me what the hell it is?"

Fuyutski grabbed the first photograph which showed the opening to a Geofront. The second picture was an inside shot of the facility with the NERV logo clearly visible.

The third shot was the face of an enormous half organic, half robotic looking creature.

"I have no idea," Fuyutski responded.

"You're lying."


"What if I told you that it moved yesterday? That's how we found it. Seismographs. It's waking up. Still don't know anything?"

Fuyutski looked away.


Toji Suzuhara waved and said hello to the pretty girl that sat across from him in his American literature class at Stanford. He was still a bit embarrassed about how he tended to slur his 'R's' and 'L's' into each other, but he was getting better speaking English aloud. He was still far better with reading it.

"Okay," the professor said, "You're going to have an hour and a half to write on either the first question or the second question and then I'm done with you. Go home to your families."

Toji wasn't too nervous. He was on exchange from Tokyo 3 University and all that they really cared about was the improvement of his English skills and him having a 'strong cultural experience'. Everything was more or less like this now. The Japanese government would pay for him to go to school pretty much everywhere seeing as he was a "damaged former EVA child." Paying for school was frankly the least that they could do for what had been termed the "psychological trauma" that the government had consented for the EVA kids to be subjected too. Shinji got similar special treatment, Toji knew, and though he hadn't spoken to Asuka in over five years he was sure she was getting some version of the same deal. Toji certainly didn't have the grades or the brains to go to Stanford on his own, but there wasn't a University on the planet that would deny entry to a former EVA kid.

Toji received his copy of the test from the professor and pulled a blue pen out of a pouch in his backpack. Before he looked at the either of the two questions he scratched at the place where his prosthetic leg met his real one. It was a nervous habit he had developed long ago. He wasn't nervous about the test, it was his return to Tokyo 3 that had him nervous. He had already emailed Shinji to inform him that he would be coming home for the summer but the thought of having to see the city where he had lost the remainder of his family again was almost too much to bear. Toji hadn't realized how much resentment he felt towards the place until he had left for his year on exchange. There was a part of him, and he wasn't sure how strong, that never wanted to go back to Japan ever again.


Shinji sat at a noodle stand while he digested his ramen as well as the email he had just received from Toji Suzuhara. He was excited to get to see his friend again, although he always felt guilty over Toji's disability. He still felt somehow responsible for the damage that Unit 01 had inflicted while under the control of the Dummy Plug System. But he truly did miss Toji, and Kensuke who he hadn't seen since he had entered the millitary. It had been at least a year or so since he had seen Misato as well, and of course there was Asuka…Shinji hadn't spoken to her since that day they had awoken on the beach after third impact ended. Shinji knew that the silence between him and Asuka, and the distance between them, physical and otherwise, was monumental. He didn't like to think about it. In fact, he tried very hard not to think about Asuka Langley Soryu at all if he could possibly avoid it.


Hikari Horaki found herself eavesdropping on Asuka and Misato's entire conversation from the safety of the kitchen.

"So will you accept, Asuka?" Misato asked.

Hikari's curiosity drove her to take a peak around the kitchen wall to try and get a look at Asuka's expression. Misato had spent the better part of a half an hour laying out one of the most enticing job offers Hikari had ever heard. After third impact NERV's resources had been taken over by the U.N. and used to help rebuild the infrastructure of the world. Misato had been asked to remain on as operations director of the project. Now that everything had been more or less rebuilt, NERV's function was to change again. This time the organization would be used as a humanitarian operation. NERV would use its global reach to try and raise the standard of living among what remained of the earth's population, helping in any way that it could. Asuka had just been offered a paid summer internship to be a part of that. To travel all over the world assisting NERV operations.

"Asuka?" Misato repeated.

"I'll accept," she said, "On one condition. Hikari comes too."


"It was Gendo's trump card," Fuyustki began as Norita looked on. "The Project-E that resulted in the Evangelion was only one of several projects that were being developed at GEHIRN before the success of Project-E warranted the creation of the military based NERV operation. There was another project, supposedly abandoned, called Project-S."


"That's correct. SEELE's Dead Sea scrolls offered multiple scenarios for the activation of the third impact. Project-E was eventually selected because it was the most controllable by human standards. But bits of Project-S were incorporated as well. The eventual Dummy Plug system was based on Project-S research. While the Dummy Plug system approximates the digital data of the mind and attempts to imitate the human soul in order to activate an Evangelion, Project-S went far beyond that. Before it was shut down the Project-S team was able to synthetically create an actual autonomous human soul."

"Wait. You're talking about the real thing, not just an imitation like the Dummy Plug?" Norita asked, stunned.

"That's correct. It's not quite as glamorous as I'm making it sound however. The souls that were produced were extremely rudimentary and simple, far less complex than a normal person's soul."

"In what way?"

"The human soul that we know incorporates all aspects of human personality and developmental response to some degree. They are highly complex and dynamic, an essential piece of what makes us human. The souls created from Project-S were highly primitive however, and merely relegated themselves to the most basic of human behaviors. They were beings of survival that operated on impulse."

"What do you mean basic impulse?"

Fuyutski cleared his throat. "The most basic of human impulses are of course the sins. Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, Lust, Pride, and Envy. All of those behaviors are of course primary, base, and destructive for humans. The seven souls that were produced under Project-S all exhibited those behaviors to some degree or another."

"You said the Evangelions were selected because they were more controllable?"

"Yes. The SINs, as the Project-S souls were dubbed, were as I said totally autonomous. They were completely beyond human control once released, their only objective being to initiate third impact at any cost by acquiring the Lance of Longinus and absorbing the souls of Adam and Lilith into their bodies. The Project-S team used samples of Adam's genetic material left over from the Katsuragi second impact expedition along with Human genetic material to fill in the missing gaps. The SIN souls were then implanted into seven of those harvested bodies."

"That's possible?"

"Well no. Not exactly. The project did not go as intended. If the Evas are an example of normal controlled tissue growth to create a perfect clone of an Angel then the SINs are surely the opposite. The S-Team was never able to control the genetic growth of the specimens. They replicated and grew in a malignant way, not unlike a tumor or a cancer. They slowly grew more volatile and less controllable, and of course more powerful."

"So they were abandoned in favor of the more controllable but less powerful Evangelion?"

"That's the official story. In truth Gendo was double-dealing with the Americans. The SINs were supposedly destroyed once their malignant growth capabilities were discovered at the cellular level. But the truth is Gendo had the whole project moved to what would become a NERV branch in Nevada."

"But why?"

"He probably kept the project going in case the Japanese government or SEELE ever turned on him, which of course they eventually did. But by that point the SINs were beyond his reach."

"Why?" Norita asked.

"Because all of the project data was stored at the Nevada NERV branch. And when it disappeared into a Dirac sea the secret locations of all the SINs were lost."

"But not anymore," Norita added.

"No it would seem not."

"So there could be potentially hundreds of these samples just hidden away and growing stronger?"

"No. There are only seven. The Dead Sea Scrolls only gave enough information to create seven, there wasn't enough raw resources to make anymore than that."

"So we find all seven and destroy them before they activate," Norita said.

"It's the activation that worries me," Fuyutski said, "They can't activate on their own. If one of them is moving like you say, then someone is pulling the strings somewhere."

"That's even better. If we can smoke this mystery man out we can end this thing quickly. I have only one more question," said Norita, his tone almost excited.

"You said the SINs are compelled to initiate another potential third impact by acquiring the lance of Longinus and the souls of Adam and Lilith, all of which were recovered after the end of the third impact, yes? Where exactly do those things currently reside?"

Fuyutski smiled. "Where else? Terminal Dogma below NERV Japan."


Asuka Langley Soryu glanced out the window of the NERV transport flying her, Hikari, and Misato back to Japan. The plane should be getting close to arriving soon, Asuka thought. Everything had ended in Germany so quickly she had barely had a chance to process the new direction her life had taken.

When they were packing up she had asked Misato if Shinji was going to be a part of the new NERV operation.

"I sent him an email and I called a few times," Misato had said, "But he never responded, not that I'm surprised. Shinji doesn't trust anyone these days, and certainly not NERV or the government."

"Thank God," Asuka had responded, "the thought that I would have to work with that moron again would have given me nightmares."

Asuka could feel herself shift in her seat as the plane changed directions and began circling around. The plane's intercom crackled to life and the pilot spoke:

"If any of you ladies care to see it Tokyo 3 is visible out the window to your left."

Asuka looked back out the window at the island of Japan. He's down there, she thought, somewhere.


Toji Suzuhara, now off of his flight to Japan, had not yet left the airport. Part of him debated whether or not he should just get back on a plane to America, or to anywhere else. He could feel the old pain in his leg as he walked the crowded hallways of Tokyo 3 international debating whether or not to call Shinji for a ride. He pulled out his cellular phone and found Shinji's number in his address book.

"Oh come on Suzuhara," he said to himself, "Stop being a baby."


When the plane with Misato Katsuragi landed on a military base in Tokyo 3 Eiji Norita was there to meet it. He wasted no time in telling her about the information he had learned from Fuyutski.

"I don't believe this," Misato said.

She and Norita were alone now in an empty terminal.

"Believe it."

"But NERV just got the go ahead for a world wide aid program," she protested.

"This order supercedes that. As you know you fall under the jurisdiction of the Japanese government now. NERV is to be re-retrofitted to assume its earlier defensive purpose. If what Fuyutski told me is true then we will need the help of the Evas to destroy these Project-S SIN things and the person who is behind their activation."

"This isn't possible."

"The government wants you to remain on as operations director."

"Coaching battles huh?"

"Yes," Norita said, "I'm supposed to be your contact for the government and the defense force."

"You mean you're here to hold my leash."

"Something like that."

"So what's the first order of business?" Misato asked both knowing and dreading the answer.

"I've already begun attending to it. I have people dispatched to round up Ikari and Suzuhara as we speak."


Stay tuned for the next exciting chapter of Evangelion: Sins of the Father

2:The Crushing March of Time:2