I do not own Twilight or Sweet Home Alabama.

I got my inspiration for this story from the movie Sweet Home Alabama. Any direct quotes from the movie are in italics. No copyright infringement is intended. The story is different, but that's where I got the general storyline.

Summary: Bella Swan and Edward Masen were ten year old soul mates. Bella moved to New York and gets engaged to a famous NFL player. But, she has some old business back in Forks to take care of first. Can Bella and Edward reignite old flames before it's too late? All human, normal pairings. Eventually.

Disclaimer: All direct quotes from the movie Sweet Home Alabama are in italics. Thanks guys. Review and let me know if this story is any good? Or if I should take it down and start a new one. Thanks!

Third Person POV

Bella and Edward: Age 10

Bella and Edward were bundled up in their winter coats, running down the cold white sand of First Beach, chasing after each other. Their mothers, Elizabeth and Renee, were the best of friends. Edward's father had died two years ago in a car accident. Edward and his mother became part of the Swan family quickly. Bella and Edward were inseparable.

Edward was trying his hardest to talk Bella into marrying him. Elizabeth and Renee looked on, perched on a large rock. They were huddled together in a blanket.

"Do you think he'll ever convince her?" Elizabeth laughed. Renee thought for a moment.

"I think they're meant to be together, I've always thought that. It might take him 15 years or so, but I think she'll cave eventually," Renee shrugged, smiling. Nothing would make her happier than a married Edward and Bella.

"Bella Masen…" Elizabeth sighed, then broke into a wide grin, looking over at Renee.

"I like it," Renee decided.

"Bella, why won't you marry me?" Edward asked, running his hands through his hair. A nervous habit of his. Bella grunted, sinking into the sand, pulling her knees to her chest. Edward sat close beside her, loosely throwing an arm around her shoulders to keep her warm. Bella looked deep in thought for a moment.

"Why do you want to marry me, anyway?" Bella asked with a smirk. Edward leaned in, their noses almost touching.

"So I can kiss you anytime I want," he explained simply, leaning in further until their lips touched.