Disclaimer: J.K Rowling owns all.

Okay here goes- first missing moment. Enjoy!!! I enjoyed writing these so I hope you have a good read.

Takes place as Ron is sent up to clean his room.

Wedding preparations

Ron stormed angrily up the stairs feeling his face flush. He wouldn't be surprised if steam was coming out of his ears at the very moment. He wasn't very sure as to why cleaning his room was bothering quite to this extent but he just couldn't believe how desperately his mother was trying to keep them apart!

He entered his room and made sure to slam the door deliberately hoping that everyone would hear his rage. He took the clothes lying around on the floor and on his bed and shoved them into his closet.

Mum isn't mental enough to check in there-

As he continued to hide his things in every undetected area, giving it the illusion of a tidy room he couldn't help but think the situation over. There was no denying it- he missed the company of both his best friends. He hadn't been able to plot anything with Harry despite the amount of time they'd already spent at the Burrow, not to mention a certain bushy hair girl, with whom he hadn't argued in weeks! And that, quite obviously was despicable and a complete break of tradition. Well obviously he didn't enjoy the actual fighting- but at least he got her attention. The way her eyebrows raised furiously, the way she pursed her lips, the way-

His thoughts where interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Oh I'm cleaning it, I'm cleaning it!" he grumbled loudly.

"No, Ron, it's me." Hermione answered stepping into his room- looking around as if inspecting the current tidiness of the place.

To her utter amazement, it did look surprisingly clean- and by the expression on her face it was clear she didn't trust it.

Ron noticed her looking suspiciously at his closet and decided to change the subject quickly.

"Why'd you knock? I told you, you don't really have to-"

Hermione smiled and replied uncertainly. "I thought you made it clear after the time I walked in on you changing to always knock.'

"Uh. Right- well…" his ears began to turn even pinker than before. He had let that moment slip his mind. A bit lost for words, he felt himself flush, and mentally named himself worlds biggest prat.

He laughed uncomfortably.

"You alright? You seem a bit flustered." She stated pointedly.

"Yeah, course-" Ron coughed, "why wouldn't I be?" He asked defensively.

She raised her arms, "Okay, whatever you say."

Ron was quite sure a smile was playing at her lips.

He thought back to Dumbledore's funeral and how close they'd been. He hoped that maybe after that he would be able to muster the courage to tell her how he felt about her. Unfortunately for him, though brave enough to accompany Harry on any adventure, risk his life for his friends, heck even face giant carnivore spiders, teenage girls and rejection continued to scare him. His thoughts were interrupted by a moan issuing from Hermione.

Noticing the Ron's bemused look, she flopped down on his bed.

"Sorry, I just wish that we could really enjoy our last days here, you know? Feels like we haven't even had a moment to sit and talk- to plan- or… I don't know, have fun?"

Before Ron could reply, she added, "I know that sounds terribly childish of me, but I'm scared. I really am and I wish we could spend our…" She stopped before she could bring herself to say 'final moments.'

Ron smiled at her understandably, "No, I understand. And Hermione- I'm scared too. We all are." Ron sat down right next to her- their sides touching, "And about our lack of freedom, Mum is being completely mental. I think she thinks keeping us occupied will delay us leaving. She'd be doing more good if she cut us some slack!"

"Though harshly put, I have to agree."

"How'd you get out of changing the sheets so quickly?" Ron asked suddenly, trying to distract Hermione from the somewhat darker topic they had began to discuss.

"Oh, your mum forgot that she had already asked Ginny to do that yesterday."

He turned his head to look at her. She continued to stare ahead. He couldn't help but notice that her profile was quite beautiful. Pretty enough to have been drawn or sculpted. She turned her head towards him too and gave him and smiled.

Her smile was so sincere it began to make him feel lightheaded. He felt as if this might have been a good moment to kiss her- they seemed to have incredibly vast amounts of these moments- but he refrained from doing so, as he always did. Ron was always too hesitant to act on these impulses.

"What is it?" Hermione giggled feeling a little self conscious as Ron blushed and looked away.

"Oh. I- I just- You- you reckon it'll take long to hunt down the horcruxes?"

Hermione looked confused and Ron was thankful for a scratch on his door.

Though thinking deeper into it, he wondered as to the source of the scratching was…

Noticing Ron's perplexed look she stated in a very light tone, "Don't strain yourself Ron it's just Crookshanks."

"Oh, shut it, I knew that." He said, getting up to let the cat in.

"Thank you Ron." Said Hermione smiling, 'I see that your hatred towards that cat has decreased considerably.

"You think so?" he teased, "I don't know about that yet."

The door creaked open and Crookshanks came strutting in as per usual, as if he might have owned the very world. Without warning whatsoever, as this cat never did give any signs of warning, he attacked Ron's bare leg hissing loudly.

"AHH! BLOODY HELL, HERMIONE GET THE RETCHED CAT OF ME!!" He fought the extreme urge to bang his leg hard against the wall, hurting that cat, but Hermione wouldn't be particularly pleased at this.

"No! BAD Crookshanks!" Hermione scolded pulling him off of Ron's leg. Crookshanks however did not want to let go yet, and dug his nails even deeper in Ron's skin making him shout and yell foul words at the world until the stupid cat could hold on no longer and gave away.

"Bad kitty! Now go on Crookshanks! You are not to come in here again." She opened the door and shooed the ginger cat away.

After shooting Hermione the nastiest glare his face could produce he sat back down on his bed.

"Thanks Hermione. I really needed that." He said to her sarcastically, examining his bleeding leg, trying to control his rage. "You and your damn bloody cat. Nothing but trouble, he is. Always attacking people…" He grumbled.

"I'm so sorry Ron.' She said sincerely. "He's never like that… I don't know what made him react that way…" She too began examining the numerous gashed on his leg, and put her cold fingers against the scratches. "Doesn't hurt that bad does it?"

"Oh no, not at all," he regretted the bitterness in his voice as he spoke.

"Sorry," she repeated again, "Here." She preformed a minor healing spell which made the scratches almost fade into nothingness.

"Oh." Said Ron taken aback. "Thanks, that was cool, what was it?

"Episkey," she answered.

As he lay back on his bed, she began searching for something in her book bag. He searched for a topic of conversation to start with her that might lead him into confessing the truth.

That was until Harry knocked on the door.

These people have the worst timing…

Hermione was thinking the same thing.

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