Disclaimer: do not own Inuyasha,

AN: So guys! How do you like the story so far? Any likes, dislikes? I think I'm getting better but it still sounds pretty amature to me. Anways just let me know what you think and what I can do to make it better. Thanks !

A Rushed Arrival

They had left the Western Castle that morning and were currently traveling towards the Chinatsu-Okiya. The group consisted of four soldiers, a full dog demon, an inu-hanyou, an inu youkai maid, a two headed dragon and a little green imp. They travelled quickly across the land, eating up great distances in little time. The Chinatsu-Okiya was located across Japan, nearby to the village of Edo.

"Oi Sesshoumaru, I'm tired. Can we stop to take a quick break?" Inuyasha hollered at his brother who was far ahead of him. They had been travelling since morning and he was getting tired and hungry. Leaving earlier then breakfast that morning had caused him to miss his most important meal of the day, and now because of it, he could feel effects hitting him. It wasn't 'til now though, that he noticed how fast his brother could go, or how much of a slave driver he was. The ass hadn't even given them a break one since starting out. Just because the pompous idiot could go for days on end without eating or resting, didn't mean he could.

Sesshoumaru turned back to look at his half brother, and sneered at how he was slowing the group down. "Half-breed are you incapable of handling a full day of travel? Why this Sesshoumaru commanded you to accompany me? I do not understand. If it were just Jaken and this Sesshoumaru traveling to the okiya, we would have reached by now."

Fuming at the nerve of his aniki, he hollered back. "Feh! Fucking ass! I wouldn't be so damn hungry and fricking tired if you had not insisted on leaving the damn castle before breakfast. What's the fucking rush any ways? You cant wait to see your wen-" In a split second, before he could finish the sentence, a vice grip held his throat as he dangled in the air.

Sesshoumaru towered over him, hissing into his face. "Half-breed, if you were full youkai you wouldn't need to eat so often. But since you are but a half-breed you cant." Dropping his brother into a heap on the floor, he walked away from him and towards the large tree standing erect at the end of the clearing. "Hanyou have your break and make it quick. This Sesshoumaru will not wait for you long." Gracefully sitting under the tree, he leaned against it and closed his eyes.

Jaken who'd been silently watching 'til then, piped in his little two cents. "Be happy Lord Sesshoumaru will give you time, you foolish han-"

"Shut up Jaken."

"Yes my Lord. Sorry my Lord. It will not happen again my Lo-" He squeaked loudly, shaking in fear.

"Now." He cut him off yet again.

"Sorry…" He squeaked, then gulped down the very large - something - that had gotten stuck in his throat. Oh how his Lord could be just so scary at times, and unpredictable as well. For the first few centuries of his Lord's rule, he hadn't even bothered to plan the day next, because he was so sure he probably wouldn't live to see the morrow.

Inuyasha glared at the youkai across the clearing from him before pushing himself off the ground and heading toward the stream that was right outside the clearing. Grumbling some of his favourite curse words under his breath, he rolled up his hakamas and then the sleeve of his haori before walking into the stream and bending over to look for fish. When one swam by his sharp claws shot forward and speared the fish before plucking it from the water. Leaving the stream, he walked to the two headed dragon and the paused in front of him. "Ah-Un, do me a favour blow some fire so I can cook this fish quickly."

Ah snorted at the hanyou and Un rolled his eyes. Un opened his large mouth and blew fire before Inuyasha could jump out the way. When the fire stopped, it left a charred hanyou and a burnt to the max fish. Cursing the two headed dragon to hell, Inuyasha threw away the burnt fish and plopped down in the middle of the clearing. "I don't feel hungry anymore."

Sesshoumaru who had ignored the hanyou's actions until Ah-Un had charred him nicely, snickered inwardly at his little brother. When Jaken gave him no entertainment, Inuyasha sure did. Resting his head against the bark of the tree, he allowed his eyes to close slowly. He spread his youki across the land and scanned for nearby threats when he stopped on the presence of four… no six youkai, heading their way fast. His eyes snapped open and he rose to his feet in seconds. "Inuyasha we have company."

The soldiers moved quickly to different spots in the clearing and crouched into an defensive stance, waiting for the demons to reveal themselves. Sesshoumaru rested his hand on the hilt of his sword and Inuyasha pulled out a fully transformed Tetsuaiga (Sesshoumaru doesn't have Tokijin only Tensaiga and a nameless sword, but Inuyasha does have Tetsuaiga since he is still hanyou). Jaken scrambled to grab his Staff of Two Heads and sat poised for action on the back of a tense Ah-Un. Lastly Hizuri hid in the bushes opposite of the direction the youkai were approaching from. She didn't need her Lord to tell her that her presence would only distract them in battle.

They stood poised for action for what seemed like hours, when six boar youkai came crashing into the clearing. Sesshoumaru who was first to act, snapped his wrist toward the first one on the right. Calling forth his poison whip, it whipped across the clearing towards the boar before it cleanly sliced off his neck. Retracting his whip, he returned his hand to the hilt of his sword. "Who sent you?" He said, his voice cold.

The boar youkai who had stood next to the dead one, looked at him with red gleaming eyes and shouted. "What'sit toya bastard?" Shooting forward toward Sesshoumaru at a disappointing rate, in his opinion, the boar was easily cut down by Inuyasha before it was even ten feet within his vicinity. "Oi! Who you calling bastard? I'll show you not to talk to my aniki like that!"

Swinging his sword high then slashing downward to the ground, he brought forth "Wind Scar!" The last of the boar youkai were gone when then the wind finally died down, even the body of the first dead boar was gone. Lugging his large sword onto his shoulder, he turned to Sesshoumaru and huffed proudly. Sesshoumaru merely glanced at him then turned his attention to picking imaginary dirt from his kimono. "Half-brother."

Inuyasha balked at his older brother but didn't even bother to reply to his words. The bastard was such a bastard sometimes. "Whatever, let's just finish off the last of these youkai." The moment the last word slipped from his mouth, another entourage of youkai crashed into the clearing, but this time instead of weak boars they were chameleons. Four in total, the between the group before morphing into a choice person.

Sesshoumaru could have laughed, if he wasn't so pissed, at the chameleons for actually thinking that would work. Inuyasha and he, were inu youkai and so were the soldiers with him. Such a sad attempt at confusing them would fail miserably. Though the fact that they would try something so pitiful, made him wonder if whoever sent them honestly thought he was weak or stupid. The audacity of whoever their master was, he would die for such a slight against him.

"Who sent you?" He repeated his earlier question. Maybe if they were stupid enough to try this, they were stupid enough to answer. Inuyasha… or one of the two Inuyashas turned to look at him with an incredulous look on his face. "Sesshoumaru do you actually think they'll answer?" He said.

A striped wrist flicked, a poison whip flashed, and the silvery head of the youkai which reverted back to its true form, fell to the ground. The real Inuyasha almost had a heart attack. "The FUCK! How you know he was fake?" Sesshoumaru spared him a glance before flicking his whip towards the "other" Sesshoumaru and beheading him as well. "Inuyasha, you swear in every sentence." Inuyasha paled briefly then turned red with anger. "And THAT'S how you decided I was the real one? You bastard!"

Sesshoumaru almost cringed at his high pitch. "Silence half-breed." He hissed, still concentrated on beheading each impostor one by one. "This Sesshoumaru merely sniffed him out, as you would say." Ignoring his reply after that, he beheaded the last of the youkai. How could someone send those two sets of youkai after him? They were absolutely pitiful.

Two more youkai slithered onto the scene without the group noticing. The shadow youkai, slipped around them, swirling in the darkness created by the now rising moon. Sesshoumaru who was commanding the group to be ready for departure, didn't even suspect that they were no longer alone.

The weaker of the two slipped out of Inuyasha's shadow and grabbed his feet, he pulled him down into the shadow with him. Inuyasha froze in fright before coming to his senses and struggling against the shadow demon. Trying to yank his feet free of the black wispy hands holding them; he unsheathed his sword and unsuccessfully tried to chop them off.

Sesshoumaru whipped around and moved toward his brother, intent on trying to save his worthlessness but was stopped when another youkai stepped out from the shadows of the forest around them. The youkai had long onyx black hair being held up in a high ponytail. His eyes were completely black as well, there were no pupils or whites. Three thick dark green slashes covered the left side of his face from his brow to the juncture between his neck and shoulder. The demon hissed loudly at Sesshoumaru, who scoffed at him unaffected by his attempt to scare him. That was simply preposterous.

The shadow demon lunged at him and Sesshoumaru easily evaded the tips of his claws, as he flipped away. The demon attempted again to hit his person, but with each try the demon was left with a claw full of air. Sesshoumaru paused a few metres away from the demon, waiting to see what he would do next. Trying for the last time to get some sort of information from the demons attacking his pack, he grumbled low. "Who sent you?"

The youkai stopped right before he was to lunge again and weighed his next actions in his mind. "You need not know who my Master be. You only need know the name of the demon who will end your life." He bent into a fighter stance, his hand passing over his hip. Grasping a katana, he pulled it free from the sheath and held it out, pointing it at the Lord. "My name is -" Flipping through the air, he brought his katana down against Sesshoumaru's raised sword and hissed in his face. "- Mirabishi." Pushing off the force of Sesshoumaru's blade, he threw himself back and landed a few feet away.

Appearing behind the youkai named Mirabishi, he brought his sword down at an amazing speed, but Mirabishi easily moved out of the path of the sword. Countering the attack, he slashed at the opening Sesshoumaru had left unintentionally. The tip of the katana grazed by the side of Sesshoumaru's abdomen leaving a rip and a thin line of blood. Mirabishi slashed his katana again but missed as Sesshoumaru twisted out of the way, narrowly missing it.

Gauging his next attack, Sesshoumaru warily circled the youkai. He was almost if not as fast as he, this didn't bode well. He could see Inuyasha still struggling to release himself from the grips of the shadow demon hidden in the ground, but he couldn't help him at the moment. Deciding the best course of action was to end the battle as quickly as possible, he sheathed his sword and cracked his knuckles. Summoning his poison whip, he sent it flying towards the demon effectively leaving four deep gashes in the youkai's chest.

At the second crack of Sesshoumaru's whip, Mirabishi rushed to the side in an attempt to leave the whip's path, but with the inu youkai spinning with his whip outstretched like that almost anyone in the clearing would be hit. So in his failing try, the poison whip slid across his neck leaving a slightly deep gash that went from his jaw down to the his shoulder. Poison from the whip began to bubble and seep into his wounds, quickly spreading to the rest of his body. It sped around, inside his body. Going through his veins and rushing until it reached his heart, where it was pumped to the rest of the body.

Dark dots soon muddled his sight but Mirabishi didn't let it affect him. Going back onto the offensive, he raised his katana and in a mighty roar, unleashed his "Dark Wave!". With the full attack unleashed into the clearing, he slumped to the ground and breathed heavily at exerting himself so much. The poison flowing happily through his veins didn't help either. The dark purple wave swiftly filled the clearing and sped towards a readied Sesshoumaru and an unaware Inuyasha.

Inuyasha who was preoccupied with his own problems, was still struggling to free himself from the grasp of the shadow demon. Snarling at the unseen demon, he slashed his claws at the hands but they just passed through. "The fuck?" Pulling Tetsuaiga from the sheath, it transformed as he shoved the tip of the blade into the hands of the shadow demon. A screech sounded from below him as the ghostly black/blue hands bled a dark red blood and removed itself from his ankles to recede back into the ground. Laughing triumphantly as moved to sheath Tetsuaiga, Inuyasha noticed the looming darkness that towered him from behind. Turning his head slightly, he paled when realizing that a very powerful looking attack was speeding towards him. Spinning around and raising Tetsuaiga in what was thought to be his last actions in the world, he squeezed his golden eyes shut and whimpered slightly while waiting for what would be a devastating impact.

Sesshoumaru who had raised his pathetic little blade, which he would need to replace as soon as he returned to the castle; raised it towards him, summoned what little magic was left in it and pushed back the "Dark Wave". Propelled back from the momentum and power in the push of Sesshoumaru's now broken sword, the attack rushed backwards towards its creator, who sat breathing heavily on the ground. Mirabishi looked up when the light green of the grass became dark green, to find his attack crashing down on him. The only thought he had time to conjure up being, Damn that dog.

Slightly irritated at the breaking of the puny sword and satisfied with defeating the demon, Sesshoumaru flung it across the clearing. "Let us be on our way. It is reasonable to believe that the shadow demon you could not defeat Inuyasha will be returning at any moment and most likely with backup."

Hizuri stepped from the bushes, brushing her kimono off and pulling twigs and leaves from her long deep blue locks. "Yes milord." She bowed when presentable then moved to mount Ah-Un and sit behind a somewhat distrait green imp. Ah-Un took off immediately when she patted his side and flew through the air ahead of his lord, towards the Chinatsu-Okiya and leaving behind Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru.

"Keh! The hell was I supposed to kill something in the ground? I didn't see your icicle ass helping me! At least I got it to get the fuck off me" He fumed, sheathing his sword and then crossing his arms. The most ugly grimace settling on his face as he stared at almost mirror image gold eyes and a raised brow.

If he wasn't Sesshoumaru, which he was, he would have laughed at his mentally challenged little brother. "This Sesshoumaru… help you? Hn. I will let what you just said go, since you did give this Sesshoumaru the most pleasant image. This Sesshoumaru found it unbelievably amusing when you squeezed your eyes shut and whimpered little brother. Not very befitting of a Western General, ne?" Walking away from his brother, he slipped into the clearing and left his brother behind who was almost red with embarrassment. Picking up his speed when he felt his brother rapidly closing in on him, he sped towards the okiya. It seemed that there could be no dilly dallying on the journey to the okiya, he was in no mood to fight another youkai without a sword.


"Okay Rin, now you have scoop some of the special mixture of soil like this -" She paused her instruction to demonstrate how to scoop the soil with the little hand shovel, Rin repeated her action clumsily. "- good now you pour a generous amount around the flower -" Another pause as the two did the step in the procedure "- now pat the soil down around the flower with your hands. Don't be afraid to get a little dirty, you wont get in trouble for it." Kagome instructed while she patted the soil into the ground around the little pink flower. The light aroma of the lily wafted up to her and tickled her nose causing her to sneeze. Swatting the air as if to shoo the little tufts of pollen floating around, then rubbing her nose aggressively with the back of her hand, she mentally told herself to remember to take her herbs for the sneezing. She'd forgotten that morning in the rush Rin had, had her in to go take care of the "prettyful flowers of the garden.".

Gazing up at the crystal clear blue sky and the brilliant blazing gold sun, Kagome closed her eyes and let the gentle breeze sweep around her, swaying her hair and rustling her untraditional kimono. The hot rays of the sun beat down on her and warmed her body up, while the somewhat cool breeze kept the temperature comfortable. A contented sigh on her lips, she smiled softly and just basked in the sun. drowning out everything around her she let her mind just drift away into LaLa Land. What she found in it snapped her back into reality.

Why cant I keep my mind off of that Lord? I'm always catching myself daydreaming about long, tempting silver-white hair and fiercely blazing golden eyes. She'd met him… what only two times? Even though she may not have received male attention in a long time and was only once in a while in the same room with one, she couldn't very well have a crush on the guy because of her lack of experience right? Maybe that's it! Aha Kagome, for a second there I thought you were interested in him. Nope, its just because of your lack of experience in receiving male attention that you've developed this childish crush. Nodding her head vigorously at the thought, she returned to pouring soil onto the flowers and patting the flowers down. Yes that sounds reasonable. What would be expected of a twenty four summers female, who's only ever received male attention… from him, Naraku and Sesshoumaru…

"Okaa-san? Why are you pouring the soil on the flowers and patting them into the ground? You told Rin to pour around not on." She asked since she was very confused as to what to do now. Wasn't she supposed to be following Kagome's instruction? Even though she was supposed to, she couldn't help but feel that patting the flowers into the ground wasn't beneficial to helping them grow big and strong.

Kagome's dainty hands stopped in their unconscious destruction of the flower. Frowning down at the crumpled and slowly dying lily, her brow creased in frustration. "Um, you'd be right Rin. Sorry about that. How 'bout we move onto the Moon Flower? I want to show you how to take care of the flower without being injured." Raising from the gravelled path and dusting off the dirt from her kimono. Offering her hand to the little girl still on the ground, Rin grasped it and Kagome led her towards the flower nestled in a bush nearby.

As they approached the flower, Kagome quickly glanced back at the okiya and in the direction of the inn and the ochaya. Not spotting anyone, she resumed her stroll with the little girl to the Moon Flower, her prized possession. As the little hidden away section came into view, she started her instructions again. "Alright Rin. The flower is protected by a barrier of holy energy, only I can safely touch it. No demon, not even a human, can touch the barrier only I." They stopped before the flower and Rin knelt down before it to gaze quizzically at the flower. She'd never seen one like it before, that's for sure.

"Yes okaa-san Rin understands. Don't touch." She whispered up to her okaasan. Tilting her head back and looking up at her mother, she grinned at the happy look that had replaced her okaa-san's normally stoic face. She gazed up at the beautiful woman in front of her and once again sent a prayer up to the Kami's in the sky watching over her, thanking them for giving her another chance and with Kagome for a mom.

Her mother was ningen, but the most kind and beautiful ningen she'd ever met. Which wasn't a lot might I add. Sometimes she would stare at her reflection in the clear water that filled the large basins used for washing one's self. At times she would compare herself to her okaa-san and which whole heartedly that one day she'd grow up to be half the woman Kagome was. Rin watched the long black swaying tendrils of hair that fell from her okaa-san's unbelievably sloppy, but still pretty, bun. How she loved her mother dearly.

Kagome looked down at the little demoness and found the most contented and loving look a person could be capable of. She'd always known that Rin had seen her as her mother, it was pretty obvious since every time she told her that she didn't have to call her okaa-san Rin would become dramatically appalled and scold her that she was okaa-san and nothing else. The little girl was really too wise for her age, right now the loving look a child would only give their mother and also the wisdom that shown below it, unnerved her a tad bit. Not much really, just you know a little. But hey who wouldn't be nervous when they had a fifty to one hundred fifty year old demoness see them as a mother, especially when you were a ningen who feared love and all that came with it.

Desperately trying to distract herself from her thoughts and wipe that cruelly loving look off the girl's face, Kagome cleared her throat nervously and continued with the instruction. "I promise you Rin, that the result of touching the barrier will not be pleasant. I wouldn't want your hand getting fried off because you decided to take a chance, so just don't try. K?" Rin who'd noticed her mother's nervousness in the shift of her scent and the erratic movements of her eyes, nodded silently at her words and did her best to hide away the feelings she felt for her. Of course she'd heard some of the things they said about her okaa-san, she was after a human in a demon okiya, so no matter what she was always part of the gossip. More particularly though of Kagome's past, what she had left behind when she'd been saved by Akira-obachan. So it wasn't hard for even a child of her age to grasp that her okaa-san was extremely frightened by love.

"Good. There will be times when I wont be able to tend to the flower, so I wish for you to do it then. All you have to do is pour water over the flower and it will pass through the barrier without hindrance. Watch." In quick strides for her short height, Kagome retrieved the water container for her flowers and returned to her spot before the flower. Tilting the large container forward, water streamed from the tip to the flower like a waterfall. It passed through the barrier without difficulty and proceeded to rain on the Moon Flower which eagerly drank up. "See Rin -" She said. Straightening the container in her hand to stop the flow of water, she corked the top so none could escape by accident. "That is how you water the flower. Oh also, this flower only needs half of what other flowers normally need, so try not to over water."

Putting the container on the ground next to her feet, she grabbed the little girl's hands and dragged her to her feet. Dusting off specks of dirt and gravel from the little girl's clothing, not realizing how motherly the actions were, she groomed 'til she approved of Rin's appearance. "There, okay now help me gather all the materials and tools we used so one of the hands can store them back into the shed for me. Shouldn't take very long."

Not too long after they'd finished cleaning up their mess and gathered all their stuff. Kagome had sent Rin to find the stable boy so the items could be put away and now she sat under her beloved Sakura tree waiting for the return of the little girl with the young demon. Happy with the silence around her and the peace she was being granted, she leaned back against the tree and closed her eyes. Staying like that for only a few moments caused her to slip into unconsciousness as she fell into a deep sleep.

But unfortunately for her, the peace was short lived. The loud raucous of a group of demons approaching the okiya… no now entering the okiya woke her with a start from her pleasant, mind you, really pleasant nap that consisted of dreaming of a certain demon with long silverfish hair and golden eyes. Peeved from being interrupted from her nap, she left the bench in a huff and went to find the source of all the noise. Obviously the idiot patrons of her okiya didn't know how to keep bloody quiet.

Turning the corner she walked right into hard muscles and bone armour. Stumbling back from the impact, she fell backwards towards the hard ground. Squeezing her eyes shut and waiting for the impact that would surely leave her with a bruised bottom, she gave into the inevitable. Lucky for her a strong pair of arms wrapped around her waist and halted her ascent towards the ground. Opening one eye to peek at her saviour she saw a demon who looked very much like her Lord. "Sesshoumaru?" She peeped out softly.

Said demon, who's name is not Sesshoumaru but actually Inuyasha almost died when the beautiful ningen who had walked into him, almost fell to the ground, saved from a sore behind, had mistaken him for his brother and had the audacity to call him Sesshoumaru too. He'd struck the pot of gold and had saved this beauty who would obviously return the "favour" later on, but that gold had turned into copper when she'd whispered his brothers name. The bastard had horrible timing, and he hadn't even done anything. Deciding he didn't like the wench anymore he released her and watched as she resumed her ascent to the floor.

Falling hard on the ground, the impact jarred her and she could feel the jolts flowing through her. Kami how it hurt, she would never sit down on anything but a cushion again. When the stinging had lessened, she turned blazing blue eyes to the snickering hanyou standing above her. "The HELL did you do that for you dumbass?" She snapped in anger. Dragging herself from the floor, she stood before the hanyou and straightened herself to her full height in an attempt at intimidating him and poked a nimble finger against the exposed part of his chest.

Appalled that the ningen would even have the competence to be angry, but even to poke him in the chest AND call him a dumbass, he couldn't help but think that he'd let the wrong ningen drop to the ground. "Oi wench, shut your fucking talking and go get me a room." Was his smart remark.

Her anger grew a few more notches as she stared down the arrogant hanyou. She would have felt bad for mistaking him for Sesshoumaru but now she was really pissed. The demon before her looked almost exactly like Sesshoumaru except shorter, more rugged and gruff and unkept. Plus his face and eyes expressed way more than her stoic shokyaku did. "DON'T you swear at me. I OWN this okiya, I could have your ass kicked out of her within seconds." Harrumphing indigantly to herself, she spun away from the hanyou as she tried to cam herself as best she could. "Plus -" She said nonchalantly. "- I don't know how possibly I could have mistaken you for Sesshoumaru…"

Inuyasha grinned in triumph knowing that the woman would probably apologize and that he'd won the argument. His face fell at the last part of the sentence. "…when your no where near as handsome as he is." He felt those words in his groin, it was like a physical kick to the nuts. It was such a low blow, he had to give her some respect for the words, it was the type of thing he'd do and he liked her for it.

"So you find this Sesshoumaru handsome geisha?" A deep baritone voice broke in, Sesshoumaru walked around the corner at the moment accompanying the words.

Kagome and Inuyasha spun to look at the demon who'd entered the conversation. Kagome with a deep red blush on her face and Inuyasha who looked very irritated and probably at him if he was correct. "What?" Sesshoumaru asked innocently, an elegant brow raising into his silver brow. "Did this Sesshoumaru say something wrong?"

The two stood silent moments longer before wondering what could possibly be said at the moment, but of course Kagome and all her chatty glory broke the silence. "N-no, Ses-Sesshoumaru-sama, of c-course not." She stutter pathetically. How was she supposed to talk when she couldn't even calm the erratic movements of her heart, nor the abnormal problem affecting her breathing pattern.

Inuyasha sniggered beside her. "I love your stuttering wench. You ain't so big and bad now are you?"

Kagome fumed the hanyou was such a dick. "Why you?" She spun on him. "How 'bout you shut your foul mouth? Who's really afraid of Sesshoumaru? Cause I sure ain't." She sniffed indignantly. What was with rude hanyous anyways? This one had a mouth on him and he sure as hell didn't know when to keep that thing shut. She had a hunch that a few split lips would help show him the light though.

He decided to ignore what she said, it would be easier that way. "Hn, Inuyasha leave my geisha. Did I not order you to procure a room for the our entourage? Instead this Sesshoumaru finds you antagonizing my geisha. How utterly useless you are." He stated coldly. Baka.

"Feh! Whatever, your wench bumped into me." He huffed.

The conversation was again interrupted as a fourth party entered in. Little Rin stood beside her okaa-san and tugged her kimono to catch her attention. Kagome looked down at her startled and gave her a questioning look. "Rin will show the Lord's escorts to their rooms okaa-san." Kagome nodded dumbly. "Oh Rin, not the same one as before ask Kaede to show you which room I'll have them in this time. That one is not ready yet." Rin nodded and went to fetch Kaede.

"Sorry Lord Sesshoumaru but for the night you wont be able to stay in the room you were previously provided. Since I wasn't expecting you for a few more suns the room has yet to be prepared, but it should be ready for tomorrow. Also since nothing is prepared your session will be all other tomorrow instead of today." She explained.

Sesshoumaru nodded his head in acceptance, it seemed reasonable enough, they were after all early. The two then stood there looking at each other. Kagome fidgeted under his intense gaze but didn't dare look away, and Sesshoumaru tried to stare into her soul. When he felt satisfied he nodded again and ripped his gaze from hers to look at Inuyasha. "Half breed, when the young girl returns you will go get the others and show them their rooms as well."

"K." Inuyasha said. He didn't really want to say anything else because he was too busy observing his brother and his geisha's interactions. They acted strange when together to say the least. Kagome was fidgeting and Sesshoumaru seemed… odd. His bastard brother wasn't normal, so odd would have to do for now.

A silence filled the area as the three waited for Rin to return with Kaede and when she did they departed to get the others and visit their respective rooms. Inuyasha though had lingered longer hesitantly a few moments before reluctantly leaving and following behind the two. He'd glanced back at Kagome a few times until he had walked out of sight. Sesshoumaru had noticed this of course, but couldn't help but be feel irritated at it. Why? He couldn't fathom but he was. Looking at the geisha who had too left his company and was travelling back to the okiya to prepare for his session tomorrow, he watched her. The way she walked away, the shifting and sway of her dark pool of hair, and the rustling of her loose kimono in the air. Finally disappearing as his brother had before, he refocused his mind and left the spot, intent on going for a hunt. He felt like killing something.