Matt's POV

Oh my god. How… how did he find me? I thought… that everything was ok now that I was here. I thought I was safe. How did he know I was here? Did Mom… Mrs. Kamya… No. They wouldn't tell him? But then how? Who cares right now? I've gotta do something.

I narrow my eyes on the man in front of me… and kick his chin. He stubbles back as he lets out a yelp then looks back at me. He raises a hand and is about to strike me when I hear.

"Oh my god. Leave him alone!" Kari says.

"Kari…" Tai's lazy voice says from the other room. "What are you shouting about. It's too early."

"Matt's dad's here!!"

"WHAT?!" I look to my father and see him angrier then ever. He shoots his arm out and latches onto my shirt and pulls me up to his face. He used to do that when he had something to tell me when he was angry. He'd always pull me to his face and yell at me. That usually ended with a threat. Something his father would either follow out with or do the next best thing.

"You son of a bitch. Do you know what you put me through? I was fired from my job. My 'friends' aren't my 'friends' anymore. The police are against me now. I'm going to spend the rest of my life in the slammer." Dad started to walk towards me as the lights in the place started to go on. Dad lifted a hand high in the air and said, "And," He hit me. "All," He let me go and hit me.

"Stop it!" I don't know who shouted that. Everything was in a blur.

"Because." He hit me again. I force myself against the wall behind me and slowly sank to the floor in hope of getting away from the man I call father.

"Of you!" He hit me again and this time I was kneeling on the floor with tears in my eyes. I think someone tried to defend me because I could hear a shout and then a loud thud. I hope it wasn't TK. Or Tai and Kari but it had to have been one of them. I look up and see Tai, actually I see two of him, lying on the floor… uncurious. Kari screamed. I think it was his name. She runs towards him still wearing her pink, long nighty. She kneels down beside him and tries to wake him up but it doesn't work. A bit of blood is on his head… at least that's what I see.

TK shouted something at Dad but I couldn't understand him. My dad shouted something back and TK looked horrified by it. That's when I realized I had to help them. I have to do something. If they're around him like this, they'll get hurt. Like Tai was. But Dad only wants to get me. Maybe… hmm.

I start to stand up but realize that the room is spinning slightly so I decide to wait till I can stand, which I hope won't be long. I look up to see my father's yelling at me. About what? I can't tell. The letters and words are all jumbled into one another. I focus hard to try and decode what is being said. I can kinda understand but…

I try to stand up again and see that I can with out blacking out or something so I do… then I run.

"What?!" My father shouts. I run away from him and out the cabin door knowing very well that he will follow me in his pursue of revenge. I hear TK shout after me but I ignore him.

So I continue to run into the night. It's so dark that I can only tell if I'm going to run into a tree when it's too late. So I hold my hands in front of me and if I'm going to hit a tree I push off it to speed myself up. But it doesn't seem to be working.

I can hear my father's heavy feet pounding on the ground just behind me. But I bet he can't see me. Only hear me unless he can see better then I can. He might be able to. After all with my eating habit I won't have the proper nutrients to aid my eye sight and he does but he is older then me by a lot so maybe age has caused his sight to fade a bit. I could only hope. But even if I tried to stop and stand quietly so he can't find me it won't help. He's so close behind me. So I continue to run blindly into the forest.

Tai's POV

"How many fingers am I holding up" I hear my sister ask all of a sudden.

"You're holding up fingers?" I ask in reply.

"Kari… It works better if his eyes were open." TK speaks.

"Oh. Sorry. I'm just really worried. Matt's now out there with that…" she sighs. "And Tai's…" she sighs again.

What's going on? I can't remember anything. I struggle to open my eyes and when I do I regret it. I cover my eyes with my hand then feel a warm liquid on my forehead. I take my hand away and squint my eyes. I look at my hand and see blood. Am I bleeding? Am I hurt? I don't feel hurt… never mind.

I groan as the memories flood me. I sit up slowly and ask. "Where's Matt?"

"Tai…" Kari probably wants me to worry about myself right now.

"TK?" He'll tell me.

TK sighs and says. "He's out there." I see Kari glare at TK as he points towards the door. "I tried to call the police but the batteries were dead. Remember when you tried to get pizza to deliver to this cabin."

"I… I got to get to him." I try to stand but then feel Kari's hand on my shoulder.

"Tai. What can you do for him? They left five minutes ago. They're probably lost and it's too dark for you to find them anyways." I look around. I see the discarded flashlight and grab it.

"I'll take this." I feel Kari's shacking hand still on my shoulder holding tighter. I understand. She doesn't want to loose her brother. I pull her into a hug and say. "Don't worry. I'll be back. I just need to help him. Knowing him, that's what he's trying to do for us right now. So don't worry. Matt and I might fight a lot but when we work together nothing can stop us." I feel Kari nod her head on my shoulder and I pull back from her and stand up. With out even looking back I run into the dark forest beyond the still open door.

Matt's POV

My heart was pounding, my head was throbbing, I couldn't see a thing and the man I feared most was right behind me. What do I do…? I trip. A tree root coming out of the ground made me go crashing face first into the dirt. I rolled over in hopes that he won't get me. Fat chance. He stumbled over me and falls too. The moment he was on the ground he started to grab for me.

I rolled just on time to feel his hand swipe past my clothing. My side bangs into a tree and I was going to move but then his hand launched out and gripped my shirt.

"This is the last time your going to cause me any trouble." He says. I can't see his face and that's what scares me most. I don't know what he's going to do. I usually will read his face to know if I was going to be punched, pushed, shoved, kicked, anything but now I don't know. Anyone that says ignorance is bliss… eat dirt.

I brought my hand to his and tried, hopelessly, to free myself from his grasp. I felt his hand grab at one of mine and start to squeeze it. At first I didn't think it would hurt too much but then the fingers around my hand started to go tighter and tighter as if he was trying to break my hand… actually that's actually what he was trying to do.

Shit. I start pulling back on my hand but it doesn't help. I want to scream. I want to let the world now of my pain that my hand is getting. I want to call, shout, yell for help but I know no one will come and I don't want my dad to know of the pain he's inflicting on me right now.

My throat makes a weird sound. This hurts. "Let. Go." I say, my voice strangled. I start trying to pull my hand free with my other hand as well but then he starts to bend my arm back and I go further down then I was before. This time I don't hold it back… I scream.

He laughs. I hate him. Light. *thud* He lets go. A light ray pierces through the darkness like a ray of hope. I hear my fathers questioning voice as he, though I can't see him, raises to his feet. The light ray shifts through the darkness as if it were held by a ghost. The light turns to me and blinds me. I stand up and cover my eyes to see what's going on even though I know nothing can be seen.

That's when I hear a voice. "Geese Matt. Are you ok?" Tai's voice! I feel so happy. So relieved. He's ok. I thought my dad really hurt him earlier.

I nod as suddenly everything makes sense. I look at my hand that I'm having a very hard time moving right now. Then the light falls to the ground and rolls a bit so that Tai's now in the light. He's on his knees.

What? He's clutching his stomach. Dad. He hits Tai again. This time across his face. Back handed him.

"You always ruin everything, shit hole." Dad says in a low and menacing voice.

"No." I whisper and run towards the two. Afraid I'll trip over something and not be able to help I get close enough and lunge at my father. He stumbles a bit before tripping on something and falling.

I'm still standing but I don't waist time to get the flashlight. I turn the flashlight to my father to see him standing up. He's fuming. I turn the light to Tai to see him trying to stand up with his hand on his stomach. He looks up at me and is currently trying to figure out if it's me or my dad hold the light.

"Come on." I say. He recognizes my voice and lightens up a bit. I walk to him and offer him my hand. He gladly takes it, stands up and starts leading me through the trees with the light guiding us. I give him the flash light so he can use it. Then we start running.

We ran passing trees, avoiding puddles that were covered with thin ice, and knowing all to well the Dad is no more then a few steps behind us. Even though we have a light to keep track of our steps and dad is further behind then he was before we still have a disadvantage. He can see the light and knows by the inch to where we are.

I look behind me and don't see dad. All I hear are his heavy footsteps banging heavily against the ground to tell me where he is. I look forward again and still don't see the cabin.

I feel something hit my back and fall towards the ground while letting out a pain staking sound as a sudden, not to good, feeling shots through my back.

"Matt!" I hear Tai say as the light shines into my eyes. He has more common sense then to keep me in the spot light where my dad can see me so he turns it to my old man. I look up and see Dad smirking at the one just beyond the light. I see a large branch in my father's hands. That's what he probably hit me with.

My dad suddenly starts laughing. Why? Because of me? Tai? The cabin? Our situation? It could be because of a million reasons in which I don't know.

"Shut up!" Tai snarls. Snarls? I never heard Tai with so much venom in his voice. "Shut up you fucking psycho. Because of you we're out here in this cold. Because of you Kari's back there wondering if she'll ever see her brother alive again. Because of you Matt tried to kill himself. Because of you my mom and his had to send there children away. Because of you Matt is hurting all the time. You have NO RIGHT TO DO THIS TO HIM AND THE PEOPLE HE KNOWS!!!" I stand up and slowly walk towards Tai. I place a hand on his shoulder. He tenses for a moment before he realizes it's me. "You ok?" He asks softly.

I nod… then realize he can't see me and say, "Yeah… just a bit sore." That's an understatement but if I told Tai that I felt ten times worse then shit then he'd get himself killed trying to beat the men that's still in the light.

"You don't understand, do you?" Dad says.

"Understand what?" Tai asks the question I was thinking.

He chuckles. Dad pointed in my general direction as he said, "It was his fault James, my friend, died." I gasped. My fault… but how? What did I do?

"How can this be his fault? He had nothing to do with it."

"So you might think. But it was that bastards fault believe me or not…


"Please take a seat Mr. Ishida and Mr. Kenmore." A man with a retreating hair line said. The man was wearing a brown suit. He was sitting at a desk just like any business man would. He was Matt's father's boss. The two men sat. Mr. Kenmore or James sat in a comfortable chair beside his long time friend.

James and Malcolm exchanged glances to one another before they looked back at their boss.

"Thank you." Mr. Conal, their boss, said, "Now. I've called you two down here to discuss a job option. In Tokyo, it is believed, that a tourist attack will take place as of Sunday, in three days. The police know of this and plan to stop it. But it is not curtain that this will work. I am giving you the option to go there and get the story no matter what might turn out of this. It will be a bit dangerous which is why I choice you two, two of the most experienced in this station. Now if you do not want the job I can replace you but I wanted to give you two the first choice." James and Malcolm faces lit up with the chance to get a story like this for the TV station. But before they could say anything Mr. Conal started to talk again. "It is your choice but because of the danger with it I will give twenty four hours to decide and be curtain. Alright?"

"Yes sir." James spoke for both men.

"Good." Mr. Conal smiled and stood up, shortly followed by the other two men. They shook hands. "I hope you choose to accept." James and Malcolm turned and headed out of the office. Once the door was shut James turned to Malcolm.

"I think I might take it." Mr. Ishida said concerning the option. "How about you? I mean it is something hard to pass up in this kind of business."

"I'll do it if you do. After all I have plans no matter what. Either go to my parents or go to Tokyo. I'd prefer Tokyo but some of the guys I might get teamed up with… it won't be pretty."

Mr. Ishida laughed and said, "Yeah. I know what you mean. By the way, what do you mean 'go to your parents'? Forgot your allowance." He teased.

"For your information it's my fathers birthday, remember?"

"Oh yeah. You know I had a hard time remembering back when we were kids too."

"And yet my father always insisted we got him something." James sighed.

The two friends laughed at the memory. Mr. Ishida looked at his watch and immediately stopped his laughter. "Oh shit."


"I promised Matt I'd be home for supper tonight since he got a good report card the other day."

"Kids. And you wonder why I don't have any."

"No I don't. I know it's because your wife left you while she was pregnant."

James scowled. "Yeah. So…" he said not being able to come up with anything better.

"Anyways, got to go. Matt's waiting and I'm already an hour late."

"Yeah bye." James said as he waved to his friend as he jogged down the hall.


"I said 'I'm sorry'." Mr. Ishida said in his defense.

"And I said it was alright. Seriously I don't care that you were late. I'm used to it." Matt says.

"Then why are you so quite?" Matt shrugged even though he knew why. The blond looked at the long noodles and stuff in the wooden bowl that lay before him self on the table. He could feel his father's worried gaze directed towards him. Nothing was said and Mr. Ishida knew that this was the way to get his son to talk.

"Well…" Matt started. "Actually I was wondering if you… Look, never mind its stupid." Matt said all of a sudden.

"If it worries you then it's not stupid."

"Then, obviously, you don't know me."

"Matt, don't say such things… just tell me." Matt shrank into his chair a bit more and looked at the floor to his side.

"I was wondering if you… meant… to be late." Matt licked his lips nervously.

"What?" The question had gotten him off guard. "Of course not. What would make you think that?"

"Well… You never seem to be home and…" Matt sighed. "Sorry. Forget I ever said it. It's stupid."

Mr. Ishida sighed and stood up, bringing his chair with him, he walked to a spot beside his son and sat down on his chair. "Matt. I'm sorry I'm never around. It's just that I have to go to work and put in the extra hours to help pay the rent, food, cloths, everything. I don't mean to. I thought you knew that."

"So did I." Matt said and dared himself to glance at his father to see if he was angry with him. To Matt's surprised he seemed more shocked then anything. Matt put his gaze back to the floor and said, "It's just that it's all the time and this morning you promised to be here for supper and I wanted to be sure so I kept asking you to make sure and you seemed to be getting annoyed with me so…" Matt stopped, not wanting to continue his explanation.

"I wasn't annoyed with you. I was running behind and that's what I was annoyed about… and the reason I was late… I was offered the chance to catch a story in Tokyo. Some kind of tourist attack is thought to go and occur there and I was given the chance to get the story on it when it happens in three days." Matt looked up at his father now concern evident in his eyes.

"But isn't that dangerous? Couldn't you get hurt?"

"There is that chance but I still have a chance to turn it down…"

"Please. Turn it down. You could be hurt or worse. What if…"

"Matt… this would give me a good opportunity to get a really good story. Could you imagine what this could do for my career?"

"Nothing if you die. Please Dad. Don't take it." Mr. Ishida looked at the begging eyes of his beloved son. He really did want to do the story but how would Matt take the news if he got hurt.

He sighed and said, "Alright. First thing tomorrow I'll go to my boss and tell him I won't do it." Matt's face lightened up. Matt lunged forward and wrapped his arms around his father's neck in a hug. The older man hugged his son back and was proud of himself for making the first right decision in his life. At least that's how he saw it.

The next day…

"You sure you want to give up this opportunity?" Mr. Conal said.

"Yeah?" James agreed.

"For my son… yes… I would. Sorry."

"I guess I'll have to find someone knew… this time with out kids."

"And I'll have to call my parents." Mr. Conal gave James a weird look.

"Don't ask." Mr. Ishida said.

**Flash back end***

"Anyways," Mr. Ishida continued. "The tourist attack didn't occur. Something about it being cancelled. Still, a large story but this time it didn't have any danger to it. And because I didn't go to do the story James went to see his parents who lived in another city. On his way there he crashed. But if he went to Tokyo then that would have never happened." Mr. Ishida finished his story.

"So… in your own little psychotic world, Matt is to blame. Not the traffic, or timing, or, hell, his parents but Matt. And this is just, like revenge. You know you're a sick mother fucker, you know that right?" Tai said.

But I really wasn't listening to Tai. Because my mind kept repeating: I killed him. I killed him. I killed him. NO I DIDN'T. I COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN!!! But it could have been avoided. I'm such a baka. I'm… a murderer.

"… Right Matt?" Tai suddenly asks. I look at him in horror. When he doesn't hear me answer him, he turns the light on me and this time the light doesn't even faze me. All I can think about is what I've done.

"Matt… you didn't. There is no way that it could have been your fault. Accidents happen. Destiny. You and I both know about it and if some one is destined to die they will one way or another. This isn't your fault."

"I… I don't know." I say.

"Don't know about what?"

I look up to where I think his face is and ignore the light all together. "I don't know what to believe."

I hear my father chuckle and the light turns from me to him. "Well, there you have it from the defended himself."

"He didn't say he agreed." Tai tried to defend and I wish I could help but how could I. I'm so confused.

"Now it's time for you to be taught a lesson, Matt. You and your friend for interfering at all." I looked up to see Dad start to walk towards us.

"No." I say in almost a whisper. "I couldn't have right? Why does he blame me?"

"Matt." Tai says cautiously. "Your starting to loose it." I look up at Tai. 'If some one is destined to die they will one way or another'. Tai's right. I mean I didn't know that would happen. But if I just let Dad go then none of this would have happened. But in the end it was Dad's choice to go or not, right? Right.

"You're only blaming me because you don't want to blame yourself." I say a bit quietly.

"What?" Dad asks.

"I said 'you're only blaming me because you don't want to blame yourself'. You don't want to take in the thought that it might have some of your fault as well. Because it was you who choice to not to go… not me. I only asked you to not. You didn't have to listen to me, now did you?"

"Shut up." My father says.

"You're the one that said you wouldn't go. The one that went to your boss and said 'I've changed my mind'."

"I said 'shut up'!"

"After all, I said 'please don't go' and you said 'fine alright'."


"You could have easily said 'no. I want to go to Tokyo.' We would have argued a bit but you would have come back and everything would have been fine."

"That's it. If you're not going to shut up… I'm gonna MAKE YOU SHUT UP!!!" My dad said as he ran towards us. I should have shut up, I should have shut up, I should have shut up…

"ARGGG!!!" His fist collides with my stomach and I fell to my knees. The light from the flash light is moving around a lot before I feel the branch he had in his hand hit my back and send me from my knees to face first in the mud. The ground was to warm to keep the snow so it just melted when it touched it. And that makes ice cold mud. He tries to hit me with the branch again but he misses. That's when the light focuses on us again and Dad is falling towards the ground when Tai threw a stone at him. I try to stand up but then Dad kicks me in the gut, still not stalling even though he's on the ground like me now.

Another stone is thrown as Tai shouts, "Leave him alone." Dad crawls to me after recovering from the second stone and grabs my shirt and hauls me to my knees. I squeeze my eyes shut and punch wildly at my father in hopes that it will stop him. I hit him in the face and feel satisfied by doing so.

Dad lets go of my shirt but I don't stop punching him. The light leaves us and that moment I hear Dad's struggling voice say something like 'get off' or something like that. I open my eyes and can barely make out the silhouette of Tai having his arms wrapped around my father's neck and my father trying to pry them off. I stop punching.

Tai yelps as Dad gets a good hold of Tai's arms and pulls them off. I was about to start punching again when Dad pulls Tai over his head and throws Tai at me and I go falling on my back which strained my legs considering I was kneeling.

Tai quickly recovers and gets off me. He stands up and goes to pull me up when a blinding light fills the woods. Everything was suddenly as bright as day despite the ghostly hour. I looked around to see men. Twenty? Thirty? Don't know. They all are carrying flashlights or some kind of light source. They're coming towards us from all directions.

Some of the men are talking loudly but one voice stood out the most:

"Mr. Ishida. You are under arrest under the charge of child abuse." That's when I realize that we are surrounded by the police, FBI, and who ever else that is out there. Three men ran to Dad and force him to stand up. He looks bewildered and mutters a small 'what' while he's being cuffed. "You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say, can and will be used against you in the court of law."

"What the fuck!?" He yells as I stand up. "You can't do this!" He goes on to threaten the police in everyway possible. Dad gets shoved off somewhere, I don't really care where, but I hope he won't like it.

"TAI!!!" I turn around to see Kari running towards us. She jumps up and hugs her brother. He lets out a groan. "Sorry." She says, realizing she hugged too tight.

"Tai, honey!" Mrs. Kamya and Mr. Kamya run to their son and start hugging him, and asking if he was ok.

I sigh, feeling left out and confused. I turn around and go to one of the officers who are standing near by. "What's going on?" She looks down at me with sorrow filled eyes when she sees who spoke to her.

"Oh dear. Are you ok? Let me find someone to help you with your wounds." What wounds? I'm not really in pain. I do feel kind of dizzy though. I need to sit down. I walk to a tree and am about to sit when…

"Matt!" TK jumps up and hugs me from the side. "MOM! FOUND HIM!" TK shouts.

"Oh good." She walks to me and hugs me as well. I hug back.

"What's going on? Why are the police here?" Mom stands straight and looks at me.

"Oh. You must be so confused. Here let me explain. When I was at work the FBI came there to talk to me. They had said that they believed the story and wished to ask a few questions. The questions surprised me for they didn't ask about Mr. Ishida but about you. They asked things like where you where at that moment. When did you tell me about your father? Things like that. I answered all the questions and when we we're done they wanted to go to your house to arrest your father. But when we got there he wasn't. But we did notice the paper with instructions on how to get here was in his room by his night post. So we came up here. When we got to the cabin we found TK and Kari. They told us the general direction you would be in and we headed that way. So here we are." Mom explained. That's when a doctor came rushing towards me and some one pushed my mom and brother away from me. The doctor started to examine me to see if I was alright.

7:08 am. That's what my watch says. I'm standing on the side of the road where I was told to wait until someone would come and get me. The doctor had told me that I'm ok and then gave me some pain killers. My adrenalin helped me ignore the pain at first but when to doctor came it started coming. Tai said that it was the same with him. He's actually standing right next to me right now.

Our parents are answering some questions about my father. Said that my father started to say some things that they had to know if they were true or not. I'm not quite sure what because no one will tell Tai or me.

TK and Kari are being entertained by one of the police. The other police are examining every part of the cabin and the place we were found so we're waiting for them to be done. The ambulance is just behind us and when it's time to go that's how Tai and I will leave this place.

"I'm going to pick my marks up." Tai said out of no where. I look at him and raise an eyebrow questioningly. He looks at my confusion and decides to elaborate. "It's new years eve. That's my resolution."

I nod. "Oh yeah. I forgot, with everything that's been going on."

"Well… what's yours?" He asks.

I think for a moment and look up at the blue morning sky. I smile to my self and say, "To be nothing like my dad."


Laughter filled his ears as he walked through the door of the Tachikawa's apartment. Eleven children were inside just having fun. One of the kids, Tai, looked up and noticed his presence.

"Hey Matt. What took so long?"

"Band practice was a bit later then I thought it would have been. Sorry." Matt had started a band partly because he wanted to and partly because the money from the concerts will help his mom because he's now was living with her.

"That's not what my sister said." Davis said from across the room. He was standing at the punch bowl.

"And you believe the Jun beast?" Matt asks skeptically.

"What right minded person would believe there sister." Davis said.

"I would." Tai voiced.

"Tai," Matt said, "Davis said 'right minded'." The room broke into laughter at the fake-hurt Tai had on his face. The music was pounding against the walls, all the digidestined were talking, and digimon where eating.

"Matt! You're here." Mimi said excitedly as she walked out of her bedroom after cleaning up a little mess that Demiveemon had left her. Matt put down his guitar as Mimi greeted him with a hug.

"Sorry I'm late. But better late then never, right?" Mimi smiled at him as she pulled away.

"I don't know bro. It is you." TK teased. TK walked up to his brother. Matt took of TK's hat and messed his hair.

"Hey." TK said. Matt put the hat back on the other blonds head and laughed.

A shout from across the room alerted everyone. "Hey! Davis. Put that down." Yollie shouted. Davis, who was holding a snow ball that he got from the balcony, looked at yollie evilly. He threw the ball at Yollie and the snow went everywhere.

"DAVIS!!!" Mimi shouted as she watched the snow melt on the hard wood floor. She sighed as Davis put his hands behind his back and looked at her innocently. "You and Demiveemon are both alike… but this time I'm not cleaning this up." She said. She walked towards the closet, pulled out a mop and tossed it to Davis, who caught it. "You are."

Davis looked at it as if the mop was about to come alive. "But Mimi…"

"NOW!!!" She demanded. He sighed and started to clean up the mess.

"Typical Davis." Cody said as he drank some of the punch… then spit it out. "Some one spiked the punch!"

"Sorry." Tai said and gave the same look as Davis did before.

"Don't worry Cody." Joe said. "Just get a pop like I did. After all, alcohol ruins the liver." Cody nodded and headed towards the kitchen.

Sora, who sat on the couch watching the television, noticed that the time said 11:59. Mimi had thrown a New Years Eve party for the digidestined and they were waiting for midnight right now.

"Hey! Everyone! The balls about to drop!" she shouted. Everyone ran or walked towards the couch and looked on the TV. There was the New Year's Ball that was about to be dropped.

"Why are we watching a ball?" Yokomon said, who was in Yollie's arms.

"When the ball drops then it's a new year."

"I feel sorry for all the people under it." Agumon said.

"Look, look." Kari said as the ball started to fall. Everyone started to count.











"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" They all shouted. At that moment. TK and Davis kissed both of Kari's cheeks. She laughed and turned red.

"Hey TF. I made Kari blush." Davis said. TK just rolled his eyes and everyone laughed.

"Oh Davis." Kari said exasperated.

Matt stood in the back, smiling to himself, and thought: finally. Peace on earth.


A/N: I did it. I finished this. So what ya think. I hope you like the ending. And… I got it out this week end. I can't believe I got it out so soon. With all the stuff that's been going on. The reviews really helped a lot. ^_^ thanks.