Chapter 18: BPOV
They say that in the instant before you die, your life flashes before you and you see all the things you did wrong, and all the things you did right. That's wrong. This is what I saw and felt and heard in the second before my death:
As if from across the largest of oceans I heard the crash. Some one was screaming, was it me? I can only see the faces of the boys that I loved swimming in front of my slowly closing eyelids .I could make no sense of what was happening. A small part of my brain registered that, strangely, I felt no pain. So this is what it felt like to die I thought in wonderment. My only regret it leaving behind those I love. It felt like I was sinking in a sea of peace, with each gentle soothing save I lost consciousness little by little. Instead of the sound of waves crashing against the sand, a voice seemed to whisper, sleep, sleep. I gave in and I thought of the boy I truly love. With the wail of a siren crying my eulogy ringing in my ears and his name on my lips, I slipped into the peaceful, easy oblivion of death.
I would like to dedicate this story to Matthew Dylan Hunter, a friend of mine who died in a car crash a few months ago. We miss you Dylan. Love you.
Lots of thanks to Meghan for allowing me to talk her ear off when I didn't know what to do. Hope you don't kill me for the way I ended it. And to those of you who have r&r.