Disclaimer: Characters aren't mine no matter how much I want them.

Summary: One of the team finds trouble after an unrelated case but, will it send them over the edge. Will it break the team apart or bring them closer?

Spoilers: Most likely in later chapters from all seasons.

This is my first attempt at an NCIS fanfic and I'm a little worried about getting the characters right, tell me if I am doing them any justice. I hope you like it.

Trapped in the Darkness

Chapter 1- The room

Nothing escaped the room in which he was trapped, no light, no sound, nothing. All that kept him company was the complete and foreboding darkness. He knew the dimensions of the room, very small, is what it was. He had hoped being trapped wouldn't happen again since, that last time was oh so much fun. It was suffocating, the silence, the darkness. He was certain that nobody knew where he was, he wasn't expected back until Monday. It was now Friday evening which meant, two whole days where he wouldn't be missed but, would he really be missed? It didn't seem like it, I mean he was a pain, obnoxious and childish, who would miss that. But, his team would come wouldn't they? When they found he was gone.

All he remembered before being here was people dressed in black surrounding him, a cloth in his face, then nothing. He had probably been drugged, again. No one had told him why he was there or, what they wanted. His mind was foggy and he didn't have a coat which was making him shiver. Maybe, it was the fact that the room was without temperature, the atmosphere was still, too still and a little stale. As his sense woke up from the drugged sleep, his eyes realised that the room was like the vacuum of space. Minus the fact there was oxygen in this room. With that thought he slightly panicked, how much oxygen would a room that was practically hermetically sealed contain? How long could he live within the uninviting darkness? His eyes would deceive him at any moment, thinking up all the things that he wouldn't want to see, the mind was strange like that; it made you see things that weren't there, made you think you were hearing things. To keep his mind of that certain topic, he thought back to the events of the seemingly normal day…


Flashback - Earlier that day.

The work day had been normal, talking with his colleagues, his friends, just solving crimes. The case hadn't been particularly interesting and was a very open and shut one. While he and the rest of his team and their boss had been at the crime scene they didn't know that they were being watched.

The observer had her target in sight, it would just take one shot and her target would be gone from her life for good. No the observer thought that would be too easy, she wanted her mark to suffer, just like she had. She knew of a place that would be perfect. While see had been trapped she had thought that her captor was coming back to her however, in stepped this man, her target, he had told her that her captor was dead. She had become enraged but, bided her time to wait for the perfect time to strike back. Now it was time. She had been looked up for months, all alone. She blamed her target for the death of her captor. Now, she would get revenge. She would wait until the end of the day after he had finished work and then strike. She needed help of course to grab him but, after that leaving him. This would be the worst torture for him. He was very outgoing and loved joking around with his team. She would break this man's spirit, just like her spirit had been.

She followed their sleek black car back to the NCIS headquarters. It was almost the end of the work day. She knew that he would be hard to get but it was worth the risk. She made sure that her 'friends' were in position, and took off towards him as he left the building.

He had the feeling that he was being followed as he left the building. He had to take the bus today as, someone had busted up his car. He hated taking the bus to work. The feeling that he was being followed was increasing. He turned around just in time for a cloth to be shoved into his face. The smell, making him queasy, his vision swam and he stumbled a little. He knew that he had walked far enough away from headquarters not to be seen on the security cameras, nobody had been around to see the attack. As his vision became foggy he fought it off trying to run away. Then the black-clad figures had appeared. They surrounded him so no passer by would see. He knew nothing else. He had been dragged into the back of an unmarked van…


That was the last thing that he remembered, before waking up to this hell. Nobody had come to question him, yet. He wondered whether this would be a good thing or a bad thing. If no one came he would just simply stop existing, nobody any the wiser as to where he was. If they came what would happen? Would he be tortured? Drugged some more? He didn't like either of these ideas. He had already tried figuring out what had caused him to be here. Nothing in his recent memory jumped out at him so he thought further back maybe, it was payback for past mistakes. As first being in a dark room alone wasn't scary but now, being left to his thoughts, this is what scared him. With drugs still possibly being in his system what would his thoughts and the drugs do in the empty room? For the first time since waking, he felt truly alone. His team wouldn't miss him yet…



I know it is all very vague at the moment, but that is the idea. All will be revealed soon, that is of course if you want me to continue.