It was a stupid plan. It was a dumb plan. It was the worst plan ever! Butch still couldn't believe it had been their boss who had suggested this ridiculous scheme.

And now there he was, dressed in a Teddiursa-costume and holding a banner that said 'Free Hugs'. He was standing in the middle of a crowded town on a Saturday-afternoon, and had received exactly 127 hugs from complete strangers.

After each hug, he had to say 'Thank you. Teddiursa luuves you' in a beary voice. And Butch didn't even know what a beary voice was! The plan was to steal the trainer's Pokemon while they hugged him, but so far Butch had managed to steal only 8 Pokeballs. The 119 other hugs where just giggling schoolgirls who thought Teddiursa was soooooooooooo cute and who of course didn't posses any Pokemon.

Butch felt like he was about to pass out. He was standing there waving that dumbass banner for almost 5 hours non-stop, and it just so happened to be a wonderful, sunshine-filled day. If you've ever worn a heavy, furry costume while it's 30 degrees outside, then you'll know how he felt. That combined with having to hug everyone that passed by didn't really help on the situation.

"Oh my god, look! It's a huge Teddiursa! Kawaii!!" Someone screamed from a distance. There we go again, thought Butch. Suddenly, he felt someone glomping him so hard he couldn't breathe. He blinked a couple times when he saw a familiar face surrounded by blue hair looking straight up at him.

"Hi, Mr. Bear! I think you're sooo cute, I've always wanted a Teddiursa of my own, you know, but I never found one, and now I did and I'm sooo happy!! Aren't you hot with all that fur and the sun is shining wow you sure are a big Teddiursa, I've never seen one but I'm told they're usually small but you aren't and you're giving away free hugs, I really like to hug you know so that's why I'm so glad to see you here…" James took a moment to breathe and looked smiling up at him.

Butch stared back in horror, and there was only one question on his mind: What the fuck is that idiot doing here?!! He said nothing though, and just kept staring at James' smiling face. He was so shocked he even forgot to steal his Pokeballs. "You don't talk much, do you Mr. Bear? Well, that's okay. Come on, we have to get back before Jessie starts worrying." James started to drag Butch with him, still not knowing who he really was.

Butch realized he had to do something, otherwise he'd be discovered soon. He tried changing his voice as much as possible and said: "No, wait. I have to stay here to give other people hugs."

James stopped walking and turned around, looking at him questionably. Then he asked, softly: "Butch? Is that you?"

Oh shit, he knows it's me. "Butch? Who is Butch? I'm Teddiursa." Oh great, dumbass. Was that the best you could do?

To Butch's surprise, James got a small smirk on his face, but his voice was as innocent as ever. "Of course you are, Mr. Bear. Now give me a hug." He wrapped his arms around Butch, and for some reason Butch started to feel even hotter than before.

Before he knew it, James let go and stepped away from him. "Bye, Mr. Bear!" He shouted and waved to him. It wasn't until he started walking away that Butch realized all the boy had on were a pair of way too short shorts and a loose tank-top. Then he decided he deserved a break.