A/N: Peter being Peter, he wasn't about to be outdone by Edmund in any way, shape, or form. He's been hovering (sulking?) in the back of my mind since finishing Ed's books (Why does he get two books and I don't even get one?). And there's no telling the High King of Narnia anything he doesn't want to hear. Then, of course, there was the irresistible temptation to put under his nose the one creature in his world that didn't utterly worship him....

The Guardian

Ch 1: An Unwanted Reunion

Dearest Father,

It hurts me to be gone from you now, when your health is so poor. Nothing could have moved me from your side save your wish that I return to Narnia for education (Yes, you've told me these many months how vast their libraries are, and how much I could learn from another visit to their Royal House, but I still worry for you), and I know that Ines is there to tend you. But you know also how she forgets your teas and tonics, and how uninterested she is in the daily maintenance of Tolyndar.

I beg of you to let me return home sooner than the autumn. I will do my best to uphold a daughter's duty and learn all I can. King Edmund has promised a thorough study on politics and foreign relations. He's been most generous, Father, and Queens Susan and Lucy have been more than accommodating about my visit. But I still feel awkward--

Corisande crumpled the parchment and stuffed it into her brocade pouch. Another letter she could neither finish nor send. Her father had gone to great trouble to secure her another visit to Narnia, and no matter how she wanted to go home to her quiet province in Telmar, she couldn't disappoint him. Not after her first visit had ended in her return home without the husband her whole country had been expecting her to marry. Simply put, King Edmund loved another who returned his affections. Seeing them together, Corisande couldn't bring herself to come between them. How wonderful it must be to love someone so much.

Peter, the High King of Narnia, had intervened on his brother's behalf and canceled the engagement between Corisande and Edmund. He'd written to Corisande's father and to the Royal House of Telmar, explaining--Corisande knew not what, but somehow the High King had managed to keep the Telmarines from acting on the uproar created by her refusal to marry Edmund.

She'd thought him generous at first, and wanted to thank him. But from the instant she first saw him--sweaty and bloodstained and looking murderous as he battled Selbarani warriors in his very own great hall--she'd been flat terrified of him. And in no moment during the rest of her stay at Cair Paravel last summer did he improve upon first impressions. She went out of her way to avoid the tall, imposing, unquestionable king, taking her meals earlier in the day or slipping out for a walk with the queens when she saw him approaching.

And while she'd heard he was more jovial than his brother Edmund, she had yet to see it. Every time she saw him, he wore a scowl that made her want to blend into the stonework and disappear from sight.

Now, riding toward Cair Paravel with an armed guard before and behind her, she stared up at the white marble shining in the afternoon sun. With any luck, Peter wouldn't be at home. The summer would pass much more smoothly if she didn't have to worry about crossing his path at every turn.

Corisande reached a furtive hand into a fold of her skirt and crossed her fingers.

- # -

Peter watched Edmund kiss his wife's hand, a lingering brush of lips that spoke such volumes Peter found himself averting his gaze. Still not looking, he cleared his throat. "Not to shorten the interlude, but you're going to miss the tide if you keep that up."

Asha shifted the baby boy in her arms. "Say goodbye to your father, sweeting," she cooed.

Edmund kissed the infant's forehead. "Goodbye, Silas. Take care of your mother." He stroked Asha's cheek. He said nothing to her, but Peter got the impression he didn't need to. A long, wordless look passed between them.

Peter stepped forward and kissed Asha and his nephew. "Goodbye, sister. Come home soon." Asha boarded the ship, and they and Susan and Lucy waved it off, along with a crowd of observers.

Lucy gave a sad sigh. "It's going to be a long summer."

"She won't be gone that long," Edmund said. "A short trip to Selbaran to present Silas to her people, and then home to us. It's custom."

"You should have gone, Ed." Susan frowned. "She shouldn't be alone on the journey."

"Alone?" Ed's brows shot up. "She has twenty Narnian soldiers with her, and Nalis's son. She's better protected than we are."

"I meant you, blockhead. You are her husband."

Ed gave Lucy and Susan his arms as they strolled back up the docks toward the castle. "And miss all this fun? Besides, we have a visitor from Telmar this summer, and she's probably at the gates at this moment."

Lucy gave a very un-royal squeal of delight. "Corisande! Oh, let's hurry!"

Let's not, Peter thought, slowing down to enjoy his last few moments of peace while his siblings jogged ahead. He couldn't think of a worse way to spend the summer than trying to court a woman who neither knew of his bargain with Telmar, nor cared that he was alive.