Disclaimer: I don't own Gundam Seed, the franchise or it's characters! This is going to hold for the entire fic! ^___^

A/N: Reposted, it was orginally "The Problem of Mistaken Identities", but for various reasons i decided to change the name - __-'''. You probably don't have to read this chapter and can just skip to the second if you've read the first version ^___^. Well… Here's my first attempt at Asucaga, though I've been in love with them for awhile! I really hope you like it, and don't mind my un beta'dness ^___^

Notes: Cagalli is Princess of Orb, Lacus is noble, but not princess, Kira is not related to her in this story (just…ew...) and is Prince and heir to the Zaft throne. Athrun is the King of Zaft. I'll explain the rest later. ^___^

First Impressions

Chapter 1: Breathing Lies

The sky was bright and sunny; and, the sound of horse hooves accompanied the slight whine of wooden wheels. The carriage was plain, but around it rode several armed guards clothed in blue and white, their weapons glinting ruthlessly in the sun. A girl peered out from the window, her eyes bored as she stared at the unchanging horizon. They had been traveling for weeks already, and she was thoroughly sick of sitting in the sturdy carriage. On her lap slept a bored looking cat, it's tail twitching from time to time. An ordinary cat, except for the golden shine of it's fur, and it's disturbingly clear amber eyes. Absently stroking its soft fur, she turned to her companion with a sigh, "I don't think that I can take much more of this."

"It's not that bad," her companion replied stifling her giggle as she looked up from her embroidery to look at her friend. "It could be worse Cagalli, I mean we could already be there."

"Don't remind me, Lacus." Cagalli sighed, and turned back to watching the scenery. She had left Orb to marry Kira, Prince of Zaft. She had known for years of the engagement, but now that it was actually here she felt as if things were just way too surreal. Riding in this carriage, as if she was going visiting—she had to keep in mind that she was riding towards her future husband. The sounds of hooves pulling back caused her to look up, and she glanced up at her friend, and leader of her guards, Lady Miriallia Haww. "Hey Milly, any news?"

"Actually yes, your highness will be pleased to know that we have reached the outskirts of the capital. We should be there in a few hours, so you should start preparing yourself for meeting the Prince." Milly replied, winking at her friend.

"Thanks." Was all Cagalli could say before she turned to Lacus who had already put away her embroidery. "Milly says that we'll be there soon."

"Yes, I heard." Lacus replied, and Cagalli secretly thought to herself that nothing could ruffle her placid friend. "Is there anything that you're looking forward to doing when we get there?"

"You mean before or after I get shackled to a husband?" she couldn't keep the bitterness from her voice.

"Be fair Cagalli, Lord Kira seems like a good man from all the stories we've heard. He's even giving you time to meet before the marriage, six months to explore Zaft."

Cagalli only snorted in reply, while Lacus just shook her head at her friend's stubbornness. Silence reigned in the carriage that was until Cagalli got an evil twinkle in her eye. The cat on her lap was now prowling around the cabin, playing with Lacus' white nightingale. She definitely didn't want to get married yet, although she understood that it was her duty, so why not have some fun before getting married? That couldn't hurt right? It's not like he could back out of the years old engagement. No, not without insulting Orb, which she knew he wouldn't do. The hardest part would be getting Lacus to go along with the plan she decided, and immediately set to work convincing her friend.

"Lacus, you know that you're my best friend right?" Cagalli started sweetly, while Lacus eyed her friend nervously. She had heard this before, and every time Cagalli used those words, she knew that there was going to be trouble. "And you know that I would never ask you to do anything against your will right?"

"Yes…" Lacus replied trailing off, sure that some horrible plan had just entered into the blonde princess' head. "You're my best friend too, Cagalli."

"Listen, I have a plan…"

Outside the carriage, Milly was busily discussing whether or not to give the Princess time to change with Murrue when they both a loud, and pronounced, "No! Absolutely not Cagalli! Are you insane?"

They both chuckled, before turning back to their debate.

The meeting room was buzzing with noise, and a few shouts. A few of his council were even standing up, arguing ferociously against each other. Athrun just watched with a faint sense of awe as he stood back straight in his chair. He was an expert at filtering out what was important, and what was just talk so he just sat there with his cheek resting in his hands, taking notes from time to time. Next to him sat Kira, the next in line to the throne, trying futilely to get the council members to calm down, just as he always did. At last a quick knock on the door, and the entrance of Dearka and Yzak signaled the end to the session. He stood up as the room quieted, and looked calmly at each one of them, "We will continue this discussion next week. The council is adjourned until then in order to receive Princess Cagalli, and her entourage from Orb. No matter what your opinion is on women, keep them to yourselves, and see you at the welcome ball tonight."

He left with Kira following closely after, and once he had made it far enough away, heaved a sigh of relief while running a hand through his hair. "It's amazing how they fight over every little detail! We were talking about harvesting corn for God's sake."

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing Kira answered carefully putting away his notes, and seating himself at the lunch table, where Yzak and Dearka were already sitting.

"Hurry it up Athrun! I'm starving while you just stand there and complain, complain!" a familiar angry voice shouted at him, accompanied by a wave of greeting from the blonde next to him.

"Shut up Yzak, you'll choke if you try and talk."

"Hey! You're not my mother! Damn smartass!"

Athrun chose to ignore the guy, despite the way he was sawing his steak, and turned to Kira. "So, are you nervous? You're meeting the future 'Lady Yamato' tonight."

"Only a little nervous." Kira replied coolly, though Athrun noticed the faint blush on his cheeks. With a smirk he was about to continue, when Dearka beat him to it. "My sources tell me that she's smoking hot! Hopefully they'll be other girls there for us!"

"Careful what you say Dearka, they're famous for their warrior women, you never know what one will do to you if they hear you saying that!" Athrun replied mockingly.

"Pfft." Yzak broke in. "Whatever, they're just women. What can they possibly do against us?"

Cagalli was roaming the woods by the river, while Lacus and the rest finished taking their bathes. She had chosen to wear a plain green skirt, her boots, and a shirt, and so had finished quite a while ago. She could hear Akatsuki roaming from tree to tree behind her as she wandered lost in thought.

"Cagalli, that's insane! What'll happen if they find out the truth?" Lacus had asked alarm in her normally calm voice. Cagalli had quickly quieted her, and finished explaining, "They won't know until it's too late anyway! Look it gives me a way to find out about the guy when he's least expecting it! Think of it has helping me to get to know my husband!"

"What about the girls? What'll happen if they figure out that we've switched!" Lacus replied, confident that this would put an end the argument. "Murrue will have your head and mine!"

"No she won't! Come on, she wouldn't really do anything. Just leave her to me! Come, on please? Pretty please?"

"I suppose…"

"Thank you! Thank you! You won't regret this Lacus! On my honor as princess! Everything will be fine!" Cagalli clapped her hands excitedly while Lacus continued to look worried.

"What could go wrong?"

The sound of a twig snapping startled her out of her thoughts, and she whirled around to face the sound. She heard Akatsuki above her, hidden amongst the leaves, telling her that there was a man coming towards her. He didn't look dangerous, but she better be prepared just in case. It might be a trap. He could hear voices, but couldn't see anyone else. Quietly she thanked Akatsuki for the knowledge, and hid behind the tree that the cat was in. Pulling her knife out of her boot she watched as a figure entered the clearing, looking lost in thought. She couldn't see much more when she stepped on a twig. She winced at the sound of it cracking, and looked back to see the man pull out a wicked looking knife and peer towards her tree. Shit. Shit. Shit. Readying her grip on the dagger, she told Akatsuki to stay hidden until she asked for help.

As he approached the tree, he rearranged the knife in his grip. He moved quietly, and he thought he saw a shadow behind the tree trunk.

"Who's there?" he called out, voice echoing in the trees. Then a blur rushed at him, and he saw the glint of a knife. Raising his just in time, he parried it and stumbled a little under the force of the intruder's attack. Whoever he was, he was highly skilled with his weapon. It was clear that he was no ordinary person. Still he had underestimated Athrun, who had years of military training behind him. With a swift flick of his foot, the assailant stumbled and almost fell, but to Athrun's surprise sprang right back up and aimed a kick at his face. Caught off guard he felt it hit his shoulder, and he tripped and fell. No one had ever beat that trick before, ever. This person wasn't ordinary. He looked up to see a blade glinting in the sun, aimed for his head. Squinting from the sun, he blinked, and then without thinking, said, "You're a girl!"

Bad move. Really, really bad move. He sees her eyes narrow angrily, and her cheeks flush hotly. She could've been pretty, if it weren't for the dagger she was holding menacingly at him. He's thinking quickly, knowing that at any second Yzak, Dearka, and Kira will be coming soon, and knowing that he'd rather die then let Yzak see him beaten by a girl. His thoughts are interrupted by a surprisingly deep voice, "Who are you? What do you want?"

He's trying to think of something, anything, "My name's Alex. I was just walking through the woods, and I got separated from my friends."

"Where'd you learn to use a weapon like that Alex?" her eyes are narrow, and he's pretty sure that she knows he's lying.

"It's my day off! I'm a part of the local battalion." He's smacking himself, wondering if he could come up with anything stupider. She steps away cautiously, and he notices her looking up at something. He doesn't stop to think, and kicks his foot out knocking her to the ground. The situation is reversed in a second, and now it is him that is clutching the dagger, and her on the ground. "Now. Who are you stranger?"

"Why should I tell you? You're the one that attacked a helpless girl." She replied angrily. He looked up to where she was staring, and saw a glint of gold in the tree above them. "Can you let me go now? I think you've proven your point."

Warily he sighed, and got up dusting his pants off, careful to take her weapon, muttering, "Helpless my ass."

"What'd you say?" she asked curiously from where she was dusting off her clothing.

"Nothing." He replied watching her warily, then he offered her back her knife. She took it and bowed her head a little in thanks. Suddenly they both heard sounds of people coming from either side of them.

"Crap. I gotta go." She muttered and was almost out of the clearing before he could say anything. Then he saw a flash of gold again, and she was turning around, "What's your name?"

"Alex! I told you!" he called out, confused.

"No, idiot! You're real name! I'm not that stupid!" she replied with a laugh, then he saw her turn again. "Forget it, I gotta go! My name's Ca-!"

She was too far away, he couldn't hear the rest. He was left confused as he heard Kira, approach followed closely by Yzak and Dearka. "Did something happen Athrun? You look weird."

"Nothing. Let's go."

Cagalli stood behind the doors, trying to calm Lacus down. She ignored the guards watching them from the doors, and was trying her best to placate her.

"This was a bad idea Cagalli, I change my mind. There's no way I'm going through with this." Lacus whispered to her. She was looking beautiful in her purple gown, and Cagalli too was clothed in green, and she thought that for a dress, she actually looked quite nice. She saw two very fancily attired me approaching, and noticed the crowns on their heads. Bingo. Carefully rearranging the crown on Lacus' head she took her hand and almost dragged her down the hall towards them, "Come on, no regrets."

"No what are you doing? Cagalli? I changed my mind!" Lacus cried as she noticed the two men watching them. Then Lacus' training, and nature kicked in and Cagalli watched as she serenely approached the gentleman, looking far more like a princess then Cagalli had ever managed. Cagalli noticed Akatsuki sniffing his disapproval over the whole thing, but she hurriedly shushed him when one of the men stepped forward with a slight bow.

"Princess Cagalli?" he chastely kissed the white hand offered him. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. You are far more beautiful then the stories."

Cagalli rolled her eyes at the comment, but noted the slight flush on Lacus' cheeks, and another one on the man's. Well, well, well, this would be interesting. It was actually surreal to hear this person talking about her, but not her. Almost strange really.

"May I ask who you are, sir?" Lacus asked gently as her hand lay in his a second too long, which Haro very much disapproved of. Cagalli stifled a giggle at Haro's indignant chirping.

"Forgive me, my lady, I am Prince Kira Yamato." Their hands separated, and Haro chirped his approval. Kira glanced over to the small white bird with a smile, "Who is this, Princess?"

"This is Haro, my revenant." She replied evenly. Cagalli watched carefully to see what the Prince's reaction would be. She was actually a little nervous about this, for she had heard many ugly stories of how people had reacted to the existence of their revenant.

He only bowed with a hint of humor, "I welcome you Sir Haro. Please take care of me."

With that they both swept off, lost in the meeting, which left Cagalli feeling oddly left out. She was actually worried. It looked as if Lacus was really falling for this guy, that wasn't supposed to happen. What were they going to do? Did she forget, maybe this really was a bad idea.

"Pardon me." A quiet voice interrupted her thoughts, and startled she almost leapt back. "I think we should be joining our friends, Lady Clyne."

The name shocked her out of her stupor, and she looked up at the newcomer with eyes that were wide from shock. "You! Wait, you can't be, can you?"

At his polite nod of affirmation she almost fainted, "Crap. Oh crap. I attacked the King. I attacked the King of Zaft. WITH A KNIFE. Crap. What am I going to do? I ATTACKED-"

"You could start by apologizing." He cut into her thoughts, and she found herself blushing. Stupid. Why was she blushing?

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, and then joined him as they walked towards Lacus and Kira. He nodded his acceptance, and then glanced down at the floor.

"Is that your revenant?" he asked, startled at the hiss it shot at him. She giggled at his shock, and he was chagrined to find himself blushing.

"He doesn't like being referred to as a that. He's Akatsuki," she replied and he inclined his head in a mock bow at it. The two males called a truce at that, and then they joined Lacus and Kira at the door. As the door opened and they watched Lacus and Kira descend, the King leaned over and whispered into her ear, "My name's Athrun, Athrun Zala.."

She flushed as they both followed their friends, and she opened her mouth to reply, "I'm Ca-"

"Presenting Lady Lacus Clyne, escorted by his Majesty, King Athrun!" the voice cut through her words, and she suddenly felt cold. She heard her words mocking her, and shivered.

What could go wrong?


Well? It turned out longer then I thought it would! -_____-''' Liked it? I hope you did! Please R&R! I'll work on the next parts, and feel free to give me suggestions! I'm currently debating on whether or not I want to include Stellar and Shinn? Opinions?