"So I guess this is farewell, huh? Light and shadow can't mix, as we all know. But… never forget that there is another world bound to this one." Midna said softly to Zelda and Link.

"Light and Shadow are two sides of the same coin…. One cannot exist without the other. I know now the reason the Gods left the mirror in this world. It was their design that we should meet. Yes, that is what I believe," the princess of destiny said, the wind blowing her hair.

"Zelda, your words are kind, and your heart is true. If all in Hyrule are like you… then maybe you'll do alright."

Midna stepped up to the platform… her soft eyes and smile giving her somewhat happy disguise away and revealing the miserable princess within. The Mirror of Twilight displayed the steps, and she hurried up them.

"Well, the princess spoke truly, as long as this mirror's around we could see each other again… Link…" Midna murmured. "I…. See you later…"

A single golden tear fell from the Twilight Princess' eye. It fell off her cheek, and before it came in contact with her hand, she pushed it towards the mirror. It floated slowly over to it, and Link and Zelda thought nothing of it until the tear hit the Triforce in the middle. It cracked the mirror, yet still shined its light on Midna.

Mid-warp back into the Twilight Realm, the mirror shattered.

The tall lean figure that was Midna fell in a crumpled heap below. Zelda examined the Mirror, trying to unsuccessfully piece it back together. Link ran over to Midna, examining for wounds. Midna was fine, and stood up.

The Twilight Princess had orange-red hair which was tied around her neck like a necklace. Her eyes almost matched her hair color, and she wore a cloak that appeared to be attached to her. Her skin was black and white, and her dress exposed one grey leg. Link looked relieved to know she wasn't able to go back to the Twilight Realm, yet was sad because he thought she wanted to.

"Wha… what just happened?" Midna asked, already knowing the answer.

"You shattered the mirror before it got you into the Twilight Realm," Link answered matter-of-factly.

"You mean… I can never go back?!"

Link had no response. Midna went over to the mirror. If she had shattered it, she could put it back together again, right?

Wrong. The pieces wouldn't fit together, and some turned to dust. She could never go back.

Midna knelt in front of the mirror, and Zelda put one hand on her back. As if that soothed her. She violently shrugged Zelda off, and she backed away. Midna stayed put, and Link came up behind Zelda.

"What can we do?" Link whispered, barely audible.

"I don't know… I feel horrible for her. She went through all of that trouble to overthrow Zant, save her world, save our world, and the only thing we can give in return for her is for her to return to the Twilight Realm, and not even that will happen."

Link nodded. In an attempt to lighten the mood, he walked up to Midna.

"It's ok, Midna. We actually find it to be quite liveable! I mean, is light 12 hours of the day really all that bad?" Link quoted partially.

Midna realized the quote, but just glared at him. "Yes," she muttered darkly.

"What happened to the Midna that was so determined to save Hyrule, even after her world was saved?"

"She's back in the Twilight Realm!"

Link sighed. "Midna, I understand your anguish. When that beast pulled me through the curtain of Twilight, I was p'od."

"Your point?"

"My point, Midna, is that if I hadn't been turned into a wolf, I wouldn't have met you. And if you didn't come to my rescue, I would've rotted in that dungeon cell in Hyrule Castle until the world was covered in perpetual twilight."

"I still don't understand your point of understanding my anguish."

"Zant and Ganondorf. They ruined Hyrule, and all I wanted was my revenge. So I listened to you- maybe you could help me. And you did. You did that and more."

Link smiled a very convincing smile. Every time Link did that Midna melted. She never showed it, but she did.

She nodded, and Zelda walked back up to them.

"Well, I really must be going. They built a bridge between Hyrule Field and the Gerudo Desert, and an escort is waiting."

"Well, I would be considered an enemy if I didn't help the princess, so let me escort you to your escort," Link suggested cheerfully.

"I'm gonna stay back," Midna said.

"Thank you, Link. I will see you later, Midna!" Zelda called over her shoulder.

Midna was still kneeling before the Mirror of Twilight when Link and Zelda left. Perhaps… Perhaps if she tried with all of her power…

Yes! Yes, the pieces were reforming! She used more power on the ones that were turned to dust, exhausting her. Yet one by one, the pieces fit back on the empty frame like a puzzle.

Link would be coming back soon… and if he caught her trying to desperately get back to the Twilight Realm, he would be heartbroken and think she doesn't like him…

But that wasn't true! Midna did like him… maybe she even loved him. But she couldn't admit those feelings to herself.

She looked out from beyond the Mirror Chamber. She couldn't see the bridge, nor Link or Zelda. He might be back soon…

Midna began to work faster. The pieces moved at an aggravatingly slow pace, but finally she got it all together. She sprinted up the stairs, just in time to see Link appear from behind the wall. His face fell when he saw her, and Midna disappeared into the Twilight Realm with a sad and confused look on her face.