Karakura Exorcists (Crappy title, I know; but what else am I supposed to call it?!)


Summary: About one hundred and fifty years after the death of the Earl, Karakura Town finds a strange set of visitors. D. Gray-man/Bleach xover; IchixRuki and eventual Yullen.

Well. I don't own D. Gray-man, or Bleach. Don't rub it in. But I DO own…

... This piece of LAND! -pulls out mound of dirt- Someday, I hope to build on it! xD Jaykay. (I forgot what that was from… o_O Someone help me, please?)




Excerpt from a religious text; The History of the Dark Religious Organization, written by Komui Lee, age 54, in the mid-1900's:

After the Earl of Millenium was defeated by the Exorcists in the turn of the 19th century, Akuma remained. They continued to kill mindlessly; however, the level two and above Akuma became tougher to exorcise. They began to change somewhat; the Akuma began to become more perceptive to the despair of the dead and where the dead were. And so, the Akuma fed on the souls of the deceased…

It is through the very despair of the deceased that Akuma began to reappear—only in a different form. They are still born from despair; however they do not require the mechanical skeleton made by the Earl. Instead, they cultivate despair in the souls of the dead and, after feasting on them, use the despair to make them Akuma…

The new, modified Akuma, present even at the time this book is published, do not evolve, but instead conglomerate with hundreds of more Akuma to turn into a stronger version of themselves.

Today, these developed Akuma are called Hollows.




Chapter One




The class chattered about noisily, excited about their second-to-last year in high school. Everyone was on some sort of a high; it was an exhilarating thought to entertain, to say the least.

Just one more year, and they'd be out. What joy.

Oblivious to it all, Ichigo stared out the window. It had been a few months since the Arrancar incident. Aizen was killed; Tousen arrested. The Espada had been dealt with accordingly, of course. But somehow… it was odd. Something was off. Excuse the cliché, but he thought that something important was missing.

Maybe it was too peaceful, Ichigo concluded. Summer had been hectic and somewhat exhilarating; what with Rukia being kidnapped and all. Winter had just been horrifying and exhausting, with his Hollowfication and the Arrancars and Vaizards; the war with the Espada and the traitorous Aizen.

He sighed as Rukia slid in next to him. She had been dispatched to Karakura Town in case something along the lines of the Arrancar or Vaizards came back again. "What's wrong, Ichigo? Too boring?" she teased, jabbing him in the stomach with an unnaturally powerful elbow.

Doubled over and groaning slightly with the sudden pain, he glared at his girlfriend. "Yeah, I guess," he said, finally straightening in his seat after the pain had cleared. "I'm not used to it anymore."

"Wimp," Rukia said jokingly. She closed her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. Suddenly, her violet eyes snapped open, her head flicking back and forth urgently. "Ichigo… Ichigo, do you… do you feel that?"

"Feel what?" he asked rather stupidly. Truth be told, Ichigo didn't really feel anything besides… boredom. Well, of course, there was the occasional splash of agonizing idleness, but aside from that…

Chad, Ishida, and Orihime crowded around his desk. Ichigo didn't really know why, but he could often see the shorter two hanging out together after he had rejected Inoue. Pushing up his glasses to hide his expression, Ishida remarked, "So you feel it too, Kuchiki?"

Rukia nodded in affirmation. "It's… four. Four reiatsu."

"Four? I only feel three," Ishida frowned.

"Four reiatsu," Orihime confirmed. "Three of them are clumsily hidden—I can trace them myself—and the fourth is barely traceable. It's only because Tsubaki is agitated that I know there are four."

During the Arrancar/Soul Society war, Orihime's powers had developed. Her sixth lone, offensive flower—Tsubaki—had increased in strength and became a sort of reiatsu radar. She could pick up reiatsu alone; however, Tsubaki's increased strength picked up on reiatsu better than she could. That strength came up with a price: Tsubaki always seemed to be irritated whenever there were foreign reiatsu hovering somewhere.

Rukia nodded. "One of them is extremely close; two of them—including the barely traceable reiatsu—are approaching the school, and the last one…" She cocked her head innocently, her face wrinkled with the effort.

"… is rushing towards here," Orihime finished, her right hand absently tracing her hairpin—the medium of her power.

Ichigo felt out of the loop. Try as he might, he couldn't find any traces of reiatsu. Exhausted, he stared out the window, ignoring the other three as they talked about what the four reiatsu could mean.

"They're coming," Ishida said tersely.

Ichigo was alert. Foreign reiatsu meant someone new. Someone new could be good or bad. And if they were bad… Well, he just wanted to be prepared. His hand hovered warily over his Seal of Acceptance (or whatever it's called). Ishida, Orihime, and Chad fled back to their seats.

Suddenly, the door snapped open to reveal a dark-haired man wearing an awkward, clergy-like white suit with a blue-crossed beret on his head. He strode in, shortly followed by a cute, short-haired girl who looked somewhat like him.

Rukia's forehead creased slightly. "Ichigo. Do you… do you feel anything from that girl? She seems… odd."

"No," he replied cluelessly.

"I'm Lee Komui," the dark-haired man began, drawing attention to himself, "and I'll be your new teacher this year." Komui introduced himself rather professionally, pushing up his glasses in a way similar to Ishida. "Ochi Misato-san, who was supposed to be your teacher again this year, was transferred to another 'school'—" he emphasized the word with a pair of air quotes— "by the government. It sucks, I know, but what are we to do about it?"

The class was filled with an awkward silence. The main thought running through everyone's minds was probably something along the lines of "I bet that teacher got arrested for murder or something".

Komui glanced around anxiously before nudging the girl. "Go on, Lenalee; introduce yourself to your new class," he chirped.

"Brother!" she hissed, her face slightly red from embarrassment. "I'm not a little kid anymore!" The girl, returning her gaze to the class full of teenagers before her, smiled gently. "I am Lee Lenalee, Komui-sensei's younger sister. We're from America. Pleased to meet you all."

Lenalee Lee had a powerful charm. Her smile was calm and her disposition was harmless. Immediately, the room was full of thudding hearts. Keigo leaned over to Ichigo, a sly grin on his face. "She's cute," he remarked.

Glancing around at all the guys in the classroom, Komui snapped, "If any of you perverted octopi touch my Lenalee, you'll face a wrath even worse than detention!"

Lenalee's face wrinkled slightly as she turned toward her brother and opened her mouth to protest. "Komui-nii—!"

The sentence remained unfinished due to the door snapping open again. In its entry stood a redhead with an eyepatch over his right eye. The students who first laid eyes on him paid no mind to the eyepatch; there were plenty of other strange people in the very same class. The other eye sparkled a cheery emerald green. Standing loathingly in front of him was another teen with long, raven-colored hair in a ponytail. Deep, sapphire eyes pierced everyone in the room.

"Sorry we're late, Komui," the redhead said as the other strode into the room. To the rest of the class, he greeted, "I'm from America. The name's Lavi. Just Lavi," he added, trying to pull of a James Bond cliché.

"'Baka usagi' is just fine, too," the other snarled. He lifted his gaze to the students. "Kanda Yuu. I'm Japanese-American." Without another word, despite the beginnings of Komui's protests, he took one of the four—now three, due to Lenalee sitting in the upper right corner—seats; the one in the lower left corner. Lavi followed, brightening the dismal atmosphere that tailed Kanda and occupied the seat next to the stoic Japanese-American.

"At any rate," Komui continued dismissively, "if any of you boys in my class touch my Lenalee… you will face a much worse fate than a failing grade," he said, a slightly disturbing grin spreading across his face.

Suddenly, all the guys who showed interest in Lenalee averted their eyes.

Komui's attitude flipped again. With the carefree grin of the idiotic, he pranced around the room. "Well, in case you didn't catch it earlier, your other teacher had some issues with the police, so she won't be here for the year. Which means you're all mine!" A maniacal glint was rooted in the teacher's eyes.

Lenalee buried her face in her arms.

"Sorry!" the door snapped open one more time. This time, a short, white-haired kid with a scar running down the left side of his face and gloves came in, panting heavily. "I'm sorry, Komui-san; I got lost on the way here."

"Che," a voice snorted in the back. Heads turned to see Kanda scowling at the new student. "Trust a bean sprout to get lost on the way to school."

The boy pouted. "The name is Allen!" he protested. Suddenly remembering where he was, he added, "Sorry. My name is Allen Walker; I'm from America."

He took the seat in front of Kanda, behind Ichigo. Rukia, who sat next to the orange-headed teen, glanced back at Allen, eyes slightly wide. She smiled and held out a hand to the British transfer student.

"Nice to meet you, Allen. My name is Kuchiki Rukia, but you can just call me Rukia." Ichigo knew that tone—it was the one she always used when with humans like his family. Saccharinely sweet, yet it was deceiving. She jabbed a thumb over to Ichigo with a little smile. "That's Kurosaki Ichigo."

Allen grinned innocently. "Nice to meet you, Rukia. Isn't it nice, Lavi, Lenalee? Some Japanese people actually let me call them by their first name," he said, glaring back at Kanda, who didn't seem to notice.

Instead, Ichigo saw the dark-haired teen glare at him, a hint of loathing in those deep sapphire eyes.

The bell rang for break, and Rukia grabbed Ichigo by the wrist and led him out the door into the courtyard.

"Are you sure you didn't feel anything from those transfer students?" she hissed. Ichigo shook his head. His girlfriend sighed in exasperation before suddenly looking alert. "Look—over there! Isn't that Allen-kun?"

Allen was sitting with Kanda, Lavi, and Lenalee. He promptly ripped off his gloves, rolled up his sleeves, and turned to the large bento sitting next to him. At first, Ichigo thought that Rukia was pointing out the amount of food that the smaller teen was eating (or a better word would be "inhaling"), but on a closer look, he saw it.

Allen's entire left arm was a dark blood red.

Wincing at the grotesque sight, Ichigo angled his head to get a better look. Rukia grabbed his wrist again and dragged him to where the four were sitting. Smiling her innocent, fake smile, she seated herself on the grass and dragged Ichigo down with her.

"Hey, Lenalee, Lavi, Kanda, Allen," she greeted. "Mind if we sit here?" Ichigo could see her eyes following the food that Allen inhaled.

Lenalee shook her head, a wide grin on her face. "Not at all! It's good to have some female company," she added. "Especially when I'm surrounded by these idiots over here." She jabbed an offending thumb to her other three friends before giggling, signifying that she wasn't trying to be offensive.

Rukia smiled. "I know how you feel," she replied, rolling her eyes in Ichigo's direction. Luckily (or maybe unluckily; depending on what reaction one wanted from the orange-headed teen), he was preoccupied.

"… Does he really eat all that?" Ichigo asked, slightly disgusted. He had been watching Allen, and… He shuddered slightly. All the food… all the stacks of bento… were… eaten… without chewing.

Lenalee nodded sheepishly while Kanda gave a curt grunt.

"On his hungry days, he eats twice that amount," Lavi added, unabashed by revealing his friend's (rather embarrassing) eating patterns.

Rukia's eyes trailed down Allen's arm several times. Noticing her new friend's stare, Lenalee stated, "You're wondering about Allen's arm."

Rukia nodded.

Allen put down his empty plate and gingerly wiped his mouth with a napkin. "I was born with it," he said simply, shrugging. "I can't remember a time when my arm wasn't like this, so I guess I was born with it."

Nodding in understanding, Rukia smiled. "I see." Her eyes were fixed on the small, metallic green cross imbedded in Allen's hand, though she didn't ask about it.

On their way back to class—the two had raced ahead of the four new students for the sake of privacy—Rukia gazed curiously at Ichigo. "Are you sure you didn't feel anything around those guys, Ichigo?"

"I'm sure," Ichigo confirmed. "They were just there. Why?"

Rukia frowned.

"Their reiatsu… Up close, they felt similar to a shinigami's."




All right. Well.

Oh, yes. Before I say anything, I'd just like to let you all know that I'm an IchixRuki fan. IchixOri SUCKS. And Rukia's not over how Renji dissed her, so SUCK IT UP, IchixOri and RenjixRuki fans. It's MY story! (Sorry if I sound possessive, haha.)

I've had the idea of a D. Gray-man and Bleach crossover for quite some time, but a couple of weeks ago I FINALLY managed to seal up all the loose patches between the two storylines-- time, setting, plot, similar enemies... It took forever; trust me. And then... oh, gosh. I faced the worst enemy a crossover author could possibly face when trying to crossover Bleach:

Chainsaw Mafia.

God. You have not seen that girl argue about ANYTHING until you've seen her argue against me about either a -man and Bleach crossover.... or a fem!Kanda fanfic ;D I was seriously entertaining that idea for quite a while. (If you guys want, I'll post what I had of it on my profile. Just add the request onto my profile.)

So, every chapter will start off with an excerpt from The History of the Dark Religious Organization to try to help you understand just what exactly is going on (and those infamous seams that I came up with ;D). It'll also give a head start on what the chapter will start off about. (Like for example, the next chapter talks about what happened to the Innocence, and it goes to.... someone's death in their past life ;D).

I had a really hard time deciding which story to post this under--- D. Gray-man, or Bleach. I ended up posting it as D. Gray-man because... well... I like it better o_o;; (At the moment, anyway... Let's see if Chainsaw Mafia will try to change my mind.)

Oh, yes. Speaking of that weirdo. If you also read Chainsaw Mafia's stories, she won't be able to post anything for about a week or two. She moved. Down the street. -sigh- Talk about unnecessary. But nevertheless, she can't post for two weeks at most while her internet gets all hooked up again.

Haha. Long author's note, huh? xD I'm kinda talkative this time around becase 1) D. GRAY-MAN IS FINALLY COMING BACK :D:D:D:D SOON! I FORGOT THE DATE, BUT WHAT THE HECK. IT'S COMING BACK!!! and 2) yesterday was my close friend's birthday. :D And I shall soon be a year older. :D

Reviews? Comments? Flames? You're-an-idiot-for-trying-to-combine-two-totally-awesome-but-not-meant-to-be-together-manga? Tell me. I'd like to have flame-ers every once in a while... actually, go ahead. Flame me. Just... make it with a purpose. If you're flaming me for all the smilies that I use in my author's note.... Um... sorry. I'd just like some comments on what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. :D

Sora Pwns x3