Graverobber made quick work of the farthest cemeteries that still accepted new tenants. He stayed away from the newer ones in the hopes that he wouldn't encounter any of the problems that he had been lately. His bet paid off and he made his way in, did what he had to, and was out relatively quickly. His sales were quick and painless and before he knew it he was headed back to Shilo.

He checked the door when he got back. It was still firmly locked. He hurriedly worked his magic on the lock and let himself in. He found Shilo in the living room, lying on the couch reading a book. The cover screamed "up to no good" as did the title. It showed the bare back of a woman with her wrists in chains, the title, Narcissus in Chains. He walked silently up to the couch and snatched the book from Shilo. "Hey!"

"Well, lets see what 'classic' literature you're reading this time." He opened to the page Shilo had been on and began reading aloud. "I'd felt the strength in his hands, his arms, when he held me, but it was nothing to this. He made our bodies one body, one pounding, sweating, soaking, drenching piece of flesh." Graverobber's voice began to trail off. "I was vaguely aware that it hurt, that I was bruising and I didn't care." Graverobber closed the book and stared at it in disbelief. Then he looked at a shocked and mortified Shilo, face flushed red from embarrassment. "What the fuck is this?"

Shilo jumped from the couch and ripped the book from his hand. "It's called a romance novel!" She yelled at him and ran upstairs. Graverobber rolled his eyes and followed after her. Sometimes he wished the girl could learn to loosen up and not take him so seriously. He peeked into the room, half afraid that something would come flying at his head. He was relieved when it never came. The room was empty and the bathroom door was shut tight. Graverobber knocked. "Go away, you're such a jerk."

He sighed. At least she wasn't crying, just pouting. I really need to lay off the jailbait. No good comes of it, just teen angst issues, he thought. But damn she's cute, and sexy as hell. "Come on out kid. I was only messing around, I won't make fun of you I swear." He couldn't help himself. "Besides, if you want I can show you a few things you won't learn in any book."

There was a noise of disgust from the other side of the door. "You're such a pervert. Leave me alone, I'm getting changed."

"Changed for what?"

"Because I feel like it!" Graverobber shook his head in frustration and leaned his forehead on the cool hard wood of the door. He would never understand why women felt the need to change so often. Give him one set of clothes for a year and he was happy. A minute later the bathroom door opened, throwing off his balance and bringing him precariously close to falling. When he'd regained his composure all he could do was look at her.

Shilo stood in the doorway of the bathroom. She wore a short white nightgown; the upper top half of of which was intricate sheer lace ending in a high collar. It was embroidered around the edges, white on white and though, for the most part, it was shapeless; it barely covered her ass. Framed in the doorway with the glow of the light surrounding her she looked like an angel. The intensity with which he watched her did not go unnoticed by Shilo. "What?" She asked innocently.

"Nothing," was all he managed to say. Before he knew it he was slipping an arm around her tiny waist and caressing her cheek. The fire was rising in him now, it had been since he'd first met her and he was sick of denying it for so long. He turned on the charm. "You know kid, I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're beautiful." Shilo opened her mouth to say something, but never got the words out as Graverobber's lips covered hers. Shilo was taken aback. Graverobber was careful to hold himself back just enough that he could still stop if he had to. Still, he allowed himself to enjoy it as he coaxed open her mouth and exploring it tentatively with his tongue.

Shilo wasn't sure what to do, she only knew that she didn't want the kiss to end. But all too suddenly it did and she found herself slightly disappointed that her first real kiss hadn't been anything like she'd expected it to be. All the books she'd ever read talked about hot, unbridled passion and impulsive action. What she'd just experienced was neither. It was tame. Short, sweet and to the point, but it just didn't scream I want you and I want you now like she thought it would.

Graverobber smiled at her. His make up had smudged off on her a bit, but even that didn't do much to mar her angelic presence. He looked for a sign of approval or fear, some kind of clue that would tell him how to proceed. Shilo stiffened. He wanted her so bad that it damn near hurt; but his hopes of things going the way he'd like them to fell when he noticed that slight change in body language, the shifting of her eyes, the tension settling back around her shoulders. The thought of having to wait longer tore into him, but he brushed his impulses aside. "Is everything ok kid?"

Shilo wrung her hands in front of her and avoided eye contact. She wasn't sure what to say. "Yeah, everything's fine. It's just......" She couldn't finish.


"I just always expected my first kiss to be different I guess."

Graverobber was slightly surprised, not much, but just enough. "Was it too much?" He asked with a cocky grin.

"Actually," she paused for a beat, "I kinda expected more."

Graverobber reeled as though he'd been slapped. "Excuse me?"

"I didn't mean anything by it. It's just that in the books and the movies its always.... more... passionate? I guess? I don't know, I guess I just imagined a first kiss being more...." She was at a loss for words. "I'm sorry."

Graverobber drew back slightly. "Don't be kid. Just figured I'd take it easy with you. Didn't figure I'd be told I was a shitty kisser by a seventeen year old shut in," he said feigning offense.

"I didn't mean it," she pleaded.

"Tell ya what kid, how about I try again?" With that he pulled her roughly to him and his lips crashed down on hers. This time, there was no holding back. This, this is what Shilo had always imagined. It was hot and heavy and before long Shilo was reciprocating. As Graverobber's tongue darted into her mouth, her's darted into his, twisting, dancing, exploring. Graverobber swung her around and backed her against the wall. He pressed his body against hers.

Shilo's heart began to pound. It suddenly seemed as though the world around her had gone silent and everything was in slow motion except them. The only sounds she could hear came from them, the beat of their hearts, the quickening of her pulse, the sound of their breathing. Shilo felt like she never had before. She wasn't as innocent as she was sure her father and Graverobber saw her. She knew how to please herself, but this was different. Just kissing Graverobber made her feel something she'd never felt before. He pressed against her harder. She could swear she felt him grow harder as he began grinding himself against her. Thoughts flooded her mind. There was slight panic and fear mingled with excitement and anticipation. She knew where things were headed, and though part of her told her to run, she couldn't. She didn't want to, did she? He pulled her away from the wall, picked her up and twirled her around, lips still locked with hers.

Graverobber set her down and pulled away leaving Shilo breathless. She was dazed. Graverobber circled around her, trying to catch his breath as much as she was and enjoying just looking at her in that shapeless white nightgown imagining the things he could do to her, would do to her, once it was off. He stopped behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders and bent down til his lips were barely touching her ear and whispered. "Was that more what you were expecting? A little more... big bad wolf?" His voice was low and sensual and his breath tickled her neck. She tried to find the words to reply and failed. Graverobber ached, but he refused to rush things. She wasn't Amber or some zoned out addict that he could enjoy being rough with. She reminded him of a doll. She looked the part too, pale and pure in doll-like dresses. She was a delicate china doll that needed to be played with gently lest it break, at least the first time.

"Do you trust me?" He whispered.

"Yes," came the weak response.

"I love you Shilo," he whispered and began to nuzzle her neck as one hand found the zipper on the back of the nightgown and slid it open. Shilo was frozen, understanding what was happening but unable to stop it; not sure she wanted it to stop. His voice sounded far away. He slid a hand into the back of her nightgown, caressing her back before coming to rest on her shoulder. She tensed. He repeated the gesture and pushed the fabric from her shoulders, slipping it down till it fell in a heap around her feet. She raised her arms instinctively to cover herself. Graverobber wrapped his own around her as he continued to nuzzle her neck. He covered her arms with his and took her hands into his own. He eased them away from her chest, down until they rested on her stomach and her bare breasts were exposed. All the while he met no resistance.

He licked a trail from the base of her neck to her earlobe. "If you want me to stop just say the word." There was a huskiness in his voice now.

Shilo could swear she felt his heart pounding as he pressed against her back. His clothes felt rough against her skin. This was it, she knew, the point of no return. She would speak now and end it or stay silent and experience what, up until now, she'd only read and experimented with by herself. A sudden realization came over her. She was sick of reading about things, sick of reading about people and places and things and never being able to experience them. She'd lived like that for seventeen long years, and now there was nothing to hold her back. No reason to say no. "Don't stop," she said, a hint of desperation in her voice.

"Are you sure? Ya know, there's a difference between don't stop," he placed his palm flat on her stomach, "and don't. Stop." He wrapped his free hand lightly around her throat and ran his thumb along her jaw. "It's called a period and I have an eraser. And once it's erased there's no going back." He gave the slightest of chuckles as he kissed her neck.

Graverobber, he could work humor into anything, but Shilo didn't mind. It helped her to relax, and maybe that's why he did it. She wasn't sure, but it didn't matter. She had made up her mind. It was time for her to do what she had dreamed of for so long. She was finally joining the living. "I'm sure."

His hand left her throat and he rested his hands on her hips. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you." He ran his hands up her body. He drew her closer and cupped her breast. He teased the nipple with his thumb and felt it harden beneath his touch. A shiver coursed through Shilo. Before she knew what was happening, everything stopped. His hands were no longer caressing her and suddenly he was no longer behind her to hold her up. Now he was in front of her, looking her up and down, before scooping her up into his arms and carrying her to the bed.

He had meant to lay her on the bed and continue to show her just how much he cared for her, but he ran into an unforeseen, or rather, forgotten problem. The plastic curtains around the bed ruined the quaint scenario he had imagined. Instead, he had to try and pull the curtain aside as he set her down on the soft white down comforter that covered the bed. Once she settled, waiting for him to join her, he promptly gripped the curtain in his fist and gave a sharp tug, tearing the plastic sheet off and letting it fall to the floor.

Shilo lay there, not quite sure what to do. It wasn't long before Graverobber was at her side. He looked at Shilo. Words couldn't describe her, they could only try in vain. She was that beautiful in his eyes, quite possibly the last true beauty in his world. He climbed onto the bed and positioned one leg between Shio's and kissed her deeply.

She smelled like flowers in a rainstorm. He pressed against her unconsciously. Flowers and rain. It was something he was sure he'd always associate with her. And he, he smelled of dirt and death. Though it shouldn't have been, it was comforting to Shilo. She'd grown so used to the scent that it made her feel safe... and so did he. Slowly, she raised a hand and twined it in his hair.

It was too soon when he pulled away this time, but it didn't last for long. He trailed kisses along her jaw. He licked her neck and nipped at her earlobe before continuing to rain kisses down, along her collarbone. He stopped and traced around her nipple with his tongue before taking it in his mouth and sucking it, as he gently kneaded the other. Shilo inhaled sharply and let out a breathy moan. He repeated this gesture with the other breast. They were small and round, just large enough for him to cup in his hand, but they were perfect. He continued on. He kissed the dip in her stomach, licked and nipped at her bare flesh.

Gravrobber stopped at the top hem of her panties. They were white, delicate lace covered cotton with a tiny pink ribbon. He looked up at Shilo. She was looking back at him with nervous anticipation. He gave a wicked grin and made his way slowly back up and stole a kiss. Shilo was slightly disappointed. She wanted him to touch her, to show her what she'd been missing. She wanted him to claim her as his own, but he toyed with her. He gave just enough to put her on the edge and then pulled her back. But Graverobber knew what he was doing.

He pulled out of the kiss. Shilo's arms were still wrapped around his neck and she was struggling to catch her breath. He slid a hand down, fingertips brushing lightly against Shilo's skin. He slid a finger just under the waistband of her panties and slid it teasingly from side to side. Shilo looked up at him and begged him to give her more. She arched her body, trying to get him to go farther, but every time she did he backed off. "Touch me Graverobber. Please!"

That made Graverobber smile, the cruel cheshire grin that always came out when he was enjoying her torment. He slid his hand underneath the thin fabric. He was slightly shocked to discover that she was perfectly smooth but he didn't betray his surprise. He moved slowly, first just rubbing his hand over her wet slit before rubbing her clit with the pad of his thumb. Shilo's eyes widened. Her mouth formed an O of silent surprise and she bucked her hips.

Graverobber smiled and continued to rub before slowly sliding in two fingers. Shilo gasped as his fingers moved deftly inside of her. She gasped as he hit a particularly sensitive spot that she didn't even know existed and grasped the blankets in her fists. He slipped his lithe fingers in and out, quickening his pace as she gasped and bucked her hips in time with his movements. She was getting close, practically on the verge when Graverobber stopped abruptly and slipped his fingers out from underneath her panties.

Shilo loosened her grip on the comforter and looked at Graverobber breathlessly. "Don't stop," she begged, her words little more than a whisper. Graverobber kissed the hollow of her neck, trailed along her collar bone and dragged his fingers lazily over her stomach, up between her breasts. He teased her, kissing her neck and chest while he ran his fingers gently through her hair and brushed his knuckles along her cheek even as she ached for him to touch her, to show her what it was like to finally live.

"Please Graverobber," her voice was barely audible. "Don't stop. Touch me." She took his hand in her own and attempted to guide him between her legs, but Graverobber wouldn't allow it. He wanted to savor every moment with Shilo. He wanted to show her every pleasure imaginable, even if that meant taking thing excruciatingly slow for him. He was already harder than he could ever remember being. His pants felt uncomfortably tight as his erection strained at the fabric. Still, He was Shilo's first. He knew that without even having to ask and he was going to make it as pleasurable as possible.

Shilo half sat up and pulled Graverobber down into a kiss and arched up so that the hardness between his legs ground against her, stimulating her clit. She pulled out of the kiss and looked into his eyes. They were hungry, feral, with a softness behind them that reminded her of the man that he hid even from himself. She lay there eyes locked with his as he stroked her face and slowly slid a hand down and cupped him. She squeezed him gently through his pants and rubbed the hard length. "Fuck me, Graverobber."

He could hear the need in her voice mingled with fear and uncertainty. The voice of a child. "No."

"But-" She started to argue.

He placed a finger on her lips. "I won't fuck you. Fucking is something for girls like Amber, not you. You deserve better than that. I want to make love to you." His voice was quiet, loving almost and still hoarse with desire.

Shilo quieted and let her eyes close as he kissed her again. Before she knew he was making his way down her body once more. He nipped at her flesh and licked circles around her belly button before stopping at the lacy edge of her panties for the second time. Instead of teasing his way back up her body, he spread her legs wider and kissed along her inner thighs starting near her knees and working his way up. First one leg, then the other before nuzzling the juncture between them.

Her underwear were already damp with longing as he pressed his mouth against them, teasing and tasting through the fabric. Shilo gave a slight moan. He kissed her though the cloth and gripped the waistband in his teeth and slid them down, slowly revealing the porcelain white skin beneath. He let go and pulled them the rest of the way off before bending down and laving his tongue along her slit. He loved the taste of her, pure and sweet; like honey. A chill went through her at the sensation and she shivered. He flicked his tongue playfully across her clit before delving into her sweetness once again. She gasped and clenched at the blankets. He licked at her plunging his tongue inside of her and tasting, before concentrating his efforts on her clitoris while he slipped his fingers into her again, feeling for the spot that he knew would drive her over the edge.

Shilo couldn't help herself. She had done everything that a girl could do to ease her frustrations but she had never brought herself anywhere near this kind of arousal. She tried to restrain herself, afraid that she would look foolish but she couldn't hold back. She shuddered and bucked as he sent her reeling over the edge. Graverobber kissed Shilo's stomach, as he allowed her to recover before he continued.

His kisses sent shivers up her spine like tiny sparks of electricity. After a moment, Graverobber's lips left her skin and he swung himself off the bed and stood, working to unfasten the first of his belts. Shilo sat up and tucked her legs underneath her. Graverobber looked at her. "You having second thoughts Shi? We can always stop for now." Shilo drew herself up before him.

Rather than saying anything, she pushed the coat from his shoulders and pulled the unbuckled belt from from his belt loops and dropped it next to the bed. She took the second belt and removed it quickly, tossing it with the first.

Her hands were starting to shake with apprehension as she fumbled with the button on his pants. She hoped that he couldn't see her anxiety. She slid the zipper down and freed his long hard member. She was beyond nervous. Her heart pounded in her chest and she stood up a little straighter, looking into Graverobber's eyes as confidently as she dared while she took him in her hand and began him. His eyes clouded over with lust. He wrapped a hand loosely around Shilo's and guided her motions. He let go as she steadied her rhythm, gripping him tightly.

He ran a hand through her hair. She was quiet, her face was filled with silent concentration. Graverobber, eyes heavily lidded, inclined his head to whisper in Shilo's ear. "Relax," he said. "You're perfect." A hint of the tension slid from her shoulders as he nuzzled her. Shilo steeled her courage, thinking about her next move. She took a deep breath and lowered herself in front of him. With a bit of trepidation and a glance up at Graverobber, she licked her lips and took him into her mouth.

Graverobber watched in ecstasy as Shilo's head bobbed back and forth. She was no expert, but gods she was good. Graverobber moaned. Shilo looked up at him as she continued to suck. She felt self conscious with him watching her the way she was. She pulled away so that just the tip was still in her mouth and circled it with her tongue experimentally before licking the head. Graverobber moaned louder and cupped the back of Shilo's head in his palm, urging her on. Satisfied that she was doing it right, Shilo pulled away completely and ran her tongue along the underside of his cock before swallowing him once again.

Shivers shot through Graverobber. Having Shilo touch him like this was sinful, but he'd rather go to hell for this kind of pleasure than to never have the experience. She seemed to know just what to do, how to move her tongue in circles as she sucked him and stroked his shaft. As she grew more comfortable, she quickened her pace. Her teeth lightly grazed his sensitive flesh, causing him to hiss in delight. If he let her keep going at this pace it wouldn't be long before he came. He rested a hand on Shilo's shoulder and pulled gently away. He pulled her to her feet.

Shilo was unsure what was going on. "Did I do something wrong?" She asked worriedly.

Graverobber smiled at her and rubbed her neck. "No kid. You're damn good, but things'll end a lot faster than I'd like if you keep that up."

The corners of Shilo's mouth curled up ever so slightly, a faint smile playing on her lips. Graverobber picked Shilo up and lay her back on the bed. He knelt between her legs once more and lapped at the juices pooling there, before crawling up her quivering body and kissing her, pressing his erection firmly against her pubic mound. She squirmed unconsciously beneath him, making him grow until he ached to plunge himself into her.

Shilo wiggled, beneath him, rubbing herself on his hard swollen length. Graverobber lifted himself slightly and Shilo moved so that the tip of his cock rubbed against the slick lips of her cunt. She moved to pull him toward her, forcing him inside, but he pulled back. Shilo's brow knitted in confusion. "This is your first time right?"

Shilo looked shocked at the question. "Uh, yeah, I-I mean," Shilo floundered.

Graverobber put a finger to her lips. "It might hurt a little. Just relax, I'll go easy with you." Shilo swallowed hard and nodded. Graverobber rubbed the head of his cock on her wet nether lips before pushing into her hot wet sheath. Graverobber had never been with a virgin before but he kept his thrusts slow and shallow at first and deepened until he broke through her threshold in one fluid motion. Her fingers dug into his shoulders through his shirt and she winced as he took her virginity. The sting didn't last long and she relaxed her grip.

Graverobber moaned as he felt Shilo give way to him. Her fingers stabbed pleasantly into his back for a second but the pressure quickly dissipated. He kept a steady rhythm, pumping in and out of her, mindful not to move too hard or fast before she was ready. She was tight and hot. Before long Shilo was panting beneath him. His thrusts became deeper. He pushed into her harder. Sweat beaded on his brow. He stopped and pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside.

Graverobber worked an arm around Shilo's waist and rolled over so that she was straddling his hips. He gripped her hips and guided her through the motions. It didn't take long before she was rocking her hips against his, impaling herself on him. Shilo was quiet, Graverobber observed, but that was fine by him, he wasn't much for sex talk. He could tell that she was enjoying herself by her half lidded eyes and her breathy moans. He was getting close, he was going to cum. He sat up and twined his arms around Shilo. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He lifted her up and knelt, still inside of her, still lost in bliss before lying her back on the bed. "Cum for me little girl," he growled deep in his throat. Shilo spasmed as her climax rocked through her. She tightened around him as she came, pushing him nearly to the brink. He thrusted a few more times before he pulled out and let out a primitive groan as he came.

His hot seed pooled in the dips of her stomach. Graverobber leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before arranging himself back in his pants and going to the bathroom to get a cloth. Shilo lay there unsure of what to do, feeling somewhat uncomfortable and embarrassed and euphoric all at once. She touched the semen that clung to her skin. It was still warm and clung to her fingers; a sticky mess. She wiped her hand on the blanket as Graverobber waltzed back into the room. He flopped onto the bed and lay on his side gently wiping away the traces of his conquest. He tossed the dirty towel into a corner and flopped exhaustedly next to Shilo on the bed. He draped an arm lazily across her and kissed her shoulder. Shilo looked at him, afraid to speak. His eyes met hers. "Was it what you expected kid? Was it worth it." Though he would never admit it, even to himself, he hoped she wouldn't regret it later.

"Yes. Thank you Graverobber, for showing me everything."

With that she drew closer to him and curled up in his arms as they slept.