When she arrived she saw that Mai and Lady Ursa were having no luck controlling a furious Arillia and Arra from trying to pummel each other into the ground. Katara moved closer and bellowed, "Enough!" in the voice her gran gran used to use on her and Sokka when they got into their fights.

The girls blinked at each other as they faced a stern faced Katara.

The bowed, "Sorry Fire Lady Katara."

Mai and Ursa also bowed, as did the the nurse that helped them care for the girls.

Katara crossed her arms, "What has caused this fighting between heart sisters?"

Arra glared at the other girl, though she said nothing.

"I see," Katara said sternly. "Lady Mai, Lady Ursa would you have the girls nurse check over the new decorations in their chambers?"

Lady Ursa smiled as she bowed at the younger Fire Lady, "As you wish Fire Lady." She held Mai's arm and swept out of the garden and into the palace.

Katara held out her hands, "Walk with me girls."

With a slight smile they each took one of Katara's hands and glared at each other from around Katara. When they reached Katara's favorite tree she sat down and pulled the girls down next to her, completely ignoring the stone bench in favor of the soft grass. "Now, tell me what happened?"

Arra chewed her lip and said nothing.

Arillia continued frowning.

"What is wrong girls?" Katara asked as she caressed each of their faces, "Why don't you speak to me?"

"It's not our place Fire Lady Katara," Arra said softly.

"Am I sitting next to the Fire Lord?" Katara asked with a grin.

Arra looked surprised, "No Fire Lady."

"Is there anyone out here beside us Fire Nation women?" she nudged the girl softly.

"No Fire Lady," Arra said with a little smile.

"Do I have to bribe you?"

"Yes please Fire Lady?" Arillia replied with a grin.

"Fine, you are bribed I will submit to one joined request from the both of you; so long as you don't ask me to sing for Uncle Iroh."

Arra giggled.

"Now tell me," Katara smiled at the girls, "why were you fighting?"

"Arra said that my Earth Nation blood made me weak, like my father." Arillia glared.

"What did you say?"

"That at least my mother wasn't killed by my traitor father," Arillia replied with down cast eyes.

Katara glanced at the girls, so fierce in temper. "I am disappointed in both of you, those kinds of words can never be made better." She pulled each one next to her and wrapped her arms around them as she said, "Arillia your Earth Nation father cared greatly for your mother, love between parents makes their children strong; remember that for me."

Arillia nodded as she leaned into the Fire Lady's embrace.

"Arra, your father's temper made him hurt your mother and before he could beg forgiveness she died and that will always weigh heavy on his heart. I know he loved her very much, your grandfather would never have allowed his daughter to wed a man who didn't cherish her. So you must also remember that love between parents makes their children strong."

The amber eyed girl nodded.

"Now you two are not yet old enough to understand what traitor means and how serious those words are to the people of the Fire Nation and as for having the blood of an other nation, it is the heart and the mind that makes a person strong. Not their blood. Or do you believe that I am weak because my blood comes from the Water Tribe?"

The girls shook their head rapidly.

Katara smiled, "Good girls."

"Fire Lady?" Arillia said softly, "Do you think I'll be a bender?"

Katara sighed into the girl's hair as she held them close, "I do not know, only the spirits know for certain and unless you can move earth or create fire; I can not say."

"What if I'm not?" Arra said softly.

"Then I have no doubt that you will be just as deadly as your Aunt Mai," Katara replied. She looked at the girls, "Has your Aunt Mai ever told you about when she, Lady Ty Lee and Princess Azula chased the Avatar?"

The girls shook their heads.

Katara smiled, "The first time I encountered Lady Mai was in the City of Omashu and that was when I learned that there are no women as dangerous as non-bender Fire Nation women."

The girls settled in next to Katara as they listened to her tell the tale of freeing the people of Omashu and meeting Tom-Tom for the first time. When Katara finished her story the girls were giggling and running around the garden moaning and yelling "Pentapox! I've caught the dreaded Pentapox!"

Mai melted out of the shadows of the garden after Katara raised herself up and stirred the water in the small fountain. "Fire Lady," her monotone voice said softly.

Katara glanced at the young woman, "Lady Mai?"

Mai stared at the waterbending Fire Lady and glanced away, "Thank you."

Katara stood and moved closer to the woman, "I know that your regard for Zuko will never allow us to be friends." Katara paused, "I can not fault you for loving him, he is hard to resist."

Mai rolled her eyes.

Katara smiled, "Thank you for watching over him."

Mai bowed then raised her head, "I will always watch over him."

Katara heard the threat and the promise and smiled in return, "I know and I'm counting on that."

"Auntie Mai!" Arra yelled as the girls came careening toward the black haired woman.

Mai frowned as she semi-glared at Katara, "How is it they always loose their manners when they spend time with you?"

Katara laughed as she walked away, "They are intelligent girls."

"Fire Lady!" Arillia called out, "Don't forget your promise!"

Katara turned back, "I wouldn't dare, when you two have decided you come and let me know."

The girls grinned, then busied themselves with Mai.

Feeling giddy Katara watched Zuko pass down a hall with several Councilmen and water whipped him upside the head as she disappeared down another corridore.

Zuko scowled softly he hadn't done anything to deserveā€¦his scowl turned into a crooked grin and his eyes glowed with fire, his wife had just hit him by using her bending. "Councilmen, I need to have a private meeting with the Fire Lady." He moved quickly down the hall she had disappeared.

Leaving a resigned Noble's Council to continue arguing amongst themselves.

Zuko caught a flash of red turning the corner hastily and moving fast toward the throne room. He caught her in his arms and pulled her into the throne room as he kissed her desperately. They emerged several hours later, with Zuko grinning like a lemur with a full belly and Katara's dress; not quite sitting as it had earlier.

The throne room guards were carefully neutral when the royal couple emerged. Though they would never forget the heat that radiated from the room while the pair was ensconsed with in. The rumours of the couple's reconciliation had reached the entire staff before Zuko and Katara were seated for dinner with their large family group.

Zuko smiled and raised himself up as he addressed his family, "Fire Lady Katara is once again breeding."

Katara blushed then rolled her eyes at Zuko's proud voice, promising herself that she'd make him beg her tonight when they were alone once more.

The sheets were scorchted beyond repair by the next morning, causing all the maids to grin and gossip as they tried to repair the damage.

Katara was growing larger daily and was well into her sixth month when the girls approached her with their carefully considered bribe. They cornered her after she finished a particularly boring meeting and asked to speak to her alone. Katara waited for her secretary to close the doors behind himself and for the girls to speak.

Arillia spoke first, "We want you to take us to see Princess Azula."

Katara wouldn't have been more surprised to see Zuko running the halls of the palace naked, than she was by the girls request. After a few moments Arra said softly, "You promised."

Katara nodded, "I did promise, when did you want to see Princess Azula?"

"Today," Arra said softly, "Aunt Mai said it was her birthday today."

Katara's eyes widened, "Isn't Lady Ursa visiting her today?"

Arillia shook her head, "Mother and Uncle Iroh left early this morning."

Katara kept her nervousness to herself, "Is there something you wanted to bring her for her birthday?"

Arillia nodded.

Katara took a deep breath and smiled at the girls as she felt all the water in the urns around her study, "Then you go fetch the gift Arillia, Arra go ask Cook for a special treat for Princess Azula and return to me." The girls bowed and elbowed each other out of the study as Katara collapsed into her chair and steadied her nerves. She hadn't seen Azula since the day of the comet.

She allowed the girls to carry their individual burdens and made certain to keep her own hands free, in case she needed to contain the other woman once again. When they stood before the gates of the royal prison, Katara said simply, "Princess Arillia and Lady Arra wish to gift Princess Azula on the day of her birth."

The guard captain was about to deny her entrance when she said, "I do not require your permission Captain."

He bowed in acknowledgement and the gates opened for them.

A compliment of guards escorted the two girls and the Fire Lady to Princess Azula's cell.

The guards opened the doors to reveal a darkened room.

"Leave me!" Azula demanded from the depths of her prison.

Katara bristled at the tone of the Princess, "Light the torches."

"NO FIRE!" Azula yelled.

Katara glared at the guard until he did as she asked.

Azula threw herself at the bars and scarred the girls in the process.

Katara noted their fearful expression barked, "Calm your-self Princess Azula."

Azula's wild gaze focused in on Katara and her eyes focused on her most hated foe, "Water peasant." She growled even as she glanced at Katara's swollen belly, "My bastard brother has bred you then, so your tainted blood may rule my proud nation."

Arillia moved behind the Fire Lady as she looked on in fear of the woman behind the bars.

"Azula," Katara replied, with out commenting on the rude words.

"Not going to be baited, sister?" Azula purred at the blue-eyed woman.

"Not today sister," Katara retorted. "Lady Arra and Princess Arillia wished to bring you gifts to honor your birthday."

Azula scowled harder, "I do not know the wretches."

Katara growled, "You will not insult the girls Azula, save your hate for those who return the feeling."

Azula glanced at the young girls, "Who are they?" Her curiosity over coming her hate of the water tribe woman.

"Lady Arra," Katara brought the elder girl forward, "Is Mai's neice."

At Mai's name Azula's face darkened.

"Azula," Katara warned, "Lady Mai has been telling the girls of your adventures in Earth Kingdom, when the three of you were the most feared force to ever chase the Avatar."

Azula's eyes flashed, "Your Aunt and I were friends once."

Arra nodded, "Aunt Mai almost smiles when she tells us the stories of Earth Kingdom."

Azula smirked at the girl.

"Fire Lady Katara said it was ok if I asked cook what your favorite cake was," Arra said softly. "She said it was honey cake, that's mine too."

Azula looked confused for a moment then her features blanked over, "I haven't like honey cake since I was your age."

Arra's small smile fell.

Azula didn't understand the tighness in her chest as the girls smile faded. "It is been a very long time since I had honey cake, perhaps I've forgotten."

Arra's smile returned and she moved toward the cell.

The guard moved to intercept the child.

Katara froze him in place with blood bending as she said, "You will not interfere with the Lady Arra's gift to the Princess."

The man's frightened eyes caughter her violent blue ones and he nodded his compliance.

Azula smirked, "Still making puppets water peasant?"

Katara ignored Azula as she smiled at Arra, "You may give the Princess her cake now."

Arra's eyes were wide, but she moved to the cell bars and slipped the small cake into Azula's surprised hands as she bowed quickly and said in a rush, "Happy Life Day." She moved quickly back to Katara's side.

Katara nodded to Arillia and smiled, "This is Princess Arillia, your half sister."

Azula's golden eyes caught the hazel ones of the younger girl, "So she did find someone else and breed a,"

Katara glared at Azula as she said, "I will not tell you again, save your hate Azula."

Azula tried to speak and as her eyes promised deadly retribution she nodded her compliance.

Katara smiled at Arillia, "Give your sister her gift Arillia."

Arillia nodded and crossed the distance and pushed the plush package through the bars as she said, "Happy Life Day sister Azula."

Confused at the waterbenders actions she nodded to the girl and accepted the gift.

Arillia smiled brilliantly as she stepped back to Katara and said, "Thank you Fire Lady, I know mother wanted her to have that and now she does."

Katara smiled and touched the younger girls cheek, "You two wait outside with the guards."

They bowed to Azula once more and skipped out the prison door.

Katara caught the Fire Princess eyes and waited.

Azula's golden eyes simmered with anger, hate and confusion, "Do you feel superior water peasant?"

Katara snorted, "Hardly Azula, I promised the girls they could ask something of me and I would do as they asked. They asked to come see you."

"Why?" Azula growled.

Katara shrugged, "There reasons are their own, you'd have to ask them that question."

"No you fool, why did you grant them this request?"

Cool blue eyes met ragging gold ones, "They have the right to know you."

"Aren't you going to give me a Life Day Gift?" she mocked.

Katara laughed, "I'd offer a haircut and a manicure, but that is the extent of my current regard for you."

Azula considered the water bender, "I'd accept if you answer my question honestly."

Katara arched a brow.

"Why did you risk this?"

"My own father betrayed me, I understand what it means to loose yourself to the pain that causes." Her voice cool and soft.

"MY FATHER DIDN'T BETRAY ME!" Azula screamed, "How dare you even imply that you insignificant peasant!"

"Of course he did," Katara replied, "He failed, he was overcome by the Avatar on the day he was the strongest fire bender in all the nations. I know little about you Azula, but even I know that you consider failure as a betrayal of the deepest kind."

Azula raged even as Katara allowed the doors to be closed behind her, the girls kept close to the water bender and said nothing until they were on the path that returned them to the garden.

Arillia slipped her hand into Katara's as they walked, "What's wrong with Princess Azula?"

Katara lifted the girls and said, "Your sister is very angry and that makes her very dangerous to herself and to others."

Arillia sighed as she wrapped her arms around Healer Katara.

Zuko was waiting for Katara in her study, "That was foolish Katara."

Katara sighed, "Hello husband, yes. Azula is still crazy angry, but she was well behaved enough to accept the gifts that the girls brought her for her Life Day celebration. If she'll allow it, she could really use a haircut and a manicure."

"I'm serious Katara, she could have hurt the girls; you are not to take them to see her again." He caught her face, "Promise me."

Katara sighed, "I promise."

Relieved he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head in his neck, "What did you say that upset her so much?"

"She asked me why I risked bringing the girls to see her and I told her I understood the pain it causes when ones beloved father betrays them." She kept her voice emotionless.

Zuko frowned, "Father never betrayed Azula."

Katara sighed as she turned to stare into Zuko's golden eyes, "Of course he did, he lost to Aang and in so doing betrayed his nation and her."

Zuko considered her words, "She was going crazy before he lost."

Katara sighed, he couldn't understand the anger that comes from being betrayed by those you hold the most dear. His father marked him and set him on a quest, he abused Zuko's regard but he never betrayed him. Zuko had always been the betrayer and so couldn't know the depths of internal turmoil and insecurity that resulted from being betrayed.

The next week Azula accepted a haircut and a manicure.

Two weeks later Katara and Kazua were playing when Kazua made a spark of blue fire appear and cried, "Look momma, water!"

Katara stared at her golden eyed daughter and smiled as she said, "That's not water Kaz, that's blue fire."

Kazua frowned, "Fire, like daddy?"

Katara shook her head, "No, Fire like Auntie Azula," escaped her lips before she realized what she said.

Kazua looked curiously at her mother, "Who is Auntie Azula?"

"Daddy's sister," Katara replied as the babe with in moved around, distracting her from her words.

Kazua waited for a moment then said, "Does she live here at the palace?"

Katara looked at her daughter, "Does who live here at the palace?"

"Auntie Azula," the girl replied with a sigh.

It was then that Katara realized what she had done, "No Kazua she doesn't."

"Oh," the girl pouted, she loved relatives.

A few weeks later Zuko was being over bearingly smothering and the only way Katara could escape was to walk in the garden. It was the full moon, she was restless as the babe moved and the moon pulled, so she wandered around the garden until she wound up on the path to the prison. She startled the guards at the gate and roused a sleeping Azula when she demanded that the torches be lit.

Azula growled, "For the love of Agni, go away!"

Katara rolled her eyes as she tried to cross her arms over her chest and growled when she realized she didn't like the weight resting on her stomach. "Why do you have somewhere to be in the morning?" she snapped at the jailed woman.

Azula's eyes snapped open, "I thought I smelled peasant."

Katara grinned and waited for Azula to get curious.

Azula growled as she rolled out of bed and faced the water tribe woman, "you're enormous."

Katara growled, "See if you fare any better when your child breeds within you."

Azula replied, "I don't expect to be allowed to have children."

That stopped Katara, "Why ever not?"

Azula stared at the waterbender, "Are you really that stupid?"

Katara rolled her eyes, "You will not have the throne Azula, it is Zuko's he is the Fire Lord, he is the elder child. You may have been the stronger bender, the favored child but your mothers agreement with Ozai ensured that Zuko would take the throne."

"I knew she loved him more," Azula spat at Katara.

Katara sighed and commanded, "Bring me a chair."

Azula glared, "You will do no such thing!"

The guard sighed and brought the Fire Lady a chair as he scurried out of the cell.

Azula continued to glare, "Why are you here?"

"I can't sleep," Katara replied absently as the babe kicked.

Azula swore at the waterbender for a few minutes, then she tried threatening Katara and her unborn child; it was then she got a response from Katara.

Katara's brilliant blue eyes stared into gold ones, "Do you really want to know why I came?"

Azula glared at her.

"You are the only one I have no fear of harming, should I loose my temper."

Azula stared at the bender, then smirked as realization slowly made it's way into her head. "You weren't lying."


"What did dear Zuzu and the others do, you simply must tell me." Azula purred.

Katara looked at the golden eyed woman and shook her head, "No, you don't deserve to know."

Azula growled, "How can I trust you, if I don't know the depth of your betrayal."

Katara took the time to laugh, "You think I want you to trust me?"

"What other reason is there, than to earn my trust to protect Zuzu," she growled.

"I don't need you to protect Zuko, Mai is ever ready to shed blood on his behalf and to my knowledge has done so." Katara sighed.

Azula hissed at her once friends name, "for Agni's sake leave me alone then!"

"NO!" Katara yelled back, "No one else understands the hate that fights continuously with the love."

Azula faced away from the waterbender, "Was it as deep as mine?"

"It was as deep a betrayal of my nature as yours was to your nature," Katara replied with a sigh.

Azula faced the water bender once more, "If you don't want me to forgive them, what do you want?"

"Honesty," Katara replied so softly that Azula almost didn't hear her.

"What?" Azula growled, she hated being confused. After a moment of staring at the water bender her agile mind figured it out. "You want to trust that I will not act falsely, that I of all people in the Fire Nation will be honest with you. That is foolish, I want out of here more than I want my fire back. I would do anything to achieve that."

Katara's smile was dark, "I'm counting on it."

Azula considered the blue-eyed woman and looked at her, truly looked at her as something other than an obstacle, "Perhaps you are less foolish than I believe." She frowned and her tone changed, "I doubt that of course, you did marry Zuzu after all."

Katara laughed at Azula's insult toward her brother, he reminded her of her thoughts of Sokka's union with Suki and for once it didn't hurt to think of her brother and his wife.

Azula stared at the pregnant woman and crossed her arms over her chest, "Why do you think I will be allowed to have children?"

"Why shouldn't you Azula, Kazua is the eldest and her fire will be strong and her heart is strong and open. Your line will not rule." Katara replied as though she knew this as absolute fact.

Azula scowled deeper, "Should Zuzu's line fail?"

Katara shook her head, "You are not hearing me Azula, if any of my children fall prey to your quest for the throne; you will not have to worry about ever being crowned Fire Lord and neither will your line."

Azula stared into the deep blue eyes and said, "You would kill innocent children, to keep Zuzu's line on the throne?"

Katara matched the Princesses golden stare and said, "You under estimate the ruthlessness of being born to ice and snow. Children have been culled to protect the tribe since the water tribes learned to command the waters around them."

Azula's eyes widened for a moment, then she asked, "What brought you to Fire Nation?"

"Freedom," Katara replied with out hesitation.

"How old is my neice?" Azula changed the subject.

"She turned two this past winter," Katara replied with a smile.

"Will you bring her to meet me?" Azula's voice was devoid of emotion.

Katara shook her head, "I would not have her meet her Aunt in a prison cell, she would not understand why she couldn't hug you and drag you around the garden with her."

Azula made no response.

"Allow your mother to reach out to you and after the babe is born you will meet them at the same time." Katara said softly.

"Good night water peasant," Azula growled as she climbed back into her bed.

"Good night Princess Azula, may Agni bless your dreams with warmth and La with guidance." Katara said as she left the cell of her husband's sister. She retreated to the garden and walked to the large pool and once in sight of the pool commanded the water as she moved through her exercises as she was able.

Six weeks later Katara gave birth to a blue-eyed boy, the second birth had been easier than her first but she scarred everyone away from her except the ancient mid-wife who smiled and patted her hand as she said, "Yes Fire Lady, No Fire Lady, Yes Fire Lady," then proceeded to do as she was inclined.

Once Zuko heard the wail of the child he peeked his head into the birthing room and glanced at the ancient woman, "Is she asleep?"

"No Zuko," Katara sighed, "Come meet your son."

Zuko's eyes widened and he moved quickly to his wives side and caressed the infant's head, causing deep blue eyes to be revealed. "He has your eyes Katara."

Katara rested her sweat soaked head on her husbands shoulder and smiled, "Good, maybe he'll get the water too." Her eyes closed, "It's only fair, since Kazua has the fire of her father's line."

Zuko's eyes widened once more as he heard her quiet voice whisper in his ear. Before she could sleep he asked, "Love, what do we name him?"

Katara smiled, "I always liked the name Iroh."

Zuko wrapped his arms around his wife and son as his emotions overcame him. A single tear leaked from his good eye as he breathed in the scent of them and felt Katara's familiar cool. When he ran his finger over his son's cheek he imagined that he felt cool like his mother. He didn't leave until she slept peacefully and he only grinned when she cracked a single exhausted eye open and growled at the palaces lead physician. The man disappeared a moment later, under the amused eyes of the mid wife.

With a grin the midwife said, "Fire Lord Zuko, my bones and spirit are old so take no offense and remember I helped birth your father. Fire Nation has not had such a fierce Fire Lady since the days of Aluzon, may your line be blessed with Agni's fire and Tui and La's heart." She bowed, then handed him his carefully swaddled son and disappeared out of the birthing room.

Zuko moved away from his sleeping wife and out into the waiting chamber to present his son, Iroh to his family. He said simply, "Prince Iroh," as he held the boy up for his family's inspection.

Iroh the elder, locked eyes with his nephew and found a rare moment of emotional honesty offered in the Fire Lord's eyes. Zuko moved to his uncle handed the babe to the white haired man. Iroh stroked the babe's cheek and grinned through his tears as he exclaimed, "He has blue eyes!"

"Is that not fitting Uncle," Zuko said from the older mans side.

Iroh handed Ursa her newest grandson and hugged his nephew to his chest, "Thank you nephew."

Zuko bowed his head in respect to his uncle.

Iroh's golden eyes glittered as he filed this memory next to the one he held of Zuko and Katara's kiss after their wedding and the birth of his own son, Lu Ten. He grinned, "Lady Toph owes me a new fountain in the small practice arena."

Zuko sighed, his uncle, Toph and Chief Jun were ever placing bets on his and Katara's relationship. Most recently, Toph had won a year's supply of her favorite tea from Iroh as well as a promise that he would come at least once every three moons to join her for a pot. He'd kept his grin to himself when his Uncle told him of the bet, Uncle hated Fire Black tea. Zuko smiled as his mother held her grandson for a moment then returned the babe to his father.

Zuko knelt down and presented the babe to Kazua, "This is your brother."

Kazua frowned as she poked him then shrugged.

"Arillia, this is your nephew Iroh," Zuko said to his half sister.

Arillia stared, "He is quieter than King Aang."

The adults snickered and Zuko grinned, "Yes he is."

Iroh allowed his nephew to return the babe to his sleeping mothers arms and pulled him aside as the others celebrated, "You must write to Chief Hakoda, he knows neither of his grandchildren."

Zuko stared into his uncles eyes, "She will be very angry."

Iroh sighed, "It must be done, to do nothing will anger the combined water tribes and we are close to true peace."

Zuko allowed his Fire Lord face to fall into place as he nodded to his uncle and retired to his study with Geo underfoot.