On One Hand
Full-fledged counterpart story to On the Other Hand. She hates him, but in order to win a bet, Rose is going to need the cooperation of one Scorpius Malfoy. RoseScorpius
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.
So my first "legit" Rose & Scorp fic, because On the Other Hand doesn't really count. But I think its foony if I do say so meself with me amazing modesty, so you should go check it out.
PROLOGUE: Abetting Trouble
It was one of those family reunions that mothers and in-laws dread where everyone compiles together under one small roof – the type that they had every other week. The adults were separated into the dining room, roaring with laughter about who-knows-what from "back in the day," and the kids were shoved aside into the play room that all of them had grown out of a decade ago. School was drumming in the next week, and the topic of their conversation turned to what they certain would not miss –
"My mum," James announced, yanking Rose out of her internal narration. "Her nagging – and those moments when she gets angry."
Lily readily agreed. "Yeah – last time you made her blow up, I locked myself in my room for a week." Which was definitely saying something. Lily liked her independence and, though not rebellious in the same manner as James, she was the last person that Rose would ever consider confining under sane conditions (which came to her more often than to her dearest cousins, as the episode two weeks ago proved).
"You know who's easy to rile up?" Hugo commented, a grin spread across his face. "Dad."
Fred barked out a laugh from his lounging position on the sofa. "Uncle Ron?" he repeated, rolling over to meet Hugo's eye. "Yeah, you take the win."
From the other side of the room, Louis scoffed. "No, I got Mum angry for a whole week once. She wouldn't talk to me or anything. It was great."
"Aunt Fleur… well, she's Aunt Fleur," Hugo protested. "She doesn't count."
"Besides," interrupted Al, "when Aunt Fleur gets angry, it's actually scary. When Uncle Ron gets angry – well, most of the time, it's funny."
He slapped a five with Fred while Louis scowled. "I bet you can't get Uncle Ron angry for a week for anything. In fact," he challenged, "I bet you can't even make it for half a week. Three and a half days."
Perhaps now would be a great time to take an interlude: here in the Weasley, Potter, Lupin, and the whatever-leftovers-I've-forgotten-to-mention household, people are generally extremely competitive, which you will agree naturally sprouts when you've got what seems to be more relatives than Merlin has strands of hair in his beard. If you don't agree, then you need to get your mind and soul checked at Mungo's where they will treat you, free of charge, because you suffer from an extremely rare disease that the Healers would love to research more on.
Rose scooted to the edge of her seat at the dare, eyeing her beloved cousin with contempt. "You're on. What does winner get?"
"Besides the satisfaction of seeing your dad's name on the headlines of the Daily Prophet for rash behavior?" Louis said, his face a blasé mask before cracking into a wide grin. "Ten Galleons. And one night's worth of Transfiguration homework."
Rose's smile widened as she stood, sticking her hand out to seal the bargain. "Be prepared to kiss goodbye to your money, Louis."
He took it, confidence shining. "I'll be watching."
Don't worry, the next chapter will be infinitely longer than this. Remember to review!