Don't own anything.

Mistakes, something that's wrong, something that shouldn't have happened.

That's what popped out when Riley scrolled down the page of different definitions.

It was lame, but as much as she wanted to deny it, the thing with Greg hadn't been a mistake.

She had wanted it to happen, she couldn't blame alcohol, if she had to blame someone, she should blame herself.

That made her wonder what Greg thought of the whole thing, he agreed with her, but he hadn't said much else.

She sighed and looked around, Nick's area was clean, a result of him being away at a conference.

Greg's area was an "organized mess" as he liked to call it, she preferred to call it just plain mess.

Files, folders, papers, pencils, and knickknacks everywhere, but she had to admit he could find anything really fast.

Riley observed her own desk, clean, spotless, everything organized and in it's place.

Greg had a name for it too, "Neat-freak zone." The memory made her smile, Greg's comment was true though, she was a neat-freak.

Tired from all the double and triple shifts she had pulled lately, she moved from the chair to the couch and fell into a deep sleep, the same position she had slept in that night...

Greg noticed that fact when he came into wake her, it caused him to shake his head so the thoughts would clear away.

He couldn't go back there, he had too many times already, it wouldn't get out of his mind.

Riley had said to call it a mistake and as much as he disagreed, he went along with it.

As far as he was concerned it was better than letting things get awkward, but unfortunately it wasn't working.

Pretending it hadn't happened didn't help, they could barely work together and people had noticed, Catherine had noticed.

She had asked him to go find Riley, she needed to talk to them about it.

According to her, Riley and Greg had lost their friendliness, teamwork and chemistry.

There was no problem with chemistry as far as Greg remembered, but Catherine didn't know about that night.

Catherine had said she didn't want it to affect the team and sent him on his way.

Greg looked at how relaxed she was, he couldn't wake her up, he knew how tired she was, pulling double and triple shifts took all your strength away.

He sat down and waited for her to get up.

The sound of snoring caused Riley to wake up and slowly open her eyes.

Focusing on Greg's sleeping form, she smiled and went to wake him up, "Greg, you've won a million bucks!"

This caused him to bolt up, "What!? Really?" He noticed Riley standing there grinning, "Nice Riles, at least I let you sleep."

She nodded, "And I decide I didn't want to let you sleep. So why were you sleeping anyway?"

"I came in to get you... Oh shit!" He stood up, "Catherine wanted to talk to us two hours ago."

Riley raised her eyebrows, "You didn't wake me!? Let's go!"

Just as they got to the door, Catherine walked in, "Good, you two are up."

Greg looked at her, "I'm sorry..."

She raised her hand, "It's not a problem Greg, you two obviously needed your sleep."

Riley backed up to her desk and sat down on the corner, "So, why did you need to talk to us?"

Greg sat beside her, making them both feel awkward, "Please tell me we're not being reassigned."

Catherine smiled, "No, you are not being reassigned. You're being sent to counselling."

Riley and Greg looked at each other, any traces of awkwardness gone, replaced by surprise.

Greg was the first one to speak, "Why? It's not that serious."

Riley backed him up, "Ya, it was just a glitch. Right Greg?"

He nodded and put her arm around her, "There's no problem. See Catherine?"

Riley leaned into him, "We're perfectly fine."

Catherine smiled even wider at the scene in front of her, "Nice try, but you're not getting out of this. As soon as the therapist clears you, it's over. Deal?"

Grumbling, they both nodded, causing Catherine to have a flashback. After she pushed it away, she started to walk away, "Your first appointment is tomorrow at 9 a.m. Have fun!"

As they watched her leave, Greg looked at Riley, "This sucks."

She nodded, "Tell me about it."

And, that is the update! Fini the chapter, but not nearly fini with the story!

J'adore tu! Or however you say it, I adore you readers! Luvies R^Kisses^Hugs^Luvz