Shame, shame is the emotion I am feeling right no. I have let all of my loyal readers- all seven of them- down. I have some great news for you. I am canceling this story. "Good news" you say? Well my good news is that I am starting a new story. This story was originally going to be the sequel to this story, but I decided to make it it's own story for several reasons.

I absolutely hate how this story is turning out. No motivations. Pretty bad dialogue. Incredibly jumpy action sequences. Some OOC. No subplots, I know I can do better.

I despise how, over a year ago (when this story started) I thought it wuld be a good idea to start out with all of these new couples with absolutely no reason. I even shoved my OTP into it just for the heck of it. I vow to change this in my own story.

My next story will be my sequel to TDI, done right. It will have 22 of my own characters with the old characters. (I know what you're thinking, Oh no, here comes another one [I'm thinking the same thing]) There are going to be a total of 55 challenges. I have combined all the planned challenges for this story into that one.

I'm going to post the characters pictures on my deviantart page [link in profile] as I finish them. I have finished the easier ones but I need to work on the harder ones. I was going to post biographies, but I struggle with them. So other than the ones with biographies already, I might no give them one, not automatically anyway.

I plan to post the first chapter for this story in thirty days, count 'em. I would say a week, but there are things I have to do alongside this (i.e. AP World History summer reading [YUCK!], screenplay, and working in the garden)

Again, I am sorry to all that hoped I would finish this story, but a new story is on its way. Thank you for understanding.