Disclaimer: *see chapter one*
A/N 1: Hey everyone, sorry for the long wait between updates! Things have been really busy around here and I haven't had much time to write until this week. For those of you who reviewed chapter 17, I did read/see your reviews (and are very thankful for them) but for the same reason just didn't get around to replying. Anyway, this is it, the big finale for Best Intentions. Thank you to everybody who's stuck with me along the way, it's an awesome feeling to know people have liked it, since long stories -especially this long- aren't something I do all the time. On that note, this is the longest chapter I've written for this story; hopefully that'll make up for the wait. :)
Enjoy . . . .
A light breeze weaved its way across the lush green lawn, only somewhat helping to counteract the summer heat of the Miami sun. For the past two months the heat, along with the crime rate had been on the rise. Leaving the city's police force with a frenzy of cases and little amount downtime in between. For Calleigh, it was a bittersweet time. While she loved being back with MDPD, she also missed the spending time with Caylee -her cases in Louisiana having been a little more laid back- and felt slightly guilty for not being home as much. Likewise, the self-proclaimed workaholic himself, Horatio hated not being able to spend more time with Caylee and Kyle.
From where she lay beside the medium sized pool, Calleigh, in a two-toned blue two piece; watched as Kyle played with Caylee. Sighing, she closed her eyes and rested her chin against her crossed arms, oblivious as the two quietly approached her and splashed the blonde in the face. Sputtering slightly, she opened her eyes and pinned her now wet bangs behind her ear. Kyle's blue eyes sparkled mischievously, a clear sign he'd been the instigator in the splashing, while Caylee laughed happily and soon had her mother joining in. Cal smiled, resting her weight on her elbows and leaned over to place a kiss to Caylee's cheek.
"You guys gonna be alright for a minute? I'm gonna go see what's takin' your dad so long, the team should be here soon for the BBQ." Cal stated, getting up from her beach towel and donning a jersey-knit baby doll dress.
"Yeah," Kyle replied, adding quickly. "And yes, I know. Water wings or not, don't let her go towards the deep end." The blonde smirked, sliding on her flip-flops and headed across the yard into the house.
"Handsome?" Calleigh called, making her way through the house; noting the hotdogs and hamburgers still sat on a platter waiting to be cooked.
Horatio sat at the desk of his home office, his eyes scanning a file; not bothering to glance up as he answered her, "In here, Sweetheart." The sound of her quiet footfalls met his ears as she entered the room, the warm weight of her body meeting his as she walked over to his side, then placed her hand on his back.
"I thought we agreed -no work today." She said, taking the file from his hands and tossing it onto the desk. "This whole backyard BBQ was you're idea, which means you should be first in line to enjoy our day off."
The redhead smiled, noting that her accent had thickened with her displeasure. Hoping to appease her, he gently pulled her into his lap, her position at his side making it easy and was surprised to find her dress slightly damp. "What happened here?" he asked. His eyes pausing as he realized her bangs were wet, but not the rest of her hair.
"That'd be your kids -sneak splash attack." Cal replied, her tone teasing as she met his gaze. Horatio's eyes twinkled with amusement, picturing the scene and chuckled softly.
"My kids, you sure?" he asked, following the question with two quick kisses. Being reminded just how much he'd missed their flirtatious banter while she'd been gone.
Calleigh smiled, their faces still close enough that she could lightly bump his nose with hers. Her response coming out as a soft hum,
Then placed another quick peck to his lips, rising to answer the door where one of their teammates had just finished knocking.
Horatio and Frank stood by the grill tending the meat, while Eric and Ryan tossed a football around with Kyle. The girls on the other hand remained by the pool, Calleigh who was now completely wet, stood in the pool's shallow end; helping Caylee practice her kicks. The other two members of the team who'd decided to come, Nat and Maxine, sat at the pool's edge with their feet in the water.
"It's too bad Alexx couldn't come, it seems like forever since we last saw her." Maxine stated, smiling as Calleigh backed away a few feet and allowed Caylee to swim to her.
Cal nodded from the water as she grasped her daughter's hands. "Yeah, that's what we get for scheduling this thing last minute. The hospital's been just as busy; she couldn't get the day off." The blonde placed a kiss to Caylee's head, scooping her up against her chest. "Good girl, you're a regular gator aren't you?" The toddler nodded softly, causing her mother and "aunts" to chuckle.
From where he stood, Horatio's gaze drifted across the lawn to the pool, the combined laughter catching his attention. His eyes lingered on Calleigh, something she was all too aware of and tagged his gaze for a brief moment. Frank quietly watched the exchange, pulling Horatio's attention back to him.
"You two seem happy," Quickly Horatio met his eyes and he added. "I haven't seen you this relaxed in a long time."
The redhead nodded, his gaze shifting to his son as he replied, "We're adjusting, all things considered." Horatio's mind drifted to Julia's recent hospitalization and the effect it was having on Kyle. Having Calleigh around seemed to be helping, Kyle's relationship with Julia having begun to deteriorate awhile before the incident in the morgue. Not that Cal was trying to replace her in Kyle's life, merely showing him how Julia could be -if she chose to get back on her meds. In the meantime however, the blonde was happy to be there for him and offer a maternal shoulder if he needed it.
Freshly changed into a knee-length denim skirt, a pink tank top, and flip-flops, Calleigh began helping Caylee change into some dry clothes. Her bottoms already on, Cal chose a lightweight sundress and began to slide it over her head. The sound of a knock on the door frame drew her gaze to the door.
"Everything ok in here?" Nat asked, watching as Cal began to pin her daughter's hair back with some butterfly clips.
"Yep. How's the assembly line goin'?"
"Frank and H are handling drinks, Max and Ryan are handling toppings; Kyle and Eric setting up the picnic tables." The brunette replied, easily pinning a lock of hair behind her ear and entering the room.
Cal nodded, her slender fingers easily pinning the rest of Caylee's hair back, "Leaving us with the desserts huh?"
Nat shrugged, "Pretty much, since we'll probably be the only ones still moving." Her light brown eyes sparkled as she watched Calleigh help the toddler with her sandals. Her gaze lingered on her friend, a fact not lost on the blonde and quickly addressed with a friendly quip.
"Nat, your anxiety level is as high a sniper itchin' to blow –what's up?" Her curious emerald eyes scanned Natalia's. The other woman froze, her hand pausing where she'd been fiddling with her necklace. Her eyes alight with panic, like a deer caught in headlights. "Oh c'mon, I'm not gonna bite your head off. Out with it . . . before the others form a search party."
Despite her nerves, Calleigh's little icebreaker did the trick and caused a smile to quirk at Natalia's lips. "It's just, Maxine and I were wondering –well, really the whole lab is. Now that you're back for good and all, are you guys ever gonna . . . ." she trailed off, not sure if the couple had even considered it and didn't want to cause tension.
The blonde chuckled softly, picking her daughter up and shifting her onto her hip. "Get married?" she stated; then watched as her friend nodded. "We've talked about it, agreed we're not likely to split up again; discussed it with Kyle, who thankfully approves . . . but honestly, it doesn't matter to us." She sighed, a soft smile forming as Caylee played with a lock of her hair. "I mean, eventually I'm sure we will . . . we're just not in a hurry about it." Her eyes flicked to Natalia's as she added, "We've know each other close to nine years, what's another one or two?"
The brunette gave a tiny smile of agreement, the phrase: 'Everything in its own time,' filtering through her mind. Her gaze then lowered to the diamond ring on Calleigh's left ring finger. She'd been wearing it for close to a month –which had initially started the marriage rumors.
"So the added ice on your finger these days, for now that's what?"
Cal rolled her eyes at Nat's teasing tone replying, "For now, a promise ring. Though that may change if things settle down at work . . . speakin' of, what did y'all say to the Brass?"
"What'd you mean?"
"We know they talked to everybody before making a decision, obviously y'all weren't opposed to it. What was the general consensus?" She asked as the trio heading towards the door.
Natalia shrugged, her gaze pausing on her goddaughter, "That you guys are a one-two punch, and splitting you up would be suicide for the lab." The two women shared knowing smiles, Nat leaning in and resting her forehead against Calleigh's. Knowing a traditional hug was impossible, given both the blonde's arms were wrapped around her daughter. Pulling back a moment later, she tapped Caylee softly on the nose, causing the little girl to laugh sweetly, "And what about the 'Bullet Princess' here, anything changing with her?"
Cal nodded, yet again amused by her friend's lack of subtlety. "It took a little convincing, but we've already filed the paperwork. By next week she'll be Caylee Caine –even if we don't marry right away. I want that for her, and Horatio. Heck, I'll probably keep my maiden name professionally anyway." The tender moment was broken by Eric who they could hear calling from the kitchen,
"Did you three get lost back there? 'Cause we're about to start without you."
Flicking off the lights, the house once again quiet, Calleigh made her way through the semi-darkness. Trying her best not to wake Kyle as she passed the office, the teen having been so exhausted he'd decided to stay the night; not even bothering to close the door as he'd fallen into bed. Reaching the doorway of the guest bedroom, she gently wrapped her arms around Horatio, leaning into his side as he watched their daughter sleep. His head turned towards her, the caress of her tiny hands at his waist, impossible to ignore and kissed her deeply but gently.
"I love you," he whispered, sweeping a lock of loose hair behind her ear. Calleigh gave him a soft smile, nuzzling her cheek against his palm.
"I love you too Handsome, c'mon," she replied, taking a step back and beckoning him with her eyes. The pair slipping quietly into the bed across the hall; Horatio's arm wrapping possessively around her waist as they drifted off to sleep.
A/N 2: Thanks again, hope you've enjoyed this ride as much as I have! :) Feel free to leave me with any parting thoughts/comments (I promise I'll reply this time.) And hope to hear from you on my next fic!