Don't own Reborn…sadly but I DO own, wait I have nothing!!!!!!!

Review if you want me to continue this, its my first time trying to write for Katekyo Hitman Reborn.


You looked at the young brown haired boy, your eyes widened and jaw went slack.

"Hello my name is Sawada Tsunayoshi what's your name?" he asked shyly with a light blush on his cute cheeks.

"Err its (your name) it's nice to meet you too…" you replied uncertainly.

Ok at the moment this would seem like the first meeting between you and the young soon to be Tenth Vongola boss, in a way it could be, time travel always confused you.

A small smile came on your lips, he was so cute as a five year old, you thought. Soft spikey brown hair, large chocolate brown eyes and blush stained cheeks that made up the cute five year old.

Now the question was why is a five year old Tsuna in front of a fourteen year old you? No you were not sent into the past, more like Tsuna was hit by a malfunctioning 10 year bazooka and poof, swapped places with his younger self.

So Reborn brought the younger Tsuna to your house and left him with only a note to explain things. Poor kid was so confused, Tsuna not Reborn.

'Ciaossu (Your name),

As you might have guessed Tsuna was babysitting Lambo and was hit by a broken 10 year bazooka. The idiot seemed to have swapped places with his five year younger self. Take care of him until Tsuna comes back.


"Your pretty…" whispered the young Tsuna as he blushed.

Ok what the hell?