This is the beginning of a series of Death Note drabbles. Of course, the characters do not belong to me
"Ryuuzaki, those are my consumme chips."
"Seriously, Ryuuzaki, give them back."
"Dammit, Ryuuzaki, give them back!"
Light snatched the bag of chips from L's hands, crushing them in the process. He waved the mutilated bag around while he yelled, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, RYUUZAKI! THOSE WERE MY CHIPS, AND YOU ATE NEARLY ALL OF THEM!"
As he continued to ramble, L attentively kept his eyes focused on the flailing bag. Catching Light in the middle of a bedraggled sentence, he leapt forward, knocking the younger man from chair, while also snatching the bag from his hand. L cleared the chair neatly, flipping over acrobatically and landing in a crouch, consumme chips in hand. Deliberately, he held the open bag up over his head and downed the crumbs majestically.
Light gaped.
L smirked. "I win, Light-kun."
Light glowered at L. "You do realize, Ryuuzaki," he stated angrily, "that this means war."
Oh, this will be fun.