Disclaimer: Not mine, yadda, yadda, yadda. Will never own them, blah, blah, blah.

Rating: M (It seems to be the only thing I write, isn't it?)

Summary: Sara is keeping a secret from everybody. What will happen when Grissom finds out? If there are any similarities to another story, it is purely coincidence. I wrote this in 2006. If I have copied someone else's idea, please let me know and I will gladly give credit where credit is due.


"Good morning everyone. I have a surprise addition to the syllabus. I promised a guest lecture and last week he finally agreed. He will be here next week. Don't be late because there will be an exam based solely on his lecture." The forty-something professor began the class and Sara rolled her eyes.

"Who is it?" Someone from the back of the room called out.

"Dr. Gil Grissom. I've been in contact with him for months. He will be discussing…" Sara's cell phone chose that second to ring. She quickly turned off the offending noise.

"As I was saying, Dr. Grissom…" This time it was her pager.

"Ms. Sidle, is there a problem?" He asked her and the entire room was silent; waiting for her response.

"No; it's just Gri…err my boss."

"It must be important. Check your pager; we'll wait." Thoroughly embarrassed at this point, Sara opened her pager.

-CALL ME NOW! GG- She sent a reply.

-Busy. Call U later. SS-

"Ok, I'm sorry. I put my pager on vibrate." He accepted her response.

"Thank you. Dr. Grissom will be discussing…" Sara jumped at the vibration of her cell phone and her pager.

"Ms. Sidle, what is it you do for a living that your boss feels the need to harass you like this?" She sighed and figured her embarrassment couldn't get much worse.

"I'm a CSI."

"Really? That's very interesting, because that will be the focus of Dr. Grissom's lecture."

"I know. To tell you the truth, I could probably wing it and present the material just fine."

"Are you willing to put your grade on the line?" The professor challenged her.

"Yes. I'll even give you an outline of what he's going to be saying." Her pager vibrated once again. She finally decided to end this and called him back.


"What do you want?" She knew the entire lecture hall was listening to her side of the conversation.

"You; I need your help."

"It can't wait? I'm very busy at the moment."

"No; hot lead on a hot case. Come in now."

"I can't. At least not for another two hours." She said firmly.

"Where are you?"

"Not at home if that's what you were thinking."

"Tell me or I'll have Archie GPS your phone." She sighed.

"Fine; I'm at UNLV."

"What are you doing there?" He let her hear the confusion in his voice.

"I'm trying to listen to a lecture that I paid money to hear, but you keep interrupting."

"What is it on? I'll be there next week presenting one. I could use an assistant if you're available." Sara was now angry and let his name slip.

"Listen Grissom, you'll just have to wait a few hours and then I will come in and help you." Grissom thought he heard something when she said his name. He didn't get the chance to respond because she'd hung up the phone. He knew that she would also have it turned off so he can't call her anymore. Sara faced her professor.

"Sorry, he won't bother me anymore if he knows what's good for him." She prepared herself for the lecture, but then noticed the complete silence. She looked up and laughed.


"You know Gil Grissom?" Her professor asked.

"Sure; I've known him for years. He's my boss now."

"You talk to him like that? So informal? So rude?" She held back her laughter. While she knew he was the best in his chosen field, these people were treating him like a god.

"Informal, yes; everybody does. Griss knows when I need to vent. He's a good listener."

"Griss?" Someone else in the middle of the room asked. She was frustrated.

"What are all of you; ten? Yes, I call him 'Griss'. Some people even call him 'Gil', but most everybody calls him 'Grissom'. If we aren't going to have a lecture today, then I need to go back to work." The professor cleared his throat.

"Yes, of course. Ten minute break. Ms. Sidle, I need to speak to you." The class dispersed and Sara started writing out the outline. She knew exactly what was coming and this was what she was trying to avoid.

"Why didn't you tell me you knew him?"

"Because of what happened just now." Sara answered plainly.

"Does he know you're in this course?"

"No, and I'd appreciate it if you don't tell him either." She continued her writing.

"I will respect that." She nodded and handed him a piece of paper.

"Here; these are short hand notes on what he will talk about since my grade is now based on this one lecture." He scanned the page.

"Thank you. This is impressive. I'll put this in my grade book." He left her alone and the rest of the lecture was able to conclude without further interruption. Sara immediately threw her bag in the trunk and drove to the lab.

Grissom had been waiting impatiently for her to return and had been hovering around the security cameras looking for her car. As soon as he saw it, he ignored the joy in his heart and went to meet her. He dragged her in by the elbow.

"Finally, you're here."

"What the hell? Let me go." She demanded. She didn't like being manhandled.

"No, you are needed in a re-enactment. The suspect is in custody and time is running out. You happened to share the most physical attributes as the victim."

"Such as?" She asked and received no response. He finally released her and she saw the rest of the team apparently waiting for her.

"About time." and "Where were you?" were two comments that she had heard, but didn't know who said them. She tried to focus on what Grissom was saying in reference to height, build, and weight. It was difficult to do because at the same time, he was taking her coat off and hovering behind her.

"Oh good, you're wearing a tank top." She heard him say, but what really caught her attention was the word 'pregnant'.

"Huh?" She let her confusion show. Grissom appeared in front of her holding one of those faux pregnant bellies.

"The suspect is eight months pregnant. I need you to wear this."

Sara didn't remember agreeing and suddenly she didn't care because his hands were sliding up her arms and occasionally brushing her bare skin. He was behind her again and reached around the front of her to grab the straps that would secure the whole thing to her body. Keeping her face neutral, she slipped into a mental fantasy that one day, he would give in and start a relationship with her.

Grissom wouldn't show it, but he was in heaven. He had an excuse to touch her soft skin. Even better was the fact that he was wrapping his arms around her. God, if only this were real. Am I too late? He thought to himself. Satisfied with the fit, he grabbed the maternity shirt and slipped it over her head.

"I can dress myself." She snapped at him.

The team sat, quite amused and decided it was entirely worth the wait to see the interaction between the two. They were all waiting patiently for the day that both of them would give into their mutual attraction. Grissom appeared to be having fun. He looked like he was trying to hold his smile and accidentally touch her in any way he could. Sara, simply put, looked pissed off. They even held in their laughter when she snapped at him.

"Sara, you're only supposed to look the part, not act it." Greg teased.

"Bite me." She glared at him.

"You'd better keep your wife in line." Brass told Grissom.

"What?" Sara asked angrily.

"Uh, you match the description of the suspect and me, the victim. Hence, the re-enactment." Grissom told her calmly.

"They were married." She muttered to herself.

"Yes, dear." Grissom said and the room finally erupted in laughter. She turned to him, not amused.

"You called me out of an educational setting to come play house?" Grissom nodded.

"How long do I have to pretend to be married to you and carrying a bag of water?" She asked.

"Until tomorrow morning if my theory is correct. The evidence suggests that the wife did it and that she was very angry."

"Then I don't blame her. You owe me."

"Yes, dear." Once again, everyone laughed. Catherine even had to wipe the tears out of her eyes.

"Shall we go eat?" He asked.

"What? You don't seriously expect me to go out in public like this, do you?"

"Yes; we are going to re-enact their day to see if we can find a trigger or a reason behind his death." Sara thought about it. A whole day with Grissom pretending to be my husband. It would make my dreams more realistic, but why torture myself like this. I guess I'm glutton for punishment.

"Fine; but no cameras. I better not see any photos of this anywhere." Grissom led her out of the room to start their day, but she stopped.

"Wait, this sucks, I already have to use the bathroom." She disappeared down the hall and he poked his head back in the room they had just come out of. They were all gathering their things to go home.

"Did you get it?" He asked.

"Yep, lots. She's going to kill you. You know that, right?" Warrick replied.

"No, she won't. I've got leverage. See you all tonight. He left them to chuckle on their own and met Sara as she was coming out of the bathroom.

"A little help here." She was already annoyed, so he quickly helped her readjust the straps.


A/N: Well, what do you think? Reviews are appreciated. Have a great day! Kelly