I know, I know, everyone's getting tired of these announcements, but I felt I should let you all know what's about to happen: I'm going to take down a significant chunk of my currently posted stories in an effort to clean up my FF account and allow myself to focus on specific projects.

The stories that are to be outright taken down on Valentine's Day are Sakura's Rebirth, Naruto: Twilight Legend, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED: Soldier of ZAFT and possibly Gundam Eternity: First Draft.

For Sakura's Rebirth, I simply don't have the time to try and finish the rewrite, and didn't really like the original long-term. I might, some day, come back to this, but I honestly doubt it.

Twilight Legend I've been meaning to take down for awhile.

Soldier of ZAFT is one I hope to return to someday, but since such a work would almost totally redraw what was already there, I feel there's no point in leaving up the original any longer.

As for Gundam Eternity, I just feel that I shouldn't leave it up there any longer. I hope to one day return to the new Gundam Eternity, but between school, life struggles, and my other fics… that's a long ways off, assuming I ever get it to happen (doesn't help that the actual writing has been stalled with character introductions).

Some stories are a bit more fortunate, to an extent: every story of the Old Divinity Saga, as well as the original The White Queen will be transferred to my site (you can find the link on my profile page, because I've gotten tired of editing "links" for the actual stories). This will be a gradual process, and I don't know how long it will take.

The reason for this is because I feel it would be best to avoid having them clutter up my profile, and it makes it a bit of a headache having them on the list when they're not only not being worked on, but are in fact in the process of being "replaced." I'll probably start with the Old Divinity Saga one-shot series, some of which are already done, and then proceed to run from start to finish with Dauntless, Serenity, then Divinity. When I'm done with all other Old Divinity Saga stories, I will be taking down Divinity Saga: Afterword, which is already posted on my site. Finally, White Queen Original will be done… well, I can't put a schedule on that, but it will probably be done around the "transfer" of the Old Divinity Saga, so it could be done soon, later, or even before I start on those.

This will cut down at least half of the current posted stories. Once done, I plan to try and stick to a schedule of updating a story each week, without too much concern for which story gets worked on, but the focus projects will be Gundam Trinity, The White Queen, and hopefully Naruto: A New Path as well, but I make no promises.