This last week didn't turn out to be anything, anyone was expecting, believe me it didn't.

I mean for once I did not expect Edward to give me present, nonetheless a Rolex, than us actually becoming friends and being on a first name basis was very incredible.

And now here we were at what Edward and I were going to celebrate our week of being friends, yes I know it's hard to believe it but Bella Swan and Edward Cullen have been friends for a full week with absolutely no name calling, punching, kicking, cursing or arguing.

The memory of how everyone took our newly found friendship was of complete shock, when they saw us arrive at the cafeteria laughing and playing around everything turned silent and expecting….

"Edward what are they looking at", I asked as we entered the cafeteria. I was laughing at a stupid joke Edward had said.

"Probably at us, for once were together laughing and not trying to rip our head's off", He said shrugging as we made our way through the cafeteria and everyone kept staring, even the teacher's had stopped eating to witness this.

"I guess you're right how do you think everyone will take the news", I asked looking at all the expectant faces.

"They are surely to have a blast", Edward said as we reached our table.

Everyone's face was absolutely priceless, Alice (dropped her apple and gasped), Jasper (honestly looked constipated) AN: Just remember he's face during the movie. Emmett (Back ground music playing in his head), Rosalie (laughing hysterically), Jacob (Threw himself at Tanya), Tanya (angrily swatted Jacob's mouth from hers).

"Hey guy's", Edward said loudly smiling.

They just stared at us dumb folded, Emmett even began to drool.

"How are you", I asked them smirking.

"OH MY GOD", Alice, Rosalie, Tanya and Emmett shrieked.

Edward threw Emmett a look, "We're friends".

"You sure you didn't become president over the night also", Jacob asked raising an eyebrow.

"No really we're in a peace zone", I said smiling at their reactions.

"How is this possible", Tanya asked dumb folded

I shrugged "Never sub esteem the power of a Rolex".

"Rolex, nice", Rosalie said smirking.

Emmett was still in a daze, and when he came out of it he made a very remarkable comment.

"You know guy's Jasper and I have been planning a treat for Halloween wanna see", he asked smiling giddy with anticipation.

"Emmett I'm not going to do this why doesn't Jake do it", Jasper asked whining.

Edward and I were sitting between Tanya and Rosalie.

"Because Jasper you got the part", Emmett said.

"Ok ok let's do it", Jasper said, Alice laughed and hugged him.

"So this Halloween I'm going to be tananana- EMMETT- tananana-EMMETT", he said imitating the batman tune.

Emmett turned and pinched Jasper.

"And I'm his loyal sidekick Jasper", he said, and Emmett did the back ground music..tananana-JASPER-tananana-JASPER.

I just stared at them horrified at Emmet's idea.

"SO what do you think", he asked happily.

"You are such an idiot", Rosalie said smacking his head hard.


Today was Saturday and Bella and I were going to celebrate our one week friendship in the little common room in our dorm.

The idea was totally stupid but when I suggested it Bella actually liked it.

I had gone down to the cafeteria and flirted my too half a dozen of Ben and Jerry's chocolate fudge ice cream, and was taking it up to the room.

I was praying inside my head that I wouldn't bump into anyone, and by anyone I meant Emmett or any of the guy's or Alice and the girls because then the ice cream wouldn't make it to Bella.

I ran as fast as I could and when I finally reached my dorm I did a little happy dance to celebrate getting the ice cream here in one piece.

I opened the door quickly to run face into face with…Emmett, what the hell?

"Eddie", He said happily taking the ice cream from my hands.

I was about to fight him when I noticed everyone was present in the room, Tanya, Rosalie and Alice were flipping the channels on the T.V.

While Japer and Jacob we're having a heated discussion over a game of poker.

Bella was in the kitchen smiling and looking at me apologetically, while Emmett was looking for a spoon so he could dig into the ice cream.

"What happened here", I asked Bella quietly.

"Word spread that we we're having a party tonight", Bella said looking disapprovingly at Emmett who started to eat the ice cream with his hands since he couldn't fine a spoon.

"Emmett there are spoons in the drawer next to you", I said looking at my brother's face full of chocolate fudge.

"THAUNKU", he said answering with his mouth full.

"So what happens to our celebration", Bella asked.

"I say we take it elsewhere", I said smirking.

"Where do you suggest", she asked looking at me curiously.

"The court yard", I said grabbing my keys of the counter.

"You know that actually sounds good", Bella said following my lead.

"Hey guys don't trash this place", I said yelling over my shoulder as we walked out the door.


At first when Edward suggested a friend anniversary, I found it a little odd but then went with the idea.

The night was chilly as we went to the court yard.

"Are you cold", Edward asked looking at me with concern.

"Not at all", I said lying, but my shivering blew my cover.

"Here", Edward said shrugging out of his jacket.

"No than you'll be cold", I said refusing his jacket.

"No I won't", he said placing the jacket over my shoulders.

"Alright than", I said putting it on and immediately felt how good it smelt.

"Let's seat here, the stars are beautiful", Edward said patting a spot on the bench next to him.

I turned my head towards the sky, he was right they were shinning brightly.

"Yes it's a very beautiful night", I said staring at my lap.

"Why did we take so long", Edward asked me playing with a piece of hair.

"Take so long to do what", I asked him confused.

"You know being friends", he asked me shyly.

"I guess we grew up and left all the bullshit in the past", I said laughing a little.

"I guess we did", Edward said pulling something out of his pocket.

"What's that", I asked him trying to figure out what he was holding.

"Since Emmett ate our ice cream here's a little something to celebrate", He said pulling out a small chocolate bar from his pocket and he divided it in two.

I chuckled as he gave me the chocolate.

"Here's a toast to many weeks of friendship", Edward said biting his chocolate.

"To friendship", I said eating mine.

We stayed for little while longer but it was getting too cold so we decided to go check out how things in our dorm where doing since we left everyone alone there.

We we're just getting close to the third floor when we heard some loud music playing and I immediately had a bad feeling of what was going on there.

"Oh no", Edward said as he opened the door.

When we walked in we found half of the school in our dorm, and there was loud music playing, food and alcohol everywhere.

"Oh my god I'm going to kill them", I muttered angrily.

Emmett was in the middle of the dance floor doing a very weird dance, while Alice and the girls were laughing hysterically off course they were all drunk.

"BELLS EDDIE, DO THE EMMEY POKEY DANCE", Emmett said dancing and bumping into Jacob who was trying to drunken dance the "Emmett pokey"

"I'm going to bed", I said trying to move in between my drunken peers, there was a great majority on the floor already passed out.

"Same here", Edward said kissing my cheek and leaving towards his room.

I gave everyone one last look Emmett and Jacob where claiming they were ducks and where doing a chicken dance, while Jasper was playing the bad boy from the wild west with his imaginary guns, and Alice, Rosalie and Tanya were singing incredibly off key "Jingle Bells, Batman smells".

After I heard that I decided to go to bed, but when I opened my room I found it was completely full of wasted sleeping people on my bed on the floor everywhere.

I officially had no where to sleep I thought about the couch out side but I'd be crazy to do that so I did the only thing I could think of and knocked on Edward's door.

When he opened it he looked sleepy, "What's wrong Bella".

"Can I sleep here", I asked him bluntly, I was very sleepy and needed a place to crash.

Edward seemed confused but let me in anyways.

"Not to be rude but may I ask why I get the pleasure of having you here tonight", Edward asked closing the door.

"There are at least twenty drunk people sleeping in my room", I said angrily.

"That's bad", Edward said making a gagging sound.

"I just hope they don't mess my room to much", I said sleepily.

"You can have the bed and I'll sleep on the floor", Edward said throwing a pillow on the floor.

"No we can share the bed you know, as long as you keep your hands to your self", I said smiling at him.

"I swear I won't bite", he said laughing and pulling the covers.

We both got into bed, and at first I t was awkward but than I came to find the extra warmth nice, and couldn't help but snuggle a little to Edward.

"Night Bella", he said kissing me on the forehead.

"Night", I said drifting into the best sleep of my life.

AN: It's kind of short I know but I hope you liked it!

The party thing was inspired on one of my friends recent birthday party everyone was so drunk that I didn't have were to sleep because they were everywhere, so ended sleeping on a couch and my back hurt for like a week! lol! Nicky :D