Okay this is based off 1x13 if Serena was the one who needed the test.
She remembered the words she spoke just a few hours ago. She didn't why she hadn't told him the truth. She didn't know if she was pregnant or not. Hell, she wasn't even sure if the test was going to work. She glanced at test lying on the marble counter before looking down at her stomach.
If she was pregnant, her flat stomach would slowly morph into a bump. A sense of dread and excitement filled her insides. She took one last look at the test before whipping her hand across the counter, knocking the test into the trash. Her cell phone buzzed, jolting her. Dan's name flashed across the screen.
Hesitating, she answered it, trying to rid the shakiness from her voice. "Hey Dan."
"Serena, hey." He answered, relief evident in his voice. "Where are you? You were supposed to be at my house an hour ago."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I totally spaced. I'll make it up to, I promise."
"No need. Just open the door." He hung up quickly, making her curious.
She pulled her silk robe tighter around herself before opening the door. He was standing there, phone in hand. "Hey," He smiled, stepping forward to wrap his arms around her frame. "Are you okay?"
"Never been better." She forced a smile, pecking him on the lips. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to forget."
"Its fine, I was so worried about you though." He sat down on her bed, pulling her down onto his lap. "Like I'm sure Blair's told you, Brooklyn isn't very safe unless you're carrying pepper spray."
"You worry too much." She smiled, kissing him again.
"Only because I love you."
She froze, hearing those words again. Sure, he had said them this morning, but she figured it was it the heat of the moment. Not because he truly meant it. "Dan...I.."
"You don't have to say it back." He murmured, blushing. "I just wanted you to know."
"Dan..I...I do too, but I just, I don't know."
"You can't say it." He wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her. "Its okay. Really."
"I'm sorry." She laid her head on his shoulder, feeling horrible.
"Its okay." He smiled reassuringly at her, brushing his lips against her neck. "I kinda need you to get up, kay? I need to use your bathroom."
She rolled off of him, colliding with a picnic basket. "What's this?"
"I brought food, if you're still hungry." He grinned, disappearing into the bathroom.
She opened the basket, letting the aroma of pizza overcome her senses. Opening the box, she peeled off a piece of pepperoni, eating it quickly and wiping her hands on a napkin. "This pizza is amazing."
The bathroom door opened, a pale Dan standing in the doorway. In his left hand, he clutched the test, his knuckles turning white. In his right hand, he held the box up. "You left this on the counter and," He held up the test. "I found this in the trash."
"Dan, like I said, I'm not pregnant." She lied, watching him clench the test harder.
"I looked at the box and I'm pretty sure the plus means pregnant." He said, staring at her.
"If you're going to break up with me, you can do it now." Her eyes brimmed with tears as she looked everywhere but at him.
He dropped the items in his hands, dropping to his knees in front of her. His eyes drifted to her stomach as if he could already see the bump. He took her face in his hands, kissing first her cheeks, forehead and finally her lips. "We're having a baby." He whispered, one hand sliding under her top to touch her stomach.
"Yeah," She murmured, the tears trickling down her cheeks. "A baby." She giggled as he wiped the tears away with his thumb.
"I love you so much, Serena." He hugged her tightly, pressing kisses to her neck. "I love you and our baby."
"I love you too." She whispered, bringing their lips together. "Our baby is going to have the best daddy." At that point, Eric promptly walked in, holding two ties.
"Hey which one looks- wait..what!?"
"Eric!" She pulled away from Dan, yanking her little brother into the room.
"You're pregnant?"
"Eric, I..yes. Don't tell mom."
"But you're pregnant!" He protested, making Dan clasp a hand over the boy's mouth.
"Eric, we're trying to keep this quiet for a bit. Lily would, she'd kill me. Cece would kill me too!"
"But you're going to have a baby!" He cried, wrenching Dan's hand away.
"Please just don't tell mom. Please." Serena begged, tears springing up again.
"Okay," Eric muttered after a few minutes of silent contemplation. "But you owe me. Big time."
"Thank you so much Eric." Serena stood and hugged him, inadvertently wrinkling his shirt.
"Okay, so can you guys help me? Which one looks better?" He held up both ties to his shirt, looking at both of them.
"Blue." They said simultaneously.
"Who do you have a date with anyway?" Serena asked, taking Dan's hand.
"Uh, I..Jenny."
"Yeah," Eric stood there awkwardly, looking at the two. "I got to go."
He rushed out the door, just as Serena's phone rang. "Its Blair."
"Oh great." Dan muttered sarcastically, lying down on the bed.
She shushed him and set the phone on speaker, letting it sit on the bed. "Hey B."
"Hi Serena, did you take the test?"
"Way to be blunt." Serena rolled her eyes at Dan, her lips curved into a smile. "But yeah I did."
"I'm pregnant." She said slowly, squeezing Dan's hand.
"Well, what are you going to do? Is it even Dan's?"
"B, I'm keeping my baby and why wouldn't it be Dan's? I haven't been with anyone else, you know that."
"Sorry, forgot. So I'm godmother right?"
Serena raised an eyebrow at Blair's excitement. "Aren't you going to yell at me for being irresponsible?"
"No, because that would require talking about you and Humphrey's sex life which I do not want to hear. Hey, I got to go. Nate's here."
Serena shut the phone, tossing it off to the side. "And now two people know. How are we going to tell our parents, Dan?"
"If it helps, you can blame it all on me." He laughed, kissing the side of her head. "Hey, we're going to be fine, okay?"
"You promise?"
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