Disclaimer: I do not, in any way, shape or form, own the greatness of Naruto. If I did I wouldn't be writing fanfiction.
Never Wait
They stood, silently, watching the river flow by under them; oblivious, they were, to the world that continued on with its daily duties. The two young adults went unnoticed, the girl leaning (slightly) against the taller boy, their heads tilted downward as secret smiles played on both of their mouths.
Today was unlike any other, yet, different because the two had finally found what they had been searching for since long ago. The girl, her pink hair moving along with the winds dance about her round face, turned her intense jade gaze to the blond haired boy.
"Have you been waiting long, Naruto?"
Her question was voiced softly, quietly, in fear of breaking the solitude that was brought with the cooler afternoon. The girl had been so ignorant, as well as rather foolish, in her past. She was afraid when she finally admitted the truth of her feelings that he would brush her aside just like she had.
"Nah," he scoffed after a few seconds of taking in her question. "I'm not one to wait, Sakura-chan, you know that," he said with a laugh. He finally turned his cerulean gaze from the rushing water underneath the Heaven and Earth Bridge, looking at her fully; a smirk playing on the corner of his lips. "I just slowed down until you realized to catch up."
The girl, Sakura, narrowed her eyes at him and the boy, Naruto, laughed his normal strong and unrestrained laugh. He quieted and threw an arm around the slim shoulders of his 'Sakura-chan', the smile, though, never left.
It was contagious, his smile was, and so the girl found herself smiling as she nestled into the warmth that he would always come with.
"I ardently love you, Naruto," said she into his black shirt that, undoubtedly, smelled of ramen.
The blond haired boy rested his head atop her pink head; that smile ever growing. He laughed softly and kissed her hair, mumbling a whispered, "I love you."
Authors Note: So, yeah, I know I haven't written anything in the longest of time! Though, it cannot be helped what with all my other papers I have to write for classes and not to mention the long hours I have to study for tests. Well, I read the last chapter of Naruto and practically died when (SPOILER) Hinata said she loved Naruto. I mean, I am not a fan of Hinata nor do I support the couple NaruHina, but what if she lives? Will Naruto do something with this love? I dearly hope not. Anyway, this is just a drabble that has been playing in my head over and over since I read that. I needed something to demolish what happened…
Please Review! It fuels my passion to write even more.