A/N: It's me again. This is the story I said I was working on earlier. I thought I'd be nice and put it up for you all to see. It's probably going to be a short one, not as long as Haunted or Drunken.

It's all from Edward's perspective and it jumps around from past to present and I try my best to let you know which is which.

I waited patiently in Bella's driveway, the breakfast sandwich my mother Esme made for Bella sat wrapped in a napkin on the passenger seat. Today was different; Bella was always out the door and in my car by 7:17, but this morning she wasn't. I quick shot off a text to her, telling her I was outside. Five minutes later, the front door opened and Bella walked out, looking worse for wear. I waited until she was buckled up to say anything.

"What's wrong, Bells?" My childhood nickname for her usually made her smile, but like I said, today was different. She sighed, and rubbed her nose like a small child. She sadly picked at her breakfast and didn't look up at me.

"James broke up with me last night," She sniffled quietly, a single tear rolled down her cheek. I silently backed out of her driveway and began the trek to school. On the inside, I was ecstatic. I hated James, I always have. I didn't see what Bella found so intriguing about him. I thought of him as a scumbag, just like her previous boyfriend, Mike Newton. Her other ex, Ben Cheney, was a good match for her, I thought. But he was much better off with Angela Weber, anyway.

"Oh." was my response. I knew after our years of friendship that it was better off for the both of us if Bella was able to vent her anger and frustrations uninterrupted.

"I thought we had something together, you know? We hung out. We went out. He even paid for a meal or two, and that's saying something about a guy when he pays on a date. Charlie even liked him. Charlie, for crying out loud!" Bella paused to take a bite of her egg sandwich.

"What do I always tell you, Bella? The guy who says goodbye to you is out of his mind. You deserve better." She smiled at me, her dark brown eyes sparkling.

"That's why I love you, Edward. You always know the right thing to say." She finished her breakfast in a few more bites and turned on the radio.

"I love you too, Bella."

More than you ever know.

* * *

Well, Bella went through her fair share of boyfriends during high school. And I was always there to comfort and console, to offer the same advice every time: "You deserve better and the guy who says goodbye to you is out of his mind."

College came around and Bella and I were separated. I went to college in Chicago, while she stayed back in Washington, going to college in Seattle. It was hard at first, but at least I was among friends. My brother Emmett attended the same college as me, along with my other best friend Jasper Whitlock. Jasper's girlfriend, Alice, who was also my twin sister, stayed back in Washington, going to school with Bella. She was as close to Bella as me, so I knew Bella was in good hands. Jasper helped me cope through the first couple of weeks without her. He knew how I felt about her, if not more. He was crazy perceptive like that. Emmett got the gist of it when he came to visit me in my dorm room I shared with Jasper and I was listening to Debussy while paging through a photo album she made for a graduation present for me.

"Holy shit, dude. You've got it bad for Bells, don't you?" He asked, standing over me to look at the photos. I had stopped on my favorite of the two of us together. Alice had taken it on the night of Bella's eighteenth birthday part. It was just our little group of friends and we had gotten into a huge cake fight in the backyard of my house. Bella and I wrestled with each other, smearing cake all over the other. Alice snapped a picture of Bella and I as we rolled on the cake-covered grass, big toothy grins on our faces. I was truly happy in that one miniscule moment: I had the girl of my dreams in my arms and I wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon. Bringing myself to the present, I caught the last of what Em was saying.

"…and I got shit-faced that night and we've been together ever since." I stared at him, puzzled by what he was talking about. Then I remembered. It was the night he met his girlfriend Rosalie, who also went to school with us. They met at a frat party and got drunk together. They hit it off that night and I couldn't be happier for him. I loved Rose like a sister, and she loved me like the little brother she never had.

"Have you talked to her lately?" I nodded, flipping through the next few pages of the photos. I emailed her daily and from her insistence, I made a Facebook profile and kept in touch with her through that as well.

"Why haven't you added me as your friend on Facebook? I'm your brother, asshole." He grumbled under his breath as he clicked on the minimized page on my computer desktop. I didn't log off, so Emmett scrolled down through my profile unabashedly. Jasper came in a few minutes later, not at all surprised to find Emmett in our room. It was a daily occurrence, something we'd become used to.

"What up, Whitlock? How's the pixie?" He made a fist and Jasper pounded it with his own. Emmett and I began calling Alice the Pixie, when one year at Halloween she dressed up as Tinkerbelle but neglected to tell us what she was. Because of her short stature and hyper personality, it stuck.

"Good. I talked to Bella too, at the cyber café. She says she has a surprise for you on her Facebook profile." Off the bat, I was insanely jealous of Jasper. He and Alice talked weekly on a web cam and we didn't get one yet for the dorm room, so the cyber café on campus was the only place that had them. Since he got to talk to Bella, that meant he got to see her, live. All I got to see were the pictures of her she posted on her profile. Emmett clicked on her in my Top Friends section and the three of us scanned her profile. I stared intently at her profile picture, because it was one of her, Alice and I.

"Uh-oh, bro." Emmett said, tapping me on the shoulder.

"Huh?" He pointed to the screen and my eyes followed down the screen. My breath caught and my stomach plummeted.

In a relationship.

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