The Clan Cats
Leader: Smokestar, grey tabby tom with amber eyes,
Deputy: Ashenfur, grey tom with light blue eyes, Leafdapple's mate
Medicine Cat:
Mosspelt, brown she-cat with green eyes
Frostpool, white she-cat with blue eyes, medicine cat apprentice
Leafdapple, white and brown she-cat with blue eyes, Ashenfur's mate
Forestlily, brown she-cat with amber eyes
Thorntail, brown and gold tom with amber eyes
Whitepelt, fluffy white she-cat with blue eyes,
Hazelstep, dark grey female with blue eyes,
Berrytail, white and grey male with green eyes,
Snowstorm, fluffy white she-cat with green eyes,
Thistlefang, light grey male with blue eyes
Dawnheart, golden female with amber eyes
Birdwing, brown and ginger she-cat with green eyes
Lightheart, dark grey she-cat with green eyes
Clovernight, grey and black she-cat with green eyes
Dewleaf, black she-cat with blue eyes
Cloudstorm, grey and white tom with blue eyes
Eaglewind light grey tom with green eyes
Flightfur light ginger and white she-cat with green eyes
Falconclaw ginger tom with blue eyes
Stonefoot black and grey striped tom with amber eyes
Feathercloud, silver she-cat with white paws and blue eyes
Silverstorm, grey she-cat with blue eyes
Leader: Larkstar, light ginger tomcat with green eyes, Poppyseed's mate, Swiftbird's brother
Deputy: Rocktail, brown tom with amber eyes, Hollyflower's mate
Medicine Cat: Swiftbird, white and ginger she-cat with green eyes, Larkstar's sister, Lilypaw's mentor
Hawkfur, black and white tomcat with blue eyes, Willowleaf's mate
Willowleaf, grey and black she-cat with green eyes, Hawkfur's mate, Riverwhisker's sister,
Riverwhisker, silver she-cat with green eyes, Willowleaf's sister
Bramblenose, brown tabby tom with amber eyes, Splashripple's mate
Rainheart, black, grey, and white tom with green eyes, Splashripple's brother, Sandpaw's mentor
Poppyseed, golden she-cat with amber eyes, Larkstar's mate, Streampaw's mentor
Weaselclaw, light brown female with amber eyes, Poppyseed and Larkstar's kit
Hollyflower, brown female with green eyes, Rocktail's mate
Sandstripe, light brown she-cat with green eyes, Hollyflower and Rocktail's kit
Lilypelt, light brown she-cat with amber eyes, Sandpaw's sister, medicine cat apprentice
Streamgaze, silver and white she-cat with blue eyes
Duskpaw, brown she-cat with blue eyes
Nightpaw, black tom with blue eyes
Splashripple, grey and white she-cat with blue eyes, Bramblenose's mate
Elders:Beaverfur, brown tom with green eyes
Leader: Lightstar, yellow she-cat with amber eyes, Maplepaw's mentor
Deputy: Riverfish, brown tomcat with green eyes, Icecloud's mate,
Medicine Cat: Ferntail, brown she-cat with green eyes
Sandspeckle, light tan she-cat with amber eyes, Lightstep's sister,
Icecloud, white and grey she-cat with blue eyes, Riverfish's mate
Longstripe, orange tabby with green eyes, Mistsong's mate, Shrewpaw's mentor
Moonstripe, cream colored she-cat with blue eyes, Icecloud and Riverfish's kit
Dustclaw, light brown tom with blue eyes, Moonstripe's brother, Nightwing's mate
Nightwing, black she-cat with blue eyes, Dustclaw's mate
Cragwind, grey tom with blue eyes, Petalpaw's mentor
Maplenose, brown female with blue eyes, Nightwing and Dustclaw's kit
Shrewtail, black male with blue eyes, Maplepaw's brother
Petalnose, dark brown female with blue eyes, Shrewpaw's sister
Clawpaw, grey tom with blue eyes
Breezepaw, brown tabby tom with green eyes
Mistsong, grey she-cat with blue eyes, Longstripe's mate
Mousetail, brown tom with green eyes
Heavytail, brown and black tom with blue eyes
Leader: Blackstar, black tomcat with white tail tip and blue eyes, Sparrowfeather's mate
Deputy: Cinderash, grey she-cat with blue eyes, Greypaw's mentor
Medicine Cat: Stormtalon, grey tom with blue eyes
Coldpelt, grey tomcat with green eyes, Shinepaw's mentor
Rustyheart, fiery ginger tomcat with green eyes, Sunnypaw's mentor
Sharpclaw, grey tomcat with green eyes, Heathertail's mate
Bearfoot, brown tom with amber eyes, Sparrowfeather and Blackstar's son, Mistpaw's mentor
Sparrowfeather, brown she-cat with amber eyes, Blackstar's mate
Heathertail, brown she-cat with blue eyes, Sharpclaw's mate
Sunnyfoot, golden she-cat with green eyes
Mistpaw, black and white female with blue eyes, Sparrowfeather and Blackstar's kit
Shinepaw, grey she-cat with blue eyes
Greypaw, grey tom with green eyes
Honeytail, golden she-cat with green eyes
Leader: Stealthstar, black and grey tom with blue eyes, old
Deputy: Tigerstripe, orange and brown striped tom with amber eyes, Skyfur's mate, Ivypaw's mentor
Medicine Cat: Honeytail, golden tabby she-cat with green eyes
Skyfur, silver she-cat with green eyes, Tigerstripe's mate
Whispersong, light cream colored she-cat with soft brown eyes
Stormpelt, grey and black striped tom with amber eyes
Redfur, pale ginger tom with green eyes, Petaltail's mate
Ivypaw, brown she-cat with amber eyes
Amberpaw, tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Petaltail, brown tabby she-cat with green eyes, Redfur's mate
Flowerkit, light brown tabby with green eyes
Owlkit, dark brown tom with amber eyes
The gray tabby tom slowly made his way toward a large boulder, padding around it until he came to an opening. "Stealthstar?" he called out, his voice hesitant. His gray fur, lined with black stripes, was bristled with anticipation.
"Yes?" a voice replied from inside. "Come in."
The gray tom stepped into the den. He dipped his head, showing utmost respect for the aging cat that sat before him. "Stealthstar," he meowed.
Stealthstar nodded, his light blue eyes kind. "Yes, Stormpelt?"
After a moment's hesitation, he began, "It's been a few days… since… Dewleaf left. I waited. But she still hasn't returned. I… I want to go find her, and bring her back. Or at least speak to her."
The leader's blue eyes flashed. "No, Stormpelt. I won't allow it. RainClan is of very few cats. We can't afford to let you go."
Stormpelt's eyes narrowed. "But Stealthstar! There is no danger here! It won't make a difference!"
"I don't want you to go," Stealthstar repeated again. "Besides, if you haven't remembered, you can only mate with cats in your own Clan."
Stormpelt flinched. "B-but…"
"And if she really cared about you, she would not have left you," Stealthstar challenged. "She would at least have come back to you."
Inside, Stormpelt knew he was probably right. Feeling as if he'd been kicked in the stomach, he lowered his head in defeat.
"Stormpelt," Stealthstar went on. "I'm sorry, but you two just weren't meant to be."
His eyes flashed with indignation. "I loved her, Stealthstar, I really did. But I never even got to tell her that."
The elderly tom blinked slowly, sighing. "Some things just don't work out the way we want them to, young one. But there are other potential she-cats in RainClan. Ivystrike recently received her warriors name. She's a nice she-cat."
"But she isn't Dewleaf," the gray and black tom hissed bitterly. Without saying anything else, he stood up and left, lashing his tail in frustration.
As he gazed around camp, he felt a pang of sadness. That's it. That's the end. Stealthstar is right. Dewleaf has probably forgotten all about me… There is no hope…
His amber gaze lingered over to Flowerkit and Owlkit. His sister's kits were playing outside the nursery, tumbling over each other and shrieking at their fun. Nearby, their mother and father, Petaltail and Redfur, were sitting together, sharing tongues. They looked so happy, as if nothing could break them apart. And they'd do anything to protect each other and their offspring.
Stormpelt felt a swell of jealousy at his sister. She had a loving mate who would die for her, and two lovely kits to prove it. He had nothing. Nothing at all. He imagined himself, sharing tongues with Dewleaf, kits tumbling around them. It was such an unrealistic image…
He hadn't watched where he was going, and—
He shook his fur and blinked, staring into the soft green eyes of Skyfur, his mother. "Oh, sorry."
The silver she-cat rolled her eyes. "Watch where you're going, Stormpelt," she mewed softly.
"I'm sorry," he said again, licking down his ruffled fur. He felt his pelt flush with embarrassment.
The she-cat purred, then peered at him closely. "Are you alright? You seem troubled."
He shrugged, then sat down and sighed. "I… I feel lonely."
Skyfur purred. "Well, there are cats all around you!"
"Yes, but everyone else has a special someone… and I don't."
His mother nudged him softly with her muzzle. "Stormpelt, I suppose it is hard for you to find a mate. After all, there is only one she-cat close to your age, and that's Ivystrike, but—"
"I know, I know," Stormpelt hissed, cutting her off. "But… when Dewleaf was here, I… I always had this feeling, you know?"
Skyfur shrugged. "But she isn't here now, and you must learn to cope with that. I understand how you feel, Stormpelt."
No, you don't understand how I feel. How could you? You've never been through this before, Stormpelt thought bitterly. But he just nodded and excused himself quickly.
He padded out of camp, sighing. Overhead, the sky was dark. He silently made his way to the river, sitting down on a smooth, broad boulder. He stared up at the sky, taking in the breathtaking view of the twinkling stars overhead.
I wonder… Does Dewleaf see those stars up there? Does she see how pretty they are?
Does she miss me?
Okay, so what did you think of the prologue? I finally decided to get off my lazy butt and type this up. I also have everything else planned out for this fic, well, mostly.
And for the next chapters, well, I was thinking about doing first person POV for once, since I rarely ever do that.
FYI I'm a betareader now, so if you like my writing style and want someone to edit your stuff, I'm your gal! Just PM me.
I hope you liked this chapter, please review! Um... first person to review gets a prize, I don't know what it'll be yet...