I'm Mackenzy-Kate Grey Yes, I said Grey. Yes, Grey as in Shane,Nate and Jason Grey of Connect 3. I'm their little sister. Well, i'm Nate's twin. He is 15 minutes older than me though, so you can just say i'm their little sister. I am so proud of what my brothers have done, but sometimes I wish I had of signed the contract too.
When my brothers had been offered the contract with Hollywood records the boys asked me to join the band as I refused because I said it was there thing and I didn't want to be in the spot light. Don't get me wrong I love music I sing, play piano,guitar and dance but the spotlight wasn't for I feel like my brothers where diasapointed because I didn't sign up to but whenever I ask they always say there not.
Nate and I were best friends growing up. He always came to me with girl problems and I would go to him with guy problems,Not that I can go to him for guy problems anymore I take one look at a guy and my brothers go into overprotective big brother he is the one I can talk to about anything and one thing is he gets very protective of me
Shane is the guy I go to when I need a good laugh. He is the guy ANYONE goes to if they needed a laugh. Every morning we wake up at 6:30 and go for a long run and talk. Shane is my hero when I was younger I remember I would go around and tell everyone I wanted to gorw up and be like also gets very protective of me.
Jason is the guy I always went for anything, school work, problems with friends, guys, my other brothers. He was always there for me. I still go to him, now I don't know what I would do without him. Jason would have to be the most protective of me, I mean there all very protective but Jas is the worst.
Frankie is now my best friend. We always hang out and talk. He is the sweetest boy ever. I love him to death! Me and Frankie get on really well I couldn't ask for an better brother and we spend a lot of time together especially when the boys are working.
My parents are the best. They help me with the problems I can't ask my brothers about. They are strong. They deal with 4 boys and still manage to keep their heads on straight. My parents are defiantly the best people ever .
Danielle Cherie Leon is my best friend. But I call her Danni for met in preschool 11 years ago and have been insepreable since we are practically sisters and Danni spends a lot of time staying at my house because her parents are always travelling and she dosen't want to go. She is my best friends and one of the only people at school who like me for me and not my brothers.
That's one of the down sides to have famous brothers Is I can never tell if someone genuinely likes me or is trying to get to my I don't have many friends sure I have a lot of famous friends but not many everday friends I have Danni, Sam who is Nate's girlfriend, Troy and is girlfriend Gabriella and then theres David.
David is our next door neighbour we meet in year 1 and have been best friends since.I can go to dave for just about anything and he is always there for me when I need someone to talk to .Whenever I go somewhere or im in a magazine you always find Danni and David next to me .
I met Troy through Sam. Troy moved here in yr 2 and Sam invited him to sit with us on his first of day since and that's when he became part of the group and hasn't left since he is closer to Sam than me,were still really good friends though and sometimes I think Nate gets jelous of him because Sam and him spend a lot of time together even though Troy has a girlfriend.
Gabriella is Troys though she is new to the gang I feel like I have know her always go shopping together as she is a shop-a-holic and we check out all the always have the best time together.
Then there is Sam she is my other best friend and is Nate's girlfriend. I meet Sam also in year 1 and we have been friends since. Sam is the one I go to when I need some advice and she always knows how to make you feel better. But lately I haven't spent as much time with her as normal because she is always with Nate. Im really happy for him I don't think Nate could have found a better girl.
Im Mackenzy Grey and this is my life as the Grey sister
This is my first story so i hope you enjoy it