I swiftly gathered my belongings from my locker and headed for the exit door.
" Bye Bella! Remember your shift
tomorrow at 8:00am sharp. " Greg called out to me. I sighed.
" Bye, and I will." I mumbled. I pushed open the glass door and immediately felt the harsh icy wind on my cheeks. I stopped for a moment breathing in the fresh icy air, but it burned my throat. Quickly, I started walking to my car, keeping my head down so the wind wouldn't sting my eyes. Suddenly I bumped into something... or someone. I looked up into dark eyes gleaming at me. I suddenly felt frightened and opened my mouth to let out a piercing scream. But before I could his hand flew over my mouth, and instead I let out a muffled scream that most likely no one heard. He put his other hand around my thin waist and lifted me over his shoulder. My heart felt like it was about to explode. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks, and I tried to scream some more. But it was no use, no one would hear me. The last thing I felt was a strong impact to my head, before I quickly sinked into unconsciousness.
A/N : This is basically a part from later in the story. Please review, it will make me happy :) I have most chapters already ready, so updates won't be far apart in time. Thanks for reading!