Scene: Piper, Paige and Phoebe are at the kitchen talking

Piper: She told us she wants to learn how to fight demons, she was pretty upset, somehow she's figured out they want her

Paige: She's smart, a Halliwell, you can't blame her!

Phoebe: that's my niece!

Piper: but I didn't wanted her to get into this stuff so soon

Phoebe: I know honey, but I think is probably for the best. I mean, she's been here for over a week and she still hasn't been able to leave the house!

Paige: Yes Piper, we can teach her, the kids can teach her too. And that way at least she'll be able to leave the house let's say… to magic school

Piper: Well, maybe… I don't know, I don't want t overreact, but I lost her for so many years, I don't want to lose her again.

Phoebe: You won't, we'll never allow it. Let's tell her

Piper: (yelling) Melinda! Honey can you come to the kitchen for a sec!

Melinda enters the room with Wyatt and Chris

Melinda: Hey, good morning! What is it Piper? (she still hasn't able to call her mom)

Piper: Honey, we were thinking that you are right, we are gonna teach you how to use your powers

Melinda: Really, how?

Phoebe: The same way we learned. Come on honey, I'll train you in the basement.

Chris: But, we don't know which powers she has

Wyatt: we might have an idea…

(he grabs a watermelon from the table and throws it right at Mel, when it's about to hit her Mel puts her hands up in defense and the watermelon freeze in midair)

Wyatt: …And that sis, is called a freezing power!…See bro, I told you she must have mom's powers!

Piper: WYAT!! Don't do that!, what is she hasn't been able to do that!

Chris: Then she will be all covered in watermelon! HA,HA,HA,HA

Melinda: When is it going to come down?

Chris: whenever you want!

The watermelon starts to fall, before it hits Melinda she accidentally uses her telekinetic power to send her across the kitchen, Chris ducks to avoid it, and the watermelon hits the wall behind him splashing him and Wyatt

Melinda: Wow! That's what could have happened to me! They all laugh

Scene: Wyatt, Chris, Phoebe and Melinda are at the basement teaching Melinda how to fight, it looks like that have been using a few fruits and stuff to freeze, blow, etc . Wyatt blows up a pillow. Melinda stops and looks scare and lost in her thoughts

Wyatt: sorry sis, didn't mean to scare you

Melinda does not respond

Phoebe: Are you okay?

Chris: Melinda!

Melinda: S-s-sorry, it's just t-that's the second time I've seen Wyatt do that. I don't know, but I think I've done it

Phoebe: Blow up stuff? Like that? When?

Melinda: Maybe more that once… and once at school and


Wyatt blinks an eye at Chris

Wyatt: Oh-mymy, that is so…

Melinda: What?

Chris: That is something that one MUST NOT DO!

Melinda: I-I'm not sure I did it (she is getting nervous) it was a long time ago!

Chris: How could you!

Melinda: I-I'm sorry I was angry at my teacher, because she…

Wyatt smiles

Chris: Melinda that´s!

Phoebe: Chris, Stop!

Wyatt: No aunt Phoebe! (he blinks at her) It's wrong, she can't do that, she must know

Phoebe: Don't fight!

Wyatt: She has to be punish!

Melinda: Why?!? No! I didn't know! It was a long time ago, I was like nine and..

Chris: Melinda!

Chris, behind Melinda, throws a pillow right at her, she senses it and spins around it hits her face and the pillow falls to the ground, she's really angry! Right before touching it, it blows up

Wyatt: Yey!!!

Phoebe: Good job boys!

Chris: And that means you can blow up stuff too! Just like mom and Wyatt

Wyatt: Told ya! All mom's powers

Melinda doesn't like being compared to Piper

Phoebe: Honey, that's cool! 4 active powers!

Wyatt: Well done! Pretty powerful!

Melinda smiles!

Chris: You'll be more than fine!