Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon and I am not making any profit off of this fanfiction.

Pineapple Weddings

The soft thuds of the knife hitting the cutting board mixed in with all the other background noise as Ichijouji Ken cut the pineapple into pieces for Daisuke and himself. He didn't notice that the fellow Chosen Child had come back from his room until a pair of arms wrapped themselves around Ken's waist.

"Looks good!" he chimed and rested his chin on his partner's shoulder. "Almost done?"

"A-ah..." Ken replied, blushing a bit. Daisuke's parents were right in the other room watching TV, and his sister...


Where was Jun?


Ken and Daisuke turned to see Jun standing in the door way holding her camera triumphantly. She grinned ear to ear, hardly containing her fangirl-like squees.

"Jun! What the hell—" Daisuke started but was interrupted when she snapped yet another picture.

"You two are SO cute," she said. "Delicious, even!" Ken tilted his head to one side, not sure if he liked being referred to as "delicious".

"Mou, Jun, get out of here!" Daisuke whined, snuggling his forehead against Ken's neck as if to hide from her. Older sisters never listen, though.

"Ken-kun!" she said, bouncing over to his side. He glanced at her, trying to hide his blush from his boyfriend's actions.

"Y...yes?" he answered timidly. Jun reached out and started to stroke his hair, and he flinched.

"Your hair is so sooooooft..." she cooed, and hugged Ken's head. Daisuke snapped up, eyes on fire.


"Ken-kun, when you and Daisuke get married, please let me do your hair for the wedding!" The goggle-boy stopped in his tracks, a look of shock and utter confusion cemented on his face. The statement did not really seem to phase Ken, though.

"Uh... okay," he replied, and went back to cutting the pineapple.

"YAY! LUCKY~!" Jun squealed and bounded out of the kitchen with joy. A long pause stretched on, Ken's knife and the TV being the only sounds heard. He turned to Ken.

"...What?" Daisuke asked blankly, and his boyfriend shrugged.

"It got her to go away."

"But, do you really think we'll—"

"Here," Ken said and pushed a piece of pineapple into Daisuke's mouth. He planted a kiss on his partner's cheek and turned back to the cutting board. Daisuke swallowed and placed a hand on Ken's shoulder.


"Only time will tell."
