Disclaimer: Ace Attorney is not mine. Nor are teh characters.

The Secret Held

by Pearl the Barrister

Chapter One: Lamiroir's Secret

Klavier hovered near the door to his office, paralysed in shock.

"Yes, of course they don't know yet," Phoenix reassured Lamiroir. "I haven't told them, and I don't think anyone else will."

Could it be true? Could it really be true?

Lamiroir was nodding. "Good. I don't think they're able to handle the shock of something like that yet."


It couldn't.

But then Klavier realized- yes, it could.

It was so obvious.

Phoenix still seemed nervous. "Should I tell them?"

No, don't. They really shouldn't know they're siblings--not yet, at least."

The two of them walked outside, from the hall they were in.

Klavier stayed near the door, his breathing labored. It couldn't be true. Apollo and Trucy couldn't be siblings--could they?

Of course they could, but it just seemed so...impossible. No. So improbable.

There had been no reason for Phoenix and Lamiroir to be lying, unless they had known he was eavesdropping, which Klavier doubted.

So it was true, then.

Klavier finally moved. He went to his desk, gathering up his stuff slowly as he contemplated.

So Apollo and Trucy were siblings, then. It was certainly taking its good sweet time to sink in--because it was so improbable. They looked nothing alike--unless you counted the hair color, which Klavier didn't because a million people probably had that exact shade of light brown hair. They sounded nothing alike--Trucy's voice was a high alto, and Apollo's was always bordering on raspy. They were nothing alike--Apollo was shy and boring, and Trucy was loud and easily excitable.

But whatever their differences, Apollo and Trucy were related. Klavier knew.

And they didn't.