hello everyone this is my first story and i hope you like it.

chapter 1: The day she turned

It was a Monday. The day kagome had been dreading since she moved into her new house in Washington over the school break. It was her first day at a new school and she hated it.

Kagome walked up the steps to her new school and went to find the office.

When she found it she saw an old women with an eye patch on and was smiling at her when she walked up to the desk.

"Hello, my name is kagome higurashi and I am a new student" kagome said while shaking her hand.

"Hello there kagome my name is kaede and welcome to forks high school. Here is your schedule and locker number" kaede said while handing kagome her things."Thank you" Kagome said and walked out of the office.

When kagome found her locker, she put most of her things in it except for what she needed and went to her first class which was English.


It was lunch time and kagome went to sit with her new friends which were Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and kikyo.

"So kagome what have you got next" Sango asked kagome who was eating her lunch.

"I have a spear so I'm just going to go and walk around and get to know the area a little more" kagome said while standing up to put her rubbish in the bin.

"RING....RING.....RING" The bell went and every one said their goodbyes and went to their classes except for kagome.

Kagome walked around the city for about half an hour and decided to go on a dirt path road into the woods. "It's still light so what could happen, right" kagome thought and began heading into the woods.

Kagome had been walking for about ten minutes when she realized she didn't know how to get back.

She walked and walked but she only seemed to be getting further into the woods.

"It's getting dark" kagome thought while still trying to find her way back to forks.

It was around 9:30 when kagome decided to give up and rest in a clearing.

It was really quiet and kagome didn't like it. She tried to make as much noise as she could but it still wasn't enough.

'Crack'. "What was that" kagome thought while looking around her franticly trying to find who or what made the noise.

' crack'. There it was again and this time kagome started to panic and ran in the other direction after locating where the noise came from.

She ran along a gravel path and could hear what ever made the noise was following her and was really close.

"Aghhhhhh" kagome screamed when something grabbed her from behind and held her in place so she could not move at all.

"HELP" Kagome screamed out as loud as she could. But when she did this the thing that was holding her put a hand over her mouth." I would suggest you shut your mouth" the thing said more like growled at kagome.

The thing that was holding kagome turned her around and kagome got a good look at the thing. He had black wavy hair that reached his shoulders. Glowing red eyes and sharp, long fangs.

"What are you" kagome said in a terrified voice. The man looked at her neck and only said to her that he was" a vampire" and latched onto her neck. But was cut short when something pulled the vampire off her. Which then made her fall to the ground.

"What are you doing here, naraku" someone yelled but that was all kagome heard before she fainted.

hello guys please r&r if you liked it and if you didnt still r&r me so i can make it better. bye guys!!!!!!!