A/N: Sorry for the delay, guys! This is actually the first thing I'm posting in over a year though. I hope you all like it!

"What's this?"

"What's what, Hardison?" Nate asked turning the corner into his living room.

"This empty bad. What is it?"

"Ah. Well, that's…" Nate trailed off and a confused look crossed his face. Sophie looked up from the script she was reading as she walked into the room and, upon seeing the bag, looked puzzled as well. Eliot walked in next, saw what they were staring at and promptly turned on his heel to walk back out. "Wait a minute, Eliot."

The hitter swore under his breath. "Yeah, Nate?"

"I'm guessing you can tell us what this is?" Eliot looked at the bag that Nate was gesturing at and shrugged. "Eliot?"

"It's an empty bag."

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Yes. We knew that. We, however, are more concerned with where it came from."

Eliot shrugged again. "It used to hold m&m's." He paused, obviously uncomfortable. "Parker must have ate them all."

Hardison choked on his orange soda. "And then what? She got bored and thought, 'hmm, let's see if I can make this bag WHITE!' That is not cool, man."

"Damn it, Hardison! How the hell was I sup-"

Nate cut in. "When did you get the bag?"

Eliot's eyes shot to the floor. "When we went to Sam's."

The grifter narrowed her eyes. "Do you mean to tell me that you let Parker eat all of that chocolate in less than three hours?"

Eliot hung his head while Hardison's eyes widened. "Oh, hell no. You gave Parker, Parker of all people, a bag full of chocolate?"

"I have my reasons."

Sophie glared at him as if she knew and asked in a dangerously sweet voice, "What are the reasons then?"

Nate just shook his head and poured himself a drink while Eliot gulped. The hitter opened his mouth to give some sort of reply, but was saved... sort of... by the blonde thief herself.

"Son of a-" Hardison began trying to mop at the soda that now covered his shirt, Sophie shook her head, Nate hovered above his chair, and Eliot cringed.

"Parker," Nate said using the same tone one might use with a temperamental two-year old, "Please come out of the ceiling."

Blonde hair tumbled out of the ceiling wildly from a newly created hole. She turned her face down and looked at the plaster and other bits of ceiling that now lay below her before looking back at her audience, blue eyes overly bright. "Idontwannacomedown. Imhavingfun." Sophie blinked while Nate and Hardison glared at Eliot who just stared at Parker.

"You're fixing that." Nate pointed at Eliot then Parker's new little hang out, and then downed half his drink.

"Parker, sweetheart, come on now..." Sophie said using a reasoning tone.

"Nooooo! I have to hide my sheep!"

"WHAT?" Three voices yelped at once. The hitter just groaned. Parker watched all of them.

Incredulous, Hardison stuttered, "D-did magically get a sheep up there? Please tell me you don't have sheep up there." She stared at him as Sophie walked over to Nate, stole his glass, and downed the rest of his drink herself. "Oh, dear Lord. What are you? Hermione Granger?" Parker stuck her tongue out. "Girl, get out of the ceiling."

"NEVER!" With that sentiment, she began shimmying back out of sight when, "NOOOOOOOOOO! SHEEPIES!" Parker's hands quickly re-appeared followed by most of the upper half of her body, but not before a ziplock bag fell from above. It hit the ground, split, and it's contents scattered everywhere.

The other four team members stared at each other in shock. They heard frantic moving above them and looked up, but all was suddenly silent. They glanced at each other nervously.

Sophie smiled grimly. "It's like waiting for the other shoe to drop, isn't it?"

Nate nodded. "Yes, and all very dramatic."

Hardison carefully picked up one of the scattered pieces from the bag.

"What is it?" Questioned Sophie curiously. After all, with Parker, one never knows.

"It's an m&m..." The hacker replied slowly as he turned the light blue candy over in his hand. "Ha! They turned the 'm' into a sheep!" He grabbed some m&ms that were near him, looked at them all, and laughed. "Parker must have gone through the whole damn bag and picked out all of the sheep." He laughed once more before popping the handful of candy into his mouth.

"NO!" They heard running and turned in time to see Parker tackle Hardison to the ground.

"Parker!" Scolded Sophie. The small blonde girl ignored her and pinned the Hacker's hands above his head while she sat on his stomach. "Parker! Let him alone!:

"You. Ate. My. Sheep." Parker snarled. "You. Will. Pay."

"All right, darlin'. That's enough of that." Eliot walked carefully over and picked Parker up completely. There was a moment of confusion where the thief tried to escape and it looked like she was attempting to climb on top of Eliot's head, but his strength quickly won over and she was more or less pinned. "Now what?"

"Well," Nate said slowly, "I think that since you're the one who got her all hyped up, you get to stay here. Alone. With Parker. And fix my ceiling. Sophie, Hardison, shall we?" The three were gone within a minute leaving Eliot with a pouting thief.

He sat her down on the couch. "I'll buy you two more bags of m&ms if you help me fix the ceiling and clean up. I'll even help you plot revenge against Hardison for eating your sheep." Parker looked up quickly. "Deal?"


When the rest of the team got back a few hours later, the place was spotless and the ceiling looking as if there had never been a gaping hole. Everything seemed to be in place. The only things missing were the two that had been left behind.

"Their loss." Hardison stated as he booted up his laptop. "They're the ones that won't get to see..."

"Won't get to see what, Hardison?"




"Well, no need to get all worked up. Can't you just change it?" Sophie inquired as she sat down on the couch as well.

"Yeah, yeah. Change it back." The hacker muttered to himself as he started typing, but, with every keystroke, a baa-ing sound erupted from his speakers. He continued on for about a minute before, "FINE! I ADMIT DEFEAT, PARKER! YOU WIN!" With that, he stormed out, muttering about never being able to eat a lamb chop again.

Parker and Eliot laughed as they watched the hacker's dramatic exit from Nate's apartment. The hitter took a sip from his beer as Parker popped a few m&ms in her mouth. "Good job screwing with his laptop and setting up the bug so we could watch from my place."

Parker smiled and offered him some chocolate which he happily accepted. He could get used to this. He was about to say something more to her when she walked off. "Where are you going?"

"To jump off the roof!"

"Parker!" He grabbed her arm and managed to stop her in front of his closet. "You can'r jump from the roof. You don't have any of your gear." She stared at him. "You'd die." She kept staring. "I'm not about to let that happen." Still not saying anything, she reached into his closet and pulled out a hanger that had what appeared to be all the equipment she would need to go for a quick dive.

How the hell did she-

"Now can I go?" He released her arm, confused. She started to walk away, but hesitated and doubled-back real quick and kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you don't want me dead." She stated before running for the stairs.

A/N: I still can't figure out if I like the ending or not, but I hope you liked it.

Please review!
