"I can sense her riatsu." A strange girl statted, looking at the seritei. From the distance, Rukongai could see almost all of the huge buildings in the seritei. Behind her stood two familiar figures, even though they weren't actually the true beings of who they were.

"Are you sure you want to go there?" One of them asked.

"You know what may happen if it backfires Kisune." The other added, resting their hand on her shoulder. She smiled a bit as she looked at it, nodding as well.

"I know that the risks may be to great but..." Kisune started, looking back at the giant palace of the Seritei, "I know she is in there somewhere, and I have got to find her before Aizen does." The two figures smiled a bit as they walked to her side, knowing that talking about it wouldn't get her to change her mind.

"Well then, we won't be against your wishes. Let's go!" The one on her right stated, pointing his finger at the Seritei as if to signal a charge command to an army. Kisune giggled a bit as she nodded, beggining to run towards Seritei with the strange figures.

"I'm coming to find you..."


"Wake up, Eniese." A voice said softly to the sleeping Eniese. Eniese squinted a bit as she simply turned a bit more, pulling her covers over tighter as well. "C'mon sweetie, I'm back." The voice said again, rubbing Eniese's shoulder. Eniese slowly opened her eyes, seeing her vision was somewhat hazey. As she looked back up, she saw Yoruichi looming over her, smiling. Seeing she was awake, Yoruichi gently scooped her up into her arms as she began carrying her down stairs of the building. Eniese yawned a bit as she leaned her head on her mother's chest, rubbing her eyes a bit.

"Mowning mommy..." She said quietly, still half asleep. As Yoruichi continued to walk, Eniese could see she was entering some strange cave with her, somewhat large and quiet. She blinked a bit curiously as she heard swords clashing together, but was unable to tell where the sound was coming from.

"Ah, a good place to watch." Yoruichi said, as she began sitting down at the edge of a cliff, crossed legged so she could set Eniese down in her lap. Eniese yawned again as she leaned up a bit more, trying to see what was causing the noise. As she looked back down, she grew a bit surprised as she saw Ichigo fighting some weird guy ina black cloak, with swords scattered everywhere.

"What's goin on, mommy?" Eniese asked, curiously. Yoruichi simply smiled as she stroked Eniese's dangling hair.

"Ichigo is working on his bankai in order to save Rukia." She replied. Eniese simply continued to look back as she heard Ichigo fighting. She found it a bit strange as to why Ichigo hadn't mastered his bankai yet. She's felt his riatsu before, but could've sworn it was suppose to be a lot larger than this. Then again, she also could tell his riatsu was really unstable than it should be. She looked a bit worriedly as she saw Ichigo collapsing to one of his knees, using the sword to support him. "And I think that's over." Yoruichi said as she stood. Yoruichi held on to Eniese a bit tightly as she jumped from the ledge, landing back down to the ground.

"T-This...is alot...harder than I...t-thought..." Ichigo commented, breathing a bit heavily inbetween.

"Oh come now, it shouldn't be that hard." Yoruichi stated.

"Mhm! I dided it all in on week!" Eniese said happily. Ichigo blinked a bit surprised by what she just said.

"You had your daughter do this too? Her spirit could easily kill her from something like this!" Ichigo stammered. Eniese just giggled a bit as she shook her head.

"Nope. My spiwits vewy nice. She doesn't twy dat hawd to huwt me at all." Eniese replied happily. "And supwisingwy, my daddy says she's one of the onwy few female Zanpaktu's awound." She added. Ichigo simply tilted his head slightly in confusion at this.

"Well, let's just take it easy for awhile anyway." Yoruichi commented as she walked away with Eniese. Ichigo sighed a bit as he walked around the cave. He decided to relax as well as he bathed in the hot spring that was there, esspecially since he hadn't bathed for god knows how long. He sighed happily as he hopped into the nice warm spring, feeling his muscles relax. It's like it's taking all my troubles away. Don't have to worry about training, about the bankai, about the two naked woman...wait what? Ichigo thought to himself before he opened his eyes at the last part. His eyes widened as he saw Yoruichi, still holding Eniese, both naked and going into the hot tub.

"GAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" Ichigo stammered. "What the he..." Ichigo started, before Yoruichi gave a signal like cough. Ichigo blinked a bit confused until Yoruichi gave him a semi warning glare. He blinked a bit as he remembered Eniese being there, and the fact they didn't want to hear swearing around her. "Err...What the heck are you two doing?"

"Takin a bath siwwy." Eniese replied happily. Yoruichi just chuckled behind her.

"I know that I mean what are you doing in here naked?!" Ichigo stammered. Eniese just blinked a bit confused at him before looking at her mother curiously.

"Does Itzygo take baths wit his cwoths on mommy?" Eniese asked to only causing Yoruichi to giggle.

"I guess so by what he's saying." She replied. Ichigo just groaned a bit at this. If there was one thing worse about having to take a bath at the same time with girls, it would be having to take a bath with a woman and her 3 year old daughter as well, who didn't quite understand what privacy meant. But as he looked back though, he found it a bit confusing as he saw Yoruichi continuing to hold Eniese as the two talked to themselves. He figured if she really was her daughter, she would know how to swim by now and wouldn't need to be held onto.

"Say Yoruichi, can I ask a question?" Ichigo asked. Yoruichi looked back a bit curiously.

"What is it?" She replied.

"Are you holding onto Eniese so tightly? Wouldn't she know how to swim if you let g..." Ichigo started, before Eniese began squeeling.

"No! Dun wet go! Pwease mommy, dun wet go..." She cried, holding onto Yoruichi's arm tighter. Yoruichi gave a semi-glare towards Ichigo before looking back at Eniese.

"There there sweetheart, I wouldn't do anything like that to you." Yoruichi cooed, stroking Eniese's hair softly as she cried.

"Um...sorry, I was just curious was all." Ichigo apologzied, rubbing the back of his head a bit nervously. He starred feeling a bit guilty as he saw Yoruichi wiping away Eniese's tears, and then glaring back at Ichigo.

"The same day she became a shinigami was the same day she grew a fear of water." Yoruichi started. "She was playing with the very same rubberball you gave her near a ditch and lost grip of it." Ichigo looked as he saw Eniese looking at him with watery eyes then burrying them into Yoruichi's arm. "She chased after it but was pulled into the river. Ever since she was born we gave her a faux body to live in, but it took too much damage from the river current, and we had to seperate her soul from it. That is how she became the shinigami she is today." Yoruichi said, hugging Eniese tightly in both her arms.

Ichigo just looked to the side a bit, feeling a lot more guilty than he had been before. Now that he thought about it, he felt a little bit more responsible for the very death of his mother, and responsible for what happened to Eniese. He never thought that by giving a three year old little girl some dumb ball he had would end up killing her, fortunately in his case it was different, but there was still the thought of what if. And even then, he felt guilty for all that had happened to Eniese up to this point, thinking she could lead a better normal life, even if he didn't exactly know all detaills. It was at the same time, he thought about what Yoruichi told him when they got there...


Ichigo panted heavily from the heavy blow Yoruichi dealt to his chest. He was angered at her for doing this, but also surprised to even meet her. It had been almost 9 years since he last saw her, and almost forgot about her completely. He was now certain that she was Eniese's mother.

"What the hell was that about?!" Ichigo yelled, angered.

"Shut up." Yoruichi stated, in a stern cold demeanor (first time I ever used that word in a sentence). "She's sleeping upstairs." She added. Ichigo just grew a bit confused before grownig a bit surprised agian.

"Wait, you mean Eniese is here too?" He asked. Yoruichi simply closed her eyes as she nodded. "So what the heck is this all about?" He stammered, a bit quieter than before. Yoruichi simply looked away for a moment, as if going into thought. He couldn't tell if the thoughts were distracting her from the conversation, but it was beginning to annoy him deeply. He grew a bit ready to hear what she had to say as she looked back at him.

"Do you remember when you first met Eniese 9 years ago?" She asked. Ichigo simply nodded yes as a reply. "The flowers you got that night, and the letter Isshin recieved with them..." She started. Ichigo grew a bit surprised at this, realizing that she was the one who gave him the flowers and note that night. " The day you met Eniese, you tried running towards the river to save her life, and lost your mother because of it. I wrote that I would do anything to repay you for that day, and this is it. If you want save Rukia, you must learn Bankai..."


"C-Can I talk ta Unistella?" Eniese asked, still whimpering in her tone. Yoruichi smiled as she nodded.

"Of course you can honey." She replied.

"Who's Unistella?" Ichigo asked.

"Her Zanpakto of course." Yoruichi answered as she got out of the hotspring. Ichigo groaned a bit as he covered his eyes.

"Put some clothes on too!" He yelled.


"Unistella? Unistella, awe you awake?" Eniese asked, looking at her Zanpakto. She didn't get any reply at first, but smiled a bit as she heard yawning. She was in a different part of the cave, one where she was away from Ichigo, and where Yoruichi could keep an eye on her. As Eniese continued watching, she smiled as she saw Unistella's spirit begin to materialize. She was wearing the same green kimono as always, sitting crossed legged across from Eniese, next to the Zanpakto that was in the ground. She let out a yawn as she stretched a bit, rubbing her eyes. "Hi Unistella." Eniese greeted. Unistella just giggled.

"Hey Eniese. I had a rather good nap just now." Unistella commented, rubbing the back of her head, stroking her own hair.

"Sowwie if I woke you up..." Eniese said, frowning a bit. Unistella just smiled a bit as she rubbed Eniese's hair.

"Nah, I was already waking up by the time you called me." Unistella stated. "So what's wrong? You usually don't call unless something is troubling you." Eniese began to sniffle a bit at this.

"A-Awe you mad at me fow dat..." She asked as tears rolled down her eyes.

"No no Eniese, I'm here to help you, it was just a comment." Unistella replied, wiping away Eniese's tear. "To be honest, I feel sorry for you. Ever since you came here you've been filled with nothing but sadness." Unistella statted, while at the same time the vine began to stroking her hair. "You don't have anything to fear as long as your here Eniese. I swear not to let anyone hurt you." Unistella added.

"What bout da time I got thwon into da wall?" Eniese asked.

"Ehh...I was in the middle of a nap at the time, but that's not the point." Unistella replied. "Just rembmer, I'll protect you, ok?" She commented. Eniese sniffled a bit as she wiped her tears again. "K, I gotta go. Just remember, call me whenever you need help, ok?" Unistella finally said as she began to fade away. At the same time, the vine retreated back into the ground. Eniese looked back as she heard Yoruichi walking over, gently picking her up.

"You feel better?" Yoruichi asked. Eniese sniffled one last time before noding as she smiled. Yoruichi carried her back out of the cave, up to the bedroom. "We should be leaving in a few more days to go. After that, it's home sweet home."

"Hooway!" Eniese cheered happily. "I wanna see daddy again." She said happily, before yawning a bit. Yoruichi just chuckled as she leaned Eniese's head on her shoulders.

"You sound pretty tired. It's been a looooong day." Yoruichi commented as she opened the door. Eniese rubbed her eyes as she nodded.

"What 'bout Ishida and da o'ders?" Eniese asked, somewhat worriedly.

"Don't worry honey, we'll find them too. There's no way we'll leave them behind." Yoruichi calmly statted as she tucked Eniese into the bed softly.

"Wuve (That word is deffinitely #1 in KAIWI!!!!!!!! ness) you mommy." Eniese said as she closed her eyes. Yoruichi smiled as she kissed her on the forehead and pulled the covers up.

"Love you too honey." Yoruichi said as she left the room...


"Ack!" Histuguya yelped as he was suddenly tossed against the wall harshly.

"You idiot!" Matsumoto shouted angrily. As soon as Eniese disappeared before Gin and Hitsuguya, they began an ensuing battle against one another, esspecially Hitsuguya who wanted revenge against Gin for turning Momo against him. After Matsumoto came back, saving Momo's life, Gin left shortly after. It was only later did Hitsuguya tell her about Eniese again, and all that had followed from the problems, and the fight he had with her. "What the hell did you think you were doing?!" She stammered.

"I didn't have a choice, she wouldn't listen!" Hitsuguya replied defensively.

"Didn't have a choice my ass! You threatened a little girl as Eniese with a Zanpakto, and then you say you were doing it for her own good?" Matsumoto yelled back.

"I was just trying to get her to stop using her abilities before someone else felt her riatsu. If I hadn't, a captain could've spotted her."

"I don't care if...well actually it would be bad if Byakuya spotted her, but still my point remains! You should never have even pointed your Zanpakto at her, much less hit her. For all we know aside from being scared to death as of now, she could've easily ran into another captain." Matsumoto commented. Hitsuguya looked to the side a bit in shame, knowing that she had a point. All he had to do was to get Eniese to stop releasing so much spiritual pressure, but instead of thinking it through, he tried to do the quickest thing and get her to stop by force.

"...I'm sorry." He apologized. Matsumoto blinekd a bit surprised, expecting the coversation to last a bit longer, but simply shrugged it off.

"C'mon, your helping me find her."