A/N: Hey everybody! It's me, Emma, again! And I'm super excited to publish my next story! I love Zelda stories and I thought that this would be good idea. I was actually so excited to write this that I missed almost my entire math class wrighting it. Though I was there, I listen to nothing and took no notes. Anyway, I really hope that you enjoy this! I am!

Disclaimer. I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to Nintendo.

Link's POV

Link groggily got out of bed, three minutes after Fado had called him. His arm burned painfully, but he did his best to ignore it. It had been five years since he had returned from his grand adventure, and he was now twenty-three years old.

But, still, no matter how much time passed, one wound on his right, upper arm still persisted. Link had grown to ignore it.

As Link dressed, he checked it in his mirror. Red and swollen. That was the way it had been for the past month, but it still got slightly worse everyday. But, still being quiet little Link, he didn't let anyone know that he was concerned over it.

The village women were constantly fussing over it. Even Rusl and Fado often told him that he should have it checked out. However, Link didn't like being fussed over and didn't like attention.

Link only took a few seconds to look over the red wound and slipped on his short-sleeved shirt. Then he exited the tree house to prepare Epona for work that day.

Five minutes later, Link was trotting through the town when Uli appeared from her seat beside the stream. The first thing she did was grab Epona's reins to stop her and looked Link straight in the eye.

"Link" she accused. "Have you gotten someone to check out the arm of your, yet?"

"No, I haven't, Uli. I don't need to, either. It'll be just fine."

"You'll get sick and drop dead. Just you watch."

"I won't get sick and I won't drop dead. I will, however, be late for work if you don't let me go."

"Alright, Link. I'll let you go this time, but here's a warning for you: if that isn't checked out by tomorrow, then I'll have Rusl and Fado hold you down while Mayor Bo sits on you, so I can check it out."

Link laughed. Personally, he thought that the obese Bo sitting on him would cause more damage than good. "I'll might let you tomorrow, if it really means so much to you."

Uli's voice softened considerably, her eyes pleading instead of the previous fiery daggers, as she took her free hand and put it on his. "It does, Link. It means the world to me. That wound is going to cause problems, and I don't want to lose you."

"Okay. I'll let you look at it after work, but I need to go now. I'm already late" then he added with a chuckle, "and, do you really want Fado to try to take care of the goats by himself?"

"Hurry up. But, remember your promise."

"I will."

Three hours later, Link was riding under the hot southern sun as he rode around the pasture, keeping the goats in line. His arm was burning more than ever, but still he rode and worked.

This went on for a few minutes, until all of the goats were accounted for and grazing peacefully. Link dismounted and walked over to Fado.

"Good job, Bud. Bit slower than usual, though. Is there a reason for that?" Oh, man. Did my arm really keep mr going that slow? Apparently Fado recognized the face. "I'm not mad, Bud. I'm concerned. How's that arm working for you? Is it all right?

"I'm fine, Fado. Are you people ever going to stop worrying about it?" His tone was part annoyed, but more playful than anything else.

"No. We're not. You're gonna get sick." He placed a large hand on the warrior's shoulder. "I can see how red and swollen it is. Its getting worse everyday, and it won't stop until it's treated."

"Don't worry. I already promised Uli that I'd let her look at it after work today." A look of relief swept over Fado's face and he took his hand off Link's shoulder, only to grab him in a great big embrace.

"Thanks, bud. I was really worried. None of us want to lose you." Finally Fado released him.

Another half hour passed and suddenly Link's world began to swim. Colors blended and swam, and his arm burned with excruciating pain. It felt as if someone was pulling it apart at the wound/seam. Then heard Fado say something that he didn't catch and he felt himself fall to the earth before all went silent and black.

Fado's POV

I was the most relieved man in the world when Link told me of his promise to Uli. I had been so worried. Link was always quiet and never told anybody if he had a problem, so, even if he was worried about his wound, he hadn't told.

Now, I'm no doctor, but I know what happens when an injury gets infected. It gets red, and swollen and pussy. Then the lad who bears it gets sick.

His fever burns and he gets all clammy and cold and sweats a lot.

Then, the poor soul dies.

Link's wound had been a bright red for a month. And, within the last week, it had become swollen. And it never went down, either. It only got brighter and larger. It would not be long before it got pussy. Then comes the fever, and finally, the death.

I was not ready to lose Link.

Five years ago, I suffered more than anything. I'd sat in this very pasture all by myself. And it wasn't the lonliness that got to my most, though. It was not knowing whether my close friend was even alive.

And when he returned with those tots for the last time, I'd jumped for joy and ran to him and embraced him and not let him go until he complained that I was hurting his broken rib.

At that, I immediately let go and apologized, asking if he was okay and if I'd seriously damaged anything.

That day, I'd been so happy that Link was safe and here to stay.

And then, five years later, an old injury came back to haunt me. And I needed once again, to wonder whether Link would survive or not. I shouldn't have to suffer like this again.

The relief that swept through me when I was told of Link

S promise was amazing. It wad like a tidal wave. Incredible and absolutely the second best feeling in the world.

The best was bringing him home safe the first time.

And then something happened.

Link began to sway. I didn't know what was happening, but he grabbed his arm and swayed even more violently. "Link. Bud, are you all right? Link!?" He collapsed to the ground.

I fell to the ground and grabbed his unconscious form. "Link, oh, come on, Link wake up." I was absolutely freaking out. "Come on, Bud. Let's get you out of here."

I picked him up and brought him down to the village.

Uli's POV

I sat impatiently at my kitchen table and tapped the top, awaiting Link's arrival. I couldn't take the wait any longer. And he promised. Link never breaks his promises.

It was just then that Fado came bounding through my door, carrying my nearly-son in his arms.

"Uli! He's sick. We were right to worry about the injury. He collapsed right in the middle of the pasture!"

Oh my goddesses. I should never have let him go to work this morning. I should have dragged him inside and patched him up. Fado would have understood. I know he would have; he was just as concerned as I had been.

Now it was too late. The wound was infected and Link was sick.

A/N: This is the end of this chapter! I'm already done the second one, but I won't post it until I get at least one review. And if you have any questions, just ask in your review. I'll answer them in the next chapter. Okay? Good. Hope you enjoy my latest story!