Today… was special. That was the first thing going through Naruto's head when he woke up that morning.
Some people, whose intelligence may be fatally impaired, may ask 'Why?'
That answer, my fools, is simple…
Today was his first day as a genin. Despite all odds, despite his lack of senses, he had done it…
He grinned beneath his mask as he walked out his door.
Today was going to be a great day…
Today… was crap. That was the most recent thing going through Naruto's head as he waited in the classroom.
Some people, whose intelligence would be greatly praised, may say 'No duh!'
The reason is simple…
When he came into this classroom and sat down next to Sakumo, he expected nothing else but the normal day to pass. Hanabi arrived next with her sister, Hinata, in tow. Her eyes were darting around the class in search of her precious 'Sai-kun' while Hinata nervously twiddled her fingers.
Kiba was next, he and his dog…
Naruto shuddered, perhaps it was time to inform Kiba that Akamaru had flees… lots of flees…
Then again… nah!
Yamanaka Ino waltzed in like she ruled the world. Then there followed Shikamaru and his best friend Chouji. After a few minutes, Shino came in.
Normal so far…
Uchiha Satsuki came in and sat down in front of Naruto.
She had changed over the years. Her attire consisted of a navy-blue T-shirt with the Uchiha symbol embroidered onto the back. She wore a white skirt over a pair of black pants that went down just past her knees. Her forearms were wrapped in fishnet wire. Long, black hair cascaded down her back just reaching her hips. Her Hitai-ate was loosely tied around her neck. Her skin remained pale as snow… and her chest… well… there was certainly a reason for her many fan boys…
It still made Naruto wonder if good looks also came with bad judgment and character… still it contributed nothing to ruin his day… then it happened. Then he came in…
"Hello class -cough-, my name is Gekko Hayate, due to circumstances, Iruka-san will be unable to participate today to assign you teams. I will act in his steed…"
Now, Naruto had no problems with the man personally. In fact, he was one of the few people in the village who didn't show ill-intent towards him. However… what made his arrival ruin this day was the way he spoke.
There was no way in hell that Iruka-sensei would miss this… ever. Ever… he was just a crazy teacher like that. He loved his students like they were family and enjoyed watching them grow. There was just no way that he could miss out on this…
Why was this man here?
What could possibly hold Iruka back from coming?
Naruto reached out his sense of touch throughout the village to find Iruka…
He cared not for what the man was saying; he only wanted to find Iruka…
His older brother was missing and he didn't know where he was… of course that would take priority over some silly team assignments…
'What the fuck!?' thought Naruto in horror.
He couldn't find Iruka anywhere…
It was like he had just vanished off the face of the earth…
'Either that or he's… no… Iruka-sensei… you can't be dead…'
"Team Seven will consist of Haruno Sakumo… Uchiha Satsuki… and -cough- Uzumaki Naruto. Your sensei is Hatake Kakashi…" said Hayate before moving on to the other teams…
Naruto's head perked up and he looked at his teammates.
"Well, Sakumo… looks like we're in it together." said Naruto.
"I just hope Satsuki will get together with me…" muttered Sakumo.
"Can't always get what you want." said Naruto with a shrug.
"And you can?"
"Never have… and I most likely never will…"
"Ouch, harsh…"
Naruto turned his gaze to Satsuki.
'I hope she dies a horrible, embarrassing death...' he thought silently.
It didn't matter, if anyone noticed what it was thinking, it was Satsuki. She turned around and looked at Naruto.
"Do you have some kind of problem with me?" she asked.
Sakumo blushed, "N-No, Satsuki-san… never, it's just… well…"
"Not you, Baka… I'm talking to the boy in the black mask."
"My name is Naruto, bitch…" growled Naruto, "And you'd be best to remember it. Oh, wait… I'm sorry, I shouldn't flaunt around memory like that. I mean, you can't memorize things very well without your Sharingan, so I have to make the message clear, don't I?" trailed Naruto before he flipped the bird with both his hands.
"Teme (Bastard)…" she growled back.
She lashed out and jumped at Naruto, punching him in the face. Naruto took it full force. If anything was damaged after that hit… it was Satsuki's hand. She held it to herself in pain.
"This mask is much harder than that, Uchiha." said Naruto, "Learn from experience that if this thing is blast proof, there's no way you're landing a scratch on it with your bare hands."
Hayate stood at the other end of the room as he watched the two genin bicker with each other.
'Well… at this rate they'll never be genin. Iruka-san… how the hell did you survive this job?' he thought to himself.
He shrugged his shoulders. 'Oh well, I just came here to assign the teams, not break up fights. I'll let them get this out of their system… maybe when the jonin senseis arrive they'll end this.'
He walked out of the room even as Satsuki and Naruto rolled on the floor intent on killing each other.
"So, what do you think of your future students?" asked Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage, to the group of assembled Jonin.
"I think… that I'm in for an interesting bunch this year…" muttered Kakashi.
"How so?" asked Asuma as he sucked on his cancer stick.
"It's simple… they're reenacting a scene in the book I'm reading."
Kurenai felt her eye twitch, "Hatake, this year, that book will burn…"
"Page thirty-seven?" asked Asuma.
Kurenai's head spun in his direction so fast her neck practically snapped.
"The very same..." Kakashi drawled.
Kurenai's face turned red before she delivered a devastating punch to Asuma. He fell to the ground in pain. Sarutobi stared at the two jonin, blinking while Kakashi shrugged and continued reading.
A perfectly good day… ruined.
Naruto sighed to himself as he looked around the empty classroom. Well, almost empty.
After the other jonin senseis came in, Naruto and Satsuki's brawl had come to a close. All the other genin were gone… all but three.
Naruto, Satsuki, and Sakumo waited all alone in that room for three hours.
"All right… that's it!" called Naruto before he got up and walked to the door.
"Ano (Um), Naruto… what are you doing?" asked Sakumo.
"I'm going to set up a little surprise for our sensei." said Naruto, "I've waited too long and now I'm just angry."
"Whatever you're planning isn't going to work…" trailed Satsuki lazily.
Naruto either didn't hear her or didn't care as he had already finished setting up ninja wire.
"Now… our sensei will enter the room in five… four… three… two…" trailed Naruto.
Sakumo smirked when the door clicked open.
As soon as Kakashi left the Hokage Tower, he didn't go to the academy like the other jonin did. No, he went to the book store. A sale of the next book in the series was underway; after all… there was no way he was going to miss out on that.
Upon purchasing the book after an hour of browsing, he left to watch a movie… That was another one hour and thirty-five minutes gone. To top it off, the movie wasn't even exciting… it was a romance… a very Adult-Only romance…
Then, he slowly walked out of the theater and whipped out his book to read on his way to the academy.
Finally, three hours had passed before he was in the hallway with the door in front of him waiting to be opened.
'Hmm… I wonder what's in store for me this year.' thought Kakashi.
He was no stranger to having a prank being pulled on him by at least one of the students for being late. Far from it… in fact, it had happened every year he had to be a jonin sensei.
When he opened the door he expected for an eraser to fall on his head, maybe a few shuriken thrown at him in a fit of anger, or perhaps a few paper airplanes with very… colorful language written inside.
What he wasn't expecting was for the teacher's desk to fly at him with the words 'Screw You' carved on. So when the deck smashed the door down, he was shocked just enough to put his back flat against the wall. He watched as the desk flew past him then broke threw the window on the other side of the hall.
Kakashi put his head in only to see his three students looking like little angels.
'Kami (God)… are those halos on their heads?!'
After a few seconds of staring he took a step in… only for an eraser to fall on his head. He knelt down, picked up the eraser, then turned around and looked at the window on the other side of the hallway… or at least, what was left of it. He returned his gaze to his students then back at the eraser before he carelessly threw it behind him.
"Hmm… how can I say this…?" he held his chin in thought with a cheerful expression on his… face, "Alright… my first impression of this group is… I hate you all." said Kakashi.
At this the blond one jumped up from his seat and threw several shuriken at him. Kakashi was quick to replace himself with a chair in the back of the room.
"Especially the blond… he's the one that set this all up isn't he?" asked Kakashi.
The other two nodded. Kakashi sighed…
"Meet me on the rooftop for introductions…" he trailed before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
"He just used the Shunshin no jutsu (Body Flicker Technique)! That Teme... flaunting his skills like that..." said Sakumo.
"Hmm... No Sakumo, you're wrong. It was only after I reached out my sense that I found two Kakashi's. One was here and another was on the roof. He was too chicken to meet us in person for fear of what would happen to him so he sent that Teme-Bunshin…" trailed Naruto.
Sakumo nodded while Satsuki got out of her seat and walked out the door.
"I suppose we should leave. He's waiting for us, after all." said Satsuki to the others before she walked up the stairs.
Sakumo walked out following his crush.
Naruto just stood there…
"He's waiting for us?! I'm not sure who to kill more... that Teme... or that fucking bitch!"
"Alight… before we do anything else, I'd like to get to know you all. So, please tell me your likes, dislikes, dreams for the future, maybe some hobbies…" Kakashi drawled in a lazy tone.
"Sensei… Could you give us an example?" asked Sakumo.
Kakashi shrugged, "Alright, My name is Hatake Kakashi. I like some things, I dislike other things. My dream for the future… I have lots of hobbies."
Sakumo felt his eye twitch while Naruto scowled. Satsuki glared at him.
'All we learned was his name!' were the collective thoughts.
"So… you first, the red-head." said Kakashi, pointing to Sakumo.
"My name is Haruno Sakumo. I enjoy training, thinking, and…" his gaze shifted towards Satsuki, he was careful to hide a blush, "I don't really dislike that many things… My hobbies include reading, playing games, and practicing my chakra control. My dream for the future is…" his eyes landed on Satsuki once more before he blushed.
'A love struck shinobi? Eh, it happens… at least he isn't the male equivalent of a fan girl… a fan boy… ' thought Kakashi as he suppressed a shudder.
"Now, the girl…" he trailed.
"My name is Uchiha Satsuki. I don't have many likes… and I have many dislikes. I don't have time for hobbies… and my dream, no, my ambition is to resurrect my clan… and kill a certain person…"
'I hope it's not me…' thought Sakumo.
'An avenger… eh, no surprise there…' thought Kakashi.
'Itachi… It's definitely Itachi…' Naruto thought…
"Well, last but not least…" Kakashi said before pointing to Naruto.
"My name is Uzumaki Naruto. I enjoy the company of my friend, Sakumo. I have a great hatred towards anything bearing the name 'Uchiha' and I extend this hatred to politics." he shuddered, "My hobbies include training and feeling. My dream…" he paused at this, "I have yet to actually decide what my dream is…"
Kakashi just stared at the boy… 'Strange… out of all the members of this group, this one is clearly the mystery. Kuso… I really wish I did a little more research on my students before meeting them…' he shrugged, 'Oh well… perhaps if I'm lucky, they'll fail my test like all the others…'
"Ok! Well, that's it for the introductions. Tomorrow we'll start our duties as shinobi. First, we're going to do something with just the four of us… Survival training…" said Kakashi as he obviously faked his excitement.
'I've known this guy for about ten minutes and I already hate him…' thought Naruto.
"Why is our first duty training? I mean… we did hundreds of drills at the academy." said Sakumo, "There wouldn't be much point in taking a step backwards like this."
"Well, Sakumo, this isn't going to be normal training. You see… I'm going to be your opponent." stated Kakashi.
"…So… what is it?" asked Satsuki.
'Hurry up and tell us, already…' she thought silently.
Kakashi began to chuckle.
"W-What's so funny?" asked Sakumo.
"Well, if I tell you, you're going to freak out." he said.
"Then don't." stated Naruto, "I already know what you're going to say… the test at the academy was to make sure we could perform jutsu like a shinobi, but there's an actual test that weeds out those who aren't ready for the field. This test is difficult to such a degree that the failure rate is at least sixty-six percent… thus, out of the twenty-nine graduates, at best there will be around ten remaining… right?"
Kakashi sat there, stunned…
"How did you figure that out?" he asked after about a minute of staring.
"Three hours is a long time, sensei… I get bored easily, and I have the ability to spy on anyone I want… even jonin senseis that are giving the same speeches to their students… You're smart, sort of, so figure it out…" trailed Naruto with a shrug.
Satsuki and Sakumo looked shocked beyond belief.
"Well, at least two of you were freaked out… even if it wasn't for the reason I thought you'd be, but… hai (yes), you're right. On all accounts, you're utterly correct." said Kakashi, "Anyway, tomorrow you have to show your real skills on the training ground. Bring all your shinobi tools. Oh… and I'd suggest that you skip breakfast… otherwise you'll throw up." Kakashi took out some forms and handed them to his three students, "The details are on this paper and don't be late tomorrow."
Naruto took the form as his hands seemed to caress it… feeling every corner of it…
His eyes widened, but, before he could say anything, Kakashi vanished.
"I hate that guy so much…" trailed Naruto.
"What do you mean?" asked Sakumo.
"That son of a bitch gave me a form written backwards…"
"Why would he do that?" Sakumo questioned, "It wouldn't make sense, would it?"
"It doesn't make sense at all…"
"Maybe you're holding the paper backwards, dumbass…" said Satsuki to him, "Look, you're staring at the blank side of the page… the test is on the other side. How don't you know that? What are you… blind?" asked Satsuki.
She paused and seemed to pale, mentally berating herself for letting such a comment slip. Naruto felt his eye twitch.
'I thought I've told this girl about my condition… clearly, she suffers from short-term memory loss… you know what?! I just don't care anymore!'
"I'm going home. We're supposed to meet at training ground eighteen at five AM, so I'd might as well get a good night's sleep…" Naruto drawled before turning around and leaving.
Sakumo turned and looked at Satsuki before he frowned, "Satsuki-chan… I like you, I really like you… but what you just did… that was a level of low I'd never thought anyone capable of…" Sakumo said before he turned and walked away, "Because… Naruto really is blind…"
Satsuki suddenly stood still. She brought her arms up to hug herself. She sighed before letting go and looking down at the ground. Her fists clenched before she kicked a small rock that was near her several feet away.
"Fuck! As if I didn't feel bad enough for forgetting that detail… Kuso… I can't believe that I did that… I feel so guilty…" she muttered just loud enough so that only she could hear before she walked home in a sour mood.
Kakashi, meanwhile, was sitting on a nearby rooftop. The entire exchange of teammates didn't escape him in the slightest.
'Teenage angst at its finest… While this isn't Icha Icha… it'll do as a replacement, sometimes. Ah… these three are like one big soap opera…' he thought to himself before he looked at his book and giggled perversely…
Naruto lied down on his bed. Reaching out his sense to feel ever person in Konoha… still, he couldn't find the familiar feel of Iruka sensei. The familiar warmth… the indentation of the scar on his face… he couldn't feel any of it…
'…Iruka-sensei, where are you?' thought Naruto as his pale, blue eyes gazed blindly at the dark ceiling of his home…
Four hours after returning home and lying down on his bed with that one question in mind, he finally, silently drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
Sakumo fell onto his back.
Four hours of non-stop sparring with a stationary bag. A dummy he had made to look like Kakashi.
"There's no way I'm going to survive tomorrow…" he muttered before he grabbed a pair of shuriken and threw them at the dummy. The shuriken went right through it, tearing it in half.
Sakumo smirked, "But I'll be damned before I go down without a fight."
Satsuki sat down in front of a photograph of her family. The picture of Itachi had long ago been torn out.
Staring… just staring… for four hours…
It was probably becoming some kind of obsession. But, whether it was to remember them, or to use their memory as a good luck charm, she simply stared at them.
"Kaa-san (Mother)… Tou-san (Father)… I will make you both proud." she murmured aloud before she walked over to the other side of the room and turned out the lights.
She fell onto the bed of her room and sighed before she looked at the floor…
"I hate this place…"
Her statement went unheard inside of her room in the dead Uchiha District's Mansion…
"Those chalk marks never seem to go away…"
…So much for chapter 3.
Sorry for how long it took for me to update! Still, there are over a hundred more words than last time!
Anyway, there were some questions from my last chapter.
demoncreator2002: Vibrations in the earth… he could use those to see. However, there's a strong possibility that due to the strength of his sense of touch, that would serve to overwhelm him. Can you imagine suddenly making contact with every single object, living or not, on the planet? That alone would cause him to suffer a seizure. It's much easier for him to use this vibration ability on a drastically smaller scale…
Akuya the Kitsune: Ok, it's called Fanfiction for a reason. The sole purpose of the previous chapter was for a little character development. Also, there are several characters who everyone knows about. You can't expect me to sit here and reread the manga or watch the anime all over again from the first to the last giving you every detail. But, yes. I do have a good reason for all of this… every single one of my acts of madness holds a very unique method. I wouldn't make changes like that unless they were going to appear in the story later on.
NekoDoodle: You hit the nail on the head with that one. Yes, Toph was a big inspiration, but so were Daredevil and several other characters whose sight, hearing, smell, taste, etc, were removed from them.
Sefirot: Naruto could have been the smartest person on earth and he still would have failed. The reason why is simple. The chunin who run the school, like many people in the village, hate Naruto with a sick passion. The only reason he passed this time was because Iruka oversaw the test. Otherwise, Naruto's grades would have been altered, records changed, and everything morphed into something else to prevent him from being anything more than a 'harmless' civilian.
AsiSard: Well, sir… I respect everything you've told me. And I can counter each and every thing easily. First, Naruto's sense of touch needs to be overkill for the sole purpose that if it wasn't; he would be looking at a hell of a lot of pain. I'm willing to bet anything that if he were attacked by a shinobi, he'd be killed without his 'overkill' sense of touch. It is this sense of touch that allows him to get out of dangerous, hazardous situations. Also, hiss brain wouldn't suffer an overload. True, he could feel all over the world and this would result in a seizure. However, looking at smaller, specific areas would be like staring into a telescope. As long as he doesn't stare directly at the sun, then there's no harm done. Also, he isn't 'selectively omniscient', far from it. He only knows what he is allowed to know. He can't spy on Akatsuki if he doesn't know where to look, let alone feel vibrations through a sound-proof cave. Thanks for mentioning the little 'bloopers' from the last chapter. I'll try to fix those when I can. Finally, the gender-swaps and extra characters are necessary for the story to continue properly. Without them… neh, it just wouldn't be as good. I have a plan for everything here and I have no intention of ruining it. Thanks for the lengthy review, I really appreciated it.
sniper757: Essentially… yes. It was basically a Bunshin that, when dispelled, allows all the salvageable chakra to reenter the original's body while the used, tainted chakra enters the system of the enemy shinobi. This results in chakra confusion.
Elemental Dragon Swordman: Ha Ha Ha! Yes, I did it, if only for comic relief. With Hanabi as Sai's fan girl, I knew that things would quickly become interesting. I just couldn't resist.
Well, with that, it's a wrap! Once again, I apologize for how long it took to set up this chapter. I've just had a lot of stuff to do lately… yeah…
Now, please, PM people you know.
Ask questions.
And, finally, add this story to a C2.
Good bye everybody and have a nice day!
Forever Signed in Blood,
Slayer End