Erika had been thinking for a really long time. Everyone there says she should go, except for Minun. Only Minun says she shouldn't go. This was starting to hurt her head as she made of lists of the Pros and Cons of going.

Pros: I get to save Sam, and Erick. I defeat this Sarcat guy, and restore peace to my world. I can bring back Patrick's wife, that is if she is still alive. Pokemon and Humans can live together in peace and harmony forever..

Cons: I can stay in this world, in the forbidden place, as I can tell I can't get out. I can sacrifice myself for Sam and Erick, and the whole world. All the Pokemon will be free, but I won't be able to see this peace.

But if by chance I do survive going down there, then everything will be worth while. ARGH! It hurts my head! Erika then ran her hands through her hair as she tried to figure out what to do. What would you do, Sam?

Minun sat near me, next to Plusle. They started to talk about this, and she could tell that Minun was a little bit older, and more responsible than Plusle. He reminded her of Erick.

Alakazam wouldn't stop watching her. He anted her to go down there, and rescue the Legendary Pokemon, even if it risks her life. This whole situation was risky. While she was sitting there, doing nothing, people like her are being tortured and killed.

She felt like she wanted to scream. To let out all of her emotions. She felt like she was going to blow up, with all of these thoughts and emotions. She balled her hands into fists and looked to the sky.

Alakazam walked over to her, standing right behind her. "If you scream now, no one will hear you. You humans are extraordinary creatures. No self control. Full of emotions. If you were a Pokemon, I bet this situation would be easier on you."

"Shut up." Erika grumbled. "I'm tired of hearing you talk like this! I'm tired of you putting me, and al of my species, down!" She stood up, and turned to him. Anger boiling inside of her. she wanted to let it out. She knew she would put herself at risk in front of Alakazam, but she had to do it. "You have no idea what I'm going through. This is a difficult decision that you gave me. I can;t concentrate when you just stand there, acting all calm, and insult me like this!"

Alakazam looked irritated now. "That's also another trait of you humans. You all have anger problems. Can't keep your emotions to yourself. Always feeling like you need to fight, to yell. Like I said, no self control."

"Alakazam, stop this." A Tauros nearby pleaded. "Leave her alone. You'll only provoke her."

"I know what I'm doing." Alakazam didn't even look at the Tauros. He kept staring at Erika. "I'm going to give you another five minutes to decide. That's it." He then turned away from her and walked away.

"You're a brave girl." A Gardevoir remarked. "The last time someone stood up to him, he threw them over the edge."

"And I have a feeling that no matter what I decide, he's just gonna chuck me over the edge, too, and let me fall to my death." Erika muttered.

"Any movement in the Forbidden Place?" Sarcat asked Erick as he sat in his chair.

"It seems the Pokemon there are getting rild up over something." Erick stated. "Erika is definitely there. And I bet Alakazam is somehow behind all of this over there."

"Oh? Alakazam, he's one smart Pokemon." Sarcat muttered. "He probably has the strongest grudge against me out of all of these Pokemon."

"I'm sure he's going to try to pull something with Erika there." Erick added.

"Let him try." Sarcat chuckled. "I doubt that he can do anything right now."

"Your five minutes are up." Alakazam said, walking up to Erika. He crossed his arms over his chest. "What have you decided?"

"My decision," Erika started. "I have none. You're just going to chuck me over the edge no matter what I decided. So, I'm ready."

"Erika!" Minun called out, looking up at her with the most worried expression on his face. "Erika, please! Like you said, it's suicide."

"I know, Minun." Erika bent down to the tiny little guy. "My minds made up. Don't worry, I'll survive this."

"And what if you don't?" He cried, tears brimming in the corner of his eyes. "We will stay here for all eternity if you don't make it. I want to go back to your world, with you!"

"You sound like my brother." Erika then picked him up and hugged him tightly. "I'll come back."

Alakazam then coughed. Erika stood up straight, and stared at him. She nodded, and then walked past him towards the edge of the floating piece of land. She took in a deep breath.

"We're counting on you." Alakazam said softly.

"I know." Erika sighed. She closed her eyes, and took in another deep breath. She took one step forward, and let herself fall of the edge. The gravity here was the greatest. Greater than anywhere else in this world, that she was taken back by it. It felt like she was falling fast, like she would back in her world.

She saw the giant, dark shroud ahead of her, with lightning flashing everywhere. She gasped when she saw a lightning bolt come straight at her. She twisted her body to the right to avoid it, but it grazed her arm. She gasped in pain and put a hand there. It wasn't bleeding or anything, it was just grazed a little bit.

That was how her fall through the dark shroud was like. She had to dodge lightning as she fell, which felt like forever. She even wondered if there was a giant cage down here. So far, she was grazed by lightning on her arms, and legs, and one on her cheek.

She gasped when she saw another one coming straight towards her. But, it wasn't just one. It was a multitude of them coming at her. She couldn't avoid this one as it struck dead on, shocking her whole body. She soon lost consciousness as her body continued to fall.

Erika sat in the darkness, all by herself. She cradled herself, pulling her knees to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her knees and buried her face. She sat there, like that, and just cried her heart out. She stayed like this for a while now, until a light caused her to look up. She put her hands up to block the light from blinding her as she tried to see who was coming towards her.

"Erika..." That was Sam's voice. "Erika, get up." She obeyed, standing up and wiping the tears from her face. She could see Sam standing in front of her, blocking the light from her face.

"Sam! I'm so glad to see you." Erika cried, hugging him tightly.

"I missed you, too." Sam said as he hugged her to him. "Erika, listen to me. Don't give up hope. Remember what Celebi and Mewtwo said? You are the chosen one. The one to set everything right. So, please, don't give up."

"I won't! I promise." Erika replied.

"You have to save me, Erika. And the only way to do that, is to wake up." He then let her go.

"What?" Erika asked, but she saw him turning away, and walking away from her. "Wait! Sam! I love you! Come back!"

Erika's eyes fluttered open slowly. She then sat up straight, looking all around her. "Sam!" She cried. She couldn't see him anywhere. But, where was she? She was surrounded by darkness, making it hard to see. She could only see one light, which was below her. She sat up quickly, looking beneath her. She could see bars, all around her. It looked like a cage.

A cage!? Then she remembered. She made it. She made it to the giant cage. She survived.

"Looks like she's awake now." Said a grungy voice. She jumped at it.

"Look, you scared her, Darkrai." That was a soothing, female voice.

"Just who are you?" Asked another voice.

"My names Erika." She replied. "I was sent here to set you free."

"Ha!" The grungy voice said suddenly. "You? A human girl? Ha!"

"Darkrai, shut up!" Another voice.

"Erika, what do you mean?" The female voice sounded a little worried.

Erika fished for the key around her neck. "Look! Mewtwo and Celebi gave me this key. They said that I could save you all from this place."

"Ah, Celebi and Mewtwo. The only ones that seemed to escape from Sarcat, so far." The female voice added.

"You think you could save us?" Asked Darkrai. "I doubt it!"

"Look! This key will open this cage." She showed them all the key. "I've gone this far, and I'm not turning back, now."

"Yes, you have." the female voice said. "You're a brave girl."

"What do you suggest we do?" Asked another voice. "Even if she opens this cage, we can't do anything."

"What do you mean?" Asked Erika.

"What Ho-oh means, honey, is that even if you open this cage, we still can't leave the Forbidden Place. But you, you can leave. And all those other Pokemon can leave, too." She replied.

"But, why can't you leave?" Erika continued.

"It's all Sarcat's fault. His magic is too powerful." Ho-oh added on.

"I have an idea." Another voice spoke up. "How about we transfer our powers to her, so she can defeat Sarcat."

"That's the stupidest idea I ever heard." Darkrai snorted.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea." The female said. "Erika, open the cage. That way, we can give you our powers to stop Sarcat."

Erika nodded, pulling the key off her necklace. She bent down to the key hole, and placed the key inside,and twisted it. Suddenly, the key vanished into thin air. Then a bright light started to shine, enveloping Erika.

When she opened her eyes, she was floating in midair, and all of the Legendary Pokemon were all around her, circling her. She was so amazed to see them all there. She was speechless. The Cresselia floated forward, just a head of Erika.

"Now, Erika. You mustn't give up hope. You can stop Sarcat, now." That was the female voice from before.

"I promise, I won't let you down!" Erika cried.

"You better not." Darkrai muttered in annoyance.

Erika then gasped when she saw all the Legendary Pokemon around her started to glow a different color. Cresselia was pink, and Lugia was silver. All of them glowed a different color then the others. The lights of the colors shot out, and hit Erika dead on. Each color then enveloped Erika, one at a time. She was surrounded by an orange light, then a pink one, and then a blue one.

Erika felt a warm sensation throughout her whole body. A new energy filled her. She felt stronger, and braver than before. It was an amazing feeling.

"Go for it, Erika!" The Mew said cheerfully.

"We're counting on you." Entei nodded his mighty head.

"Go kick Sarcat's ass!" Raikou shouted.