Here's another Pokemon story for you all. I made this one up like a few weeks ago, but never got the chance to post it yet, so here I go. hope you like it!

"Are you sure there is a Celebi around here? No one's seen a Celebi for a thousand years!" Asked an annoyed, young man's voice. He sat on the stump, arms crossed across his chest.

"Don't you ever shut up?" replied a female's voice. "Celebi's are time travelers, so they could still be around."

"I doubt it." He replied with a sigh.

"Shut up, Sam!" The girl said. "If you don't like doing this, why are you here?"

"Because, Erika, I promised your brother." Sam replied, looking at Erika. Sam had chocolate brown hair, with greenest eyes you'll ever see. He had a laid back attitude, but when provoked, he would snap.

Erika had strawberry blonde hair, with dark, deep-set blue eyes. She was an optimist, and always looked towards the future.

"That old man said a Celebi was spotted here a few days ago." Erika said.

"You actually believe that insane man?" Sam huffed. "He was drunk and high on drugs!"

"I don't care. I'll do anything to bring the Pokemon back to this world." Erika replied angrily at Sam.

Three thousand years ago, everything was normal. Nothing bad was going on. The only thing that was off was that Sootopolis city had disappeared. They thought that it sunk into the depths below, but it wasn't there. All that remained was the rock that used to surround the city, but there was no city, only rubble. All those people were dead.

Then other strange things began to happen. Ever so slowly, Pokemon started to disappear. No one knew why, or how. But one day, several trainers noticed that their Pokemon was gone. Then, after a couple of years, all of the Trainer's Pokemon would disappear. Then slowly, Pokemon would disappear over the rest of the three thousand years. At least a thousand Pokemon would disappear.

Several people claimed that it was held in suspicion along with the Sootopolis incident. They tried to connect the two, but none were made. Either that, or they were made, but no proof was with it.

Slowly, after three thousand years, all the Pokemon were gone. And now that all the Pokemon were gone, people started to disappear. At least one person per day would disappear. Everyone was in shock, and they couldn't comprehend. They wanted to all hide, but even while hiding, they disappeared.

These strange turn of events turned the world into chaos. Everyone thought it was the apocalypse.

So, after these three thousand years, if a child was brought into the world, they were told to be very careful about what you say or do. They were also brought up to think that Pokemon were evil, and only brought pain to this world.

Sam grew up on the belief. Erika hated it. She was told all those same stories, but neither she nor her brother believed in them. In fact, they both left when she turned ten to leave the house and search for Pokemon. She had grown up with Sam and he followed, even though he hated Pokemon. He couldn't bear to see Erika go off into the world with her brother searching for Pokemon, it would be too dangerous.

"Can we please take a break?" Same complained with a huff, blowing his hair out his eyes.

"Fine," Erika said. "If you'll shut up about it."

"Yay!" He cheered, throwing his hands in the air.

"But we start fresh tomorrow morning!" She replied with a smirk.

"Aw man!" He sighed.

Later that night, Erika started to set up her sleeping bag next to the fire they made. Sam did the same, on the other side of the fire. The fire crackled, illuminating the forest around them all. It was so quiet without Pokemon being here. She imagined that a few Swellow and Altaria flying up above. Several Pidgeys in the trees, Rattatas scurrying around on the ground. A Noctowl hooting in the distance. She sighed at the thought.

Sam stared at Erika. He sighed, too, because he was being dragged along with her against his will. Well, he did have a choice, but he chose to stay, because he promised her big brother he would watch over her.

It was about two years ago. They were in the Center, which used to be called the Pokemon Center, but now it was only a place for people to come and eat food and stay the night. Her brother got a big lead that the famous Kyougre was in the water's near Lily Cove City. He told Sam to stay and watch over Erika while he went. But, the next morning on the news, there was a report that there was a giant flood in Lily cove City. Sam told her that her brother was there. Erika cried her eyes out, knowing she would never see her brother again. Sam tried to convince her to give up this search, but she went on saying she had to do it for her brother.

Erika sat up then. She heard a voice in the forest. It didn't sound human. It was a small cry. She grabbed the flash light quickly and stood up.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" Sam cried, as she took off.

"I heard a sound in the forest! It could be the Celebi!" Erika cried, running through the forest.

"Hey, wait for me!" Sam cried, grabbing a flash light and taking off after her.

Erika kept on running. She dodged branches, and jumped over roots. She heard the same sound again, and kept on running. She didn't know where the sound was coming from, but she followed it. She then skidded to a stop, seeing a ledge. There was a cliff. Erika stood on the edge, looking down at it. She shone her flash light down there, trying to see if anything was down there. She couldn't see anyone, or anything.

"Maybe it was my Imagination." She said. Then the ground beneath her gave way, and she fell down the cliff. She gave off a shriek as she fell down the cliff, to the ground below.

Sam stopped, hearing Erika's screaming. He was frozen solid at the sound. "Oh no! Erika!" He cried, running off to catch up to her, to see what was wrong. If he lost her, he would have broken her brother's promise. He dodged branches and jumped over roots and bushes, trying to get to Erika. He skidded to a stop, seeing Erika's flashlight on the ground, facing him, and the light was still on. "Erika! Erika!!" He called.

"Down….here!" Erika's small voice called. He noticed it was a ledge, and ran to it. He peered down there with his flashlight, and saw her there, sitting, and staring at something.

"Hold on, Erika!" He called, but the ground beneath him gave way, too, and he fell down right next to her. "Ow!" He shouted as he held his head.

"Sam…" Erika whispered, staring at something, stunned.

What is it?" Asked Sam through gritted teeth.

"It's Celebi…" she muttered to him.

Sam looked up then, only to confirm she was right. There it was: A Celebi. The green little thing was floating, and then another figure stepped through the darkness. It was Mewtwo.

"What's going on?" Asked Sam, in a daze.