NB: I did not create any of the characters that you will read about here, etc…

Thanks to my beta Misaono. Also, after all of the reviews I've gotten about my smut scene being a bit like a sledgehammer, I've decided to change it, (I didn't like it either!). So here is the new and improved chapter ten, slightly different.

The Hourglass

By Olivia

Chapter ten:  A Change in Events (to replace Awakenings)

Everyone thought he had been in the infirmary. No one even knew he had an invisibility cloak, much less one at school.

How very convenient.

Severus stood, like all of the other students that were past their third year, in the entry hall awaiting the cue to head in to Hogsmeade. He, however, could not be seen by anyone, and decided to use this to his advantage. He casually walked out of the doors and into the fresh sunshine air outside. He might as well beat the crowd to Hogsmeade. He hated crowds.

It was a nice brisk walk, with all the serenity of a quiet Saturday morning.

Severus was invigorated by his fast pace, and felt a surge of freedom. No one can see…no one knows I'm here…I can do what I Please…He heard the voices of excited children far behind him, destroying his slight feelings of happiness, and walked a bit faster so as to reach The Three Broomsticks sooner.

Once he reached the front of the pub, he threw off his invisibility cloak.  He entered the dark pub and ordered a Butterbeer. As soon as the warm jug of frothy liquid was in his hands he (moved into the shadows,) threw the invisibility cloak back over his head, and sat himself down in a corner. Twenty minutes, and two Butterbeers later, Severus saw the Hogwarts pupils starting to pile into the pub. The lack of seating in the pub caused him to give up his seat to a pair of lovey-dovey third-year Hufflepuffs. Severus groaned, disgusted at the thought.

He left the pub and looked across the street, to find none other than Hermione Granger with four other Gryffindors. He grinned mischievously and watched as the silly Gryffindors tried to pull the girl this way and that to do what they wanted to do. All they do is think of themselves…He glanced over at another Gryffindor. This one was a sort of chunky lad, quiet and stupid in his respect. Severus watched him as he looked stupidly all about him and then creep away into a dark alley. Odd…he should be joining in on the Granger-tug-of-war. Severus thought it would be quite amusing to play a few tricks on this oaf. Quickly, he dashed over to the alley, ignoring the happy girl at his right, and made his way to the direction in which he heard voices. They weren't just any voices he realized. He knew those voices. The dull monotone drown of Lucius Malfoy could so easily be distinguished. Severus peered around the corner to see the owner of that voice, accompanied by two other Slytherins, and that stupid Gryffindor friend of Potter's, Peter Pettigrew. Lucius glanced in his direction. Immediately Severus tensed up. This is the reason I'm wearing the stupid cloak…what am I doing endangering myself? He left as quickly as he had come.


The day's enjoyments, or promises of such, had ceased at the sight of Lucius Malfoy and the Gryffindor. He knew what they were talking about, knew exactly that it was supposed to involve him as well, had he not taken his opportunity of being ill the other day to his advantage.

He wandered around Hogsmeade aimlessly for what seemed like hours, before he decided to cheer himself up by paying a visit to Dervish & Banges. He entered the store after someone else and glanced excitedly about the room. His mind raced at all of the potions he could make with these ingredients, all of the possibilities that were open to exploration.

He glanced over at the door when he heard its familiar creak. It was Hermione. He felt something knot up in his throat. Only two days ago he had kissed her, and not even against her will. He had reveled in the fact that she had kissed him back; with all of the passion he had given her. She did not hate him. This was a rarity.

He smirked to himself. She could not see him. He was free to watch and look as much as he wanted, without her glaring back at him. He approached her slowly, taking in her face, and how entranced it seemed to be by what was on the shelves before her. He eyed her body, hidden underneath her cloak. He longed to know what was beneath those robes… He couldn't help himself; he just had to touch her. He took his hand and lightly placed it on the small of her back, his thumb flinched nervously. He watched her expression of confusion as she looked about her to find out who it was that was doing this to her.

Severus smirked to himself. This was too enjoyable. He leaned in close and whispered something into her ear, teasing her, mocking her that she could not see him yet he could see her. After a few minutes of this game he threw his invisibility cloak over Hermione as well. She laid her head against his chest. He stiffened. He could smell her sweet hair, the scent of vanilla cascading across her locks. She lifted her head from his chest, and he couldn't help himself. He had to taste this sweet girl. He brought his lips down upon hers, passion fueling his kiss, and hers. Minutes later she pulled away. He didn't know what had come over him. Well of course he did, it would be hard not to control yourself when so much beauty was before you.

Dazedly they separated and made their way back to the castle. He longed to grab her again beneath his cloak, but too many people were around her. Oh how he loathed crowds.


The following weeks after Severus and Hermione's lovely little adventure with the invisibility cloak seemed to whiz by without anyone taking much notice. Hermione and Severus had come to an unspoken mutual agreement that they wouldn't publicly show their affections towards one another, as that might stir up some hostile thoughts and actions between certain Gryffindors and certain Slytherins. They did however, when there was time to be spared, go on little escapades with their friend the invisibility cloak.

What they had couldn't necessarily be called a relationship, as they didn't consider themselves a "couple".  Hermione didn't know what to call her relationship with Severus. They never talked during classes, or sent eachother notes, or goofed around with eachother or even showed that they had feelings for eachother. Unless they were alone. When they were alone, all their worries were gone. They would sit and talk for endless hours about the goings on in the world; the world of magic, and at times even that of Muggle. They didn't limit themselves to having the idiotic conversations of most couples, "What's your favorite Quidditch team," "What classes we wish we had together," and all of that silly nonsense. Hermione and Severus actually engaged themselves in intellectual conversations. For this Hermione was entirely grateful. She had never met anyone before who was on par with her intellectually. This fact alone was enough to make her like Severus. But of course there were other qualities to consider.


It was now the last day before winter break. It had gotten increasingly cold outside and Hermione found herself dreading the walk to Herbology more and more. Over the months she had been at Hogwarts she had grown increasingly closer to Lily. So close in fact, that Lily invited Hermione to come stay with her and her Muggle family for Christmas. Hermione couldn't refuse; the thought was too tempting to give up. And how she did long to see the Muggle world again, even if it wasn't her world. Of course she would miss her talks with Severus, but she would see him in three weeks.

 Three weeks…three long weeks without her companion to snuggle up close to when the fire just wasn't warm enough (or for other reasons).

"Hermione! Guess what!" whispered Lily excitedly when she saw her friend settle down beside her in Herbology.

 "What?" asked Hermione simply.

Lily held up her hand. Hermione opened her mouth but no words came out. On Lily's finger lay a sterling silver ring.

 "It can't be…"

 "It is! James has been keeping it for months…"

 "Congratulations Lily," said Hermione, beaming for her friend.

"Now, not a word to my mum and father about it, they might get it into their heads to worry about it…"

"Don't worry about a thing, I won't even mention the name James."

 "Well don't go that far, they might be a bit suspicious at that…"

 Hermione laughed quietly.

 "I'm very happy for you Lily, very happy."

This was it…it's the beginning of Harry Potter and I'm here to witness it…


The last class of the day was Potions with the Slytherins. The assignment for today was to brew Wit-sharpening potion, (Severus had remarked that the rest of the class badly needed this). The entire period was spent in complete concentration on the potion, which required close observation. One false move and the potion would be utterly useless, and that meant a failing grade (much Hermione's displeasure). 

Towards the end of the period Professor Ridgenbeam slowly made her way around the room, checking off the potions to see if they had worked properly or not. Two of the seven potions brewed had passed. One of them being Severus and Hermione's, the other being Lucius Malfoy and Peter Pettigrew's.

At the end of class Severus leaned over to Hermione and whispered into her ear, "Meet me in the dungeon next door in half an hour." Hermione merely nodded and continued on her way back to Gryffindor Tower.

Severus made his way to the Slytherin Common Room. He wondered how much influence Lucius had had on that Gryffindor, to actually persuade him to accomplish something…what had been his reward for doing so? He decided not to think about it. He had a terrible headache, and was meeting Hermione in less than half an hour. Besides, he had better things to do then think about Malfoy.

He reached his dorm room and put his books neatly back onto their shelf. It had been his shelf for these seven years past. He was almost done with Hogwarts, forever. He didn't have any intention of returning, as he knew what lay in store for him. He had no choice in the matter; his fate had already been decided for him in his third year, when Lucius Malfoy had transferred from Durmstrang. Lucius Malfoy

He glanced down at his watch. Twenty minutes had already passed. He had better make his way to the dungeon if he wanted to be on time to meet Hermione. The thoughts of Hermione were fresh in his mind as he made his way towards the Common Room and the exit. Soft lips…sweet moans…delicate hands…He smirked as his memories invaded his mind. Quietly he slipped out of the portrait hole, and headed down towards the designated dungeon.

He didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind him. Too late. Strong hands grabbed him by the shoulders and whirled him around. It was Lucius.

"Severus, where've you been? We've missed you."

This was not good.

"Nowhere in particular, Lucius." He tried to sound as indifferent and calm as possible in this situation.

"Got your nose stuck in a book like always?"

"But of course."

"Ah, Severus, you have so much to learn. There is so much more to life than just books."

"There is Lucius? I had no idea."

"Hold your tongue," Lucius grabbed him roughly by the arm and dragged him to the opposite direction in which he had been headed.

"I haven't had a chance to catch you alone, Severus, you seem to always be accompanied by someone…no matter. I've got you alone now."

Severus didn't like how this was going at all. He knew what would happen to him, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.