"Do we really have to talk about this?" he whined

"Yes" the young lady said, putting a hand on the little boy's bony shoulder "Because one day, you're going to meet a very nice and pretty girl and you'll love each other very much and one day you might get to do… things"

The girl seemed to be only about 16 or 17 or so, the boy however seemed so much younger and so much older in many ways

"What… kind of 'things'?"

"Well, Erik, when a man and a woman love each other very much-"

"They get into bed and make out like mad. I know this already!"

"W-What? Erik, that is very rude!" the lady shouted. For all the genius within this small boy's mind, he possessed very little knowledge in the world around him

"But it's true, I have seen it all the time!" the boy smirked, "When some people think they aren't being watched"

"What have I told you about spying on people?" she asked astonished

"I know I know, it's "wrong and it could get me killed" I know"
"It's a big risk to keep you down there…"

"I know… I'm sorry. What were you saying?" the boy looked truly apologetic. Antoinette took a deep breath to calm herself and began again

"When a man and a woman love each other very much, a man would know how to… touch her a certain way as a symbol of their love" Antoinette continued with what she was saying

"Joseph Buquet didn't seem to love that woman, she was screaming for him to stop!" Erik protested
"Well, sometimes, very bad people make an attack of it and bring themselves on others and touch them in a way they don't like which is a very, very bad thing to do and you should never, ever do that to someone" she replied, then sighed, "Joseph Buquet should not be doing those kinds of things if he wants to keep his job," she added, shaking her head

"I see" the little boy replied in complete understanding, "So what happens when adults drink the funny-smelling stuff in the bottles?"

Antoinette took a deep breath, wondering if she should save this conversation for another day.

"Those 'funny drinks in bottles' are alcohol which some adults think tastes good or makes them happy when really I think it turns them all into imbeciles and makes members of the opposite sex attractive when in truth they are not. It impairs their judgment or lack thereof"

"Oh. Okay then"

"I don't take part in any of that, I feel it is an ugly and terrible thing to drink"
"I see. Now can I show you the piece I've been working on?" Erik asked impatiently. He'd waited politely until now

"Of course, Erik" Antoinette Giry replied.