a/n: okay, first of all, I'm super sorry for this really late upload :( but first I had finals in school, after that I had festivals and then my computers internet wouldn't work as I wanted it to -.- it wouldn't let me upload anything so that's why the updates of both my stories are late :/ but I'll make it up to you! I promise (:
disclaimer: you know the drill :P story = mine, characters = Masashi Kishimoto Sensei's
I'll just go over this again with you so there's no misunderstanding ^^'
- lala = normal conversation
- lala = past, flashback
lala = thinking
lala = past, flashback, thinking
I know that I'm changing it a bit from how I used to write this things but I think that this is much more simple and better :P
As Sakura walked (or rather ran) away from what she called home, the blood from her parents now flowing inside of her started to make it's way through her whole body. As memories, powers, weaknesses, feelings and so on flew past her mind. All that her parents had known had been given to her but it was as much of a blur now as for 2 hours ago when the attack from the vampires had started.
Where are you.. I need you Naruto, please find me. I can't run anymore..
Sakura's head felt so heavy and she fell towards the ground but not to land on it. Instead she landed in someone's arms.
- Sakura-chan, Sakura-chan!
- N-, Naruto..?
- Dear god what happened to you?
- I, I..
- Sh, don't speak. I'll take you some place safe, don't worry.. I'll take care of you.
As she heard him speak those words her body relaxed and on the way she fell asleep in his arms, feeling completely safe..
- She got away sir, I'm so sorry..
- Okay, thank you for the report.
- Hai!
- You're dismissed..
The vampire walked away from Madara and towards Fugaku. Madara stood over what used to be the love of his life.
- Dear Sanyo.. Why did it have to end this way..?
He got interrupted by a scream coming from the ashes. He dug around in the gray substance and what he saw stunned him.
- Fugaku! You need to se this.. Now!
- What can be so important to disturb me in the middle of a…
Fugaku got cut of by the sight of the baby that was lying in the ashes.
- It's another hybrid…
- I know, but this one is untrained and unaffected by anything. I think we should make this one our "pet"
- Madara.. A pet is a little to much.. Hmm, you'll raise it.
- Wh, what?!
- Yes, and as if it were your own.. No objections!
- …Hai, sir..
Madara looked angrily at his brother as Fugaku turned his back at him and walked away. But an order was an order. He took the (now discovered) little boy in his hands and held him up for inspection.
- Hn, I wonder what I should call you..
- Hey, Madara-kun!
- Hn, what's up Sanyo?
- You know what? I think I'm starting to like someone.
- Oh, and who might this guy be?
- Haha! Like I'm telling you. You'll just go and tell my mom.
- Hey! I would not..!
- Well… I'm not telling you anyway ^^!
Madara looked at Sanyo with soft eyes, oh how he loved this girl.
- Ne~, you know what?
- Nope..
- If I get a baby girl her name will be Sakura..
- Ah, your favorite tree right?
- Mhm..
- And if you get a boy..?
- Hmm, haven't really thought bout it. What do you think Madara?
- Me? Well, I've always liked the name Gaara.
- After the great vampire king?
- I guess so.
- I like it!
- Haha, let's see about that when you get older.. You never know what'll happen.
- Guess your right, hey Madara-kun! Let's go and look at the swans!
- Hn..
I love you..
I guess that you'll have to be Gaara then…
Sakura woke up in a big and dark room, the only light being a candle in one of the corners on what she believed to be a desk. She sat up but laid back down just a second after. Her head hurting like hell as all the memories from what had happened flew through her mind, one thing standing out more then anything else.
"- Hide the fact that you're not human anymore for people."
Her dads words spoken clearly in her head, over and over again.. Then someone opened the door, and Sakura (who didn't remember where she was or how she got there) flew out of her bed and hid underneath it.
- Sakura-chan, hey where are you?
Sakura looked out from underneath the bed and saw Naruto standing in the doorway.
- Naruto!
- Hey there you ar…..
He got cut of by Sakura jumping onto him as her tears ran from her eyes and all over her face.
- I, I couldn't do anything. They just died in my hands. Naruto, what should I do? Help me..
Naruto didn't know what to do or what to say, he just sat there, on the floor with Sakura in his arms. And he sat there until she stopped crying and fell back into sleep again. He didn't leave the room this time thou, he sat there until she would wake up the next time.
A few hours later, Sakura's eyes fluttered open for the second time that day. But this time she was greeted by a sleeping Naruto. Not wanting to wake him up, she moved as quiet as she could, but as soon as she moved one centimeter Naruto opened his eyes and looked at her.
- Ah, good morning Sakura-chan!
- Morning Naruto..
- Hey, my dad wanted to speak with you. He's a nice guy, at least when you get to know him…
- O-, okay..
Sakura followed Naruto down a long corridor with candles on each side. Her nose started to pick up so many scents at the same time, was this a part of who she was now? Naruto suddenly stopped walking and Sakura almost walked into his back.
- Why are we stopping?
- We're here, my dad's so called office. I'll be waiting out here.
- You're not coming in with me? Naruto, please..
- You'll be alright, and besides. I'll be right here waiting for you so I'll hear if something bad happens.
- Okay, wait here then, promise?
- I promise!
And with that said, Sakura knocked on the big door in front of her. A small "come in" was heard from inside the room. And with one last ensuring look from Naruto she opened the door and stepped inside. The door shut behind her as she heard the voice again.
- Please sit down.
- Ha-, hai..
Sakura sat down on a chair by a small table. She saw the man who the voice belonged to in the shadows, he walked up to her and sat down in the chair on the other side of the table. Sakura could now see him clearly. Naruto looked just like him! The only thing that separates them was the hair, Naruto's hair had a little more orange in it then his father did.
- Hello there, my name is Minato and I'm Naruto's father. And you are..?
- Oh, gomene. I'm Sakura.
- Nice to meet you..
An awquard silence fell over them for a few seconds but Minato started to speak again.
- I guess your wondering why you're here right?
Sakura nodded slightly.
- Then I guess I have to tell you. For starters I know who your parents were so you don't need to hide who you are.
So much for pretending to be human…
- So, do you know what I'm talking about?
- I, I don't know.. What was so special about them?
Sound surprised, sound surprised!
- Okay, guess they wanted too keep you as a human. Your mother was a vampire and you father were a lycan, just as me and Naruto.
Sakura tried to sound as shocked as she could over the fact Minato just put out.
- And a mix between the races is forbidden. But I'm not such a cruel person so you don't have to worry about me killing you or something like that. And it doesn't seem like you have awakened you powers so let us keep it that way.
- O-, okay…
- Well, in any case. You do have special blood and I'm not gonna let it go to waste. You're gonna marry my son, Naruto, and then we, the lycans, will finally get in front of the vampires.
- What? You can't do this! Naruto!
Sakura looked at the door and then back at Minato again.
- You may come inside son..
Naruto stepped inside the room. His head bent down, his eyes focused on the ground.
- Hai, odo-sama.
- Will you escort miss Haruno to her room?
- Hai.
Naruto took Sakura's hand and walked out of the room. After a while Sakura pulled her hand out of Naruto's.
- You knew about this? For goodness sake answer me Naruto!
- Hai, but.. I can't do anything about it, and he's actually being nice. If the vampires would've gotten their hands on you, you would've been dead by now!
Sakura couldn't hold back her tears anymore as she collapsed on the floor, Naruto comforting her.
- Even if you don't like me that way, we'll still have to try. At least until I'm strong enough to get past my dad. I'm so sorry Sakura, I really am..
- Don't be.. You saved my life didn't you? I'm just being ungrateful here. I'm the one who's sorry..
They sat there for some time before walking into Sakura's and (!) Naruto's room.
- I'll give you your own bed okay? So don't worry about that.
- Thank you, Naruto.
- Odo-sama, what the hell have you done?!
- You do not speak towards your father like that Sasuke-kun! Apologize!
- No way in hell! He killed them, he killed her!
- Hunny, what is he talking about?
Mikoto looked at her husband with questioning eyes.
- We found them. And they had two children.
- Masaka.. You didn't, please tell me you didn't..
- I'm sorry..
And with that Fugaku walked out of the room, leaving Sasuke to comfort his crying mother while trying to keep his own tears buckled up.
Two years later
- Where's Sasuke-sama?
- I think he's out training..
- Again? He needs to check out the papers and learn all the politics that it takes to be the king he someday will become.
- Well, you can't blame him, since that day, everything changed..
- What do you mean Uchiha-san?
- Never mind Ino.. Just do your work, okay?
- Hai, ma'm..
Ino went towards the training grounds to locate Sasuke. She was bound to be with him now, for every day for the rest of her life. They both found out yesterday that they were to get married when Sasuke came into maturity (a/n:this is when time starts to slow down for both vampires and lycans, meaning that by the age of 20 the vampire/lycan can decide how much it wants to age, but once a year has past, it can not decide to be younger. So if the vampire/lycan decides to be 30 it can never go back to being 25, but will still be immortal (except from their weaknesses of course). Hope you understand XD otherwise just write a comment about it and I'll explain it more in the next chapter if you want me to (end)). Ino was of course thrilledby the whole thing but Sasuke didn't seem too happy about it. When you think of it, he haven't even smiled once in the past two years, not that he smiled much before but it still happened.
- Ah, there you are. I've been looking all over for you!
- Hn.
- Well, wants you to come to his office to learn some more about the politics.
- Tell him that I'll be there after I'm done here.
- But Sasuke he'll be..
- Don't talk back just do it.
- Hai Sasuke-sama, Gomenasai Sasuke-sama.
- Hn, it's not your fault. I'm sorry..
At Sasuke's apology, Ino's face turned into a big smile.
- Ah, don't worry about it! Well, I'll be leaving now then. Ya ne Sasuke-sama.
She walked away from the training grounds leaving Sasuke alone again.
- I pity you, Ino. Not knowing a thing that happens behind the 'curtain'.
- No Gaara, you're doing it wrong.
Madara sighted as he gave the (all to young) boy the kunai again.
- Okay, let's try this one more time, and don't stick it in your mouth this time okay?
But Gaara poked the kunai into his mouth once more and Madara sighted again. Mikoto walked out of the kitchen and saw Madara with the little boy outside. She walked over to them and looked at Madara with evil eyes.
- He's not doing this so soon.
- And he's not getting any love either.. He's gonna be my son, and he's gonna be a weapon. That's final!
- You don't know who you're messing with Madara. I'm a mother and a Uchiha so if I want to I can put up a hell of a fight so don't you dare do anything to this boy that I won't approve of, is that understood?!
Madara just looked at Mikoto as she took Gaara in her arms and walked away with her sister-son.
You won't be able too keep this up in the long run and you know it Mikoto. Just you wait..
Sakura and Naruto were sitting on the grass in the meadow where they used to play as kids. Sakura had told Naruto, and only Naruto, about her being awoken as a hybrid. Naruto kept his mouth shut because he didn't want to get Sakura into any trouble. He knew of his father's plans but he also knew that Sakura didn't have the same feelings for him as he had for her.
- Ne, Naruto.. You know that I'm sorry right?
- Huh? About what? What's this all of a sudden?
- About not liking you.. You're like the perfect guy and I don't like you.. It's so absurd..
- Oh, that.. Don't be sorry.. You can't help the way you feel and don't feel.
- I wish I could thou.
- Hey, is this about Sasuke getting married? You know we could just tell him that you're alive and everything would be fine!
- You know that that wont work just as much as I do.. Both you and Sasuke aren't strong enough to beat either of you parent (and more) in battle, so right now there's nothing we can or should do… Let just time take it's turn..
Naruto saw the tears forming in Sakura's eyes as he held her, just like he's been holding her for these past two years, so many times.. And he just loved her more and more for every day that went by but oh he knew that her heart belonged to one person and one person only. He also knew that that one person was now planning to take revenge on his whole family for what he believed to have been Sakura's death. How was Naruto going to solve this? Even he didn't know..
a/n: Okay, that's chapter 4 ppl :D hope you like it ^^ and I know that it's a bit slow at the moment but next chapter will be a bit more eventful (: I promise ^^
and I would also like to say that I love Minato and all of the other characters that I've made evil in this story x) it's just that it fits better if they all are evil :P so sorry for that and please revive!! It makes me happy ^__^ and please come with any ideas if you have it (: I'm always open for new turns in my stories :D