"Hey!" Melanie and I shouted at the same time. She was in my head though, so they only heard me. I ground my teeth, standing up. My legs were wobbly and I felt so off balance. "Dammit, Ian! Jared! Listen to us!" Melanie had shouted that. We were both furious with the guys.
Jared spun to look at me and my heart jumped. He was going to hit me again. Ian was in a heap on the ground, blood pouring down his face. I screamed and a gun shot went off. Jared fell to the ground, holding his ankle. Blood spilled between his fingers and I felt like getting sick. I hated blood.
"You okay, Wanda?" Jamie asked, walking through the opening. My mouth dropped but I picked it up quickly, falling to the ground next to Ian. Jamie was beside me in an instant while Jared stayed on the ground, moaning. Doc and Jeb were in the room in a second. I was crying next to Ian.
"I'm sorry, Baby," Ian told me. I couldn't reply, my breath felt choked off. He laid his hand on mine.
"I had to shoot him, Doc," Jamie explained. "He hit Wanda once and went to do it again."
Don't let them kick him out, Wanda, Melanie told me. We both knew that would be what they would want to do.
"Don't kick him out," I begged, looking at Jeb. He shook his head. He must've been so confused if it was me.
I mean, here I am, holding Ian's hand and wanting him to be okay. Him calling me baby doesn't help this either. So there's one side how it could be me.
But I just said I wanted him to stay and I'm in Melanie's body. How is he supposed to believe I'm not Melanie? This must confuse him.
"Girl, I can't promise that. He's not supposed to hurt Wanda," Jeb told me, sighing. I stood, helping Ian up. Jamie was lifting Jared with Kyle. I hadn't even noticed Kyle had come in.
"I am Wanda. I'm fine. Nothing big. Maybe a bruise," I told him, trying to get Jared to stay.
If he doesn't, I will kill you, Melanie growled at me but I brushed her off.
"Dammit, Jared. You're an idiot," Kyle told him, carrying him out with Jamie. Ian groaned; blood spilled from his lip. He wiped it with the back of his hand and tilted his head back.
"Seriously, Jeb. We're fine. He won't touch her again," Ian promised. He squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead. He must've known that would hurt me and Melanie. "Now, can me and Wanda go on a raid to find her a new body?"
Jeb chuckled a hearty laugh and it made me giggle. Ian looked down at me and laughed lightly.
"Okay. Go ahead. But tell Melanie her Jared is on probation," Jeb told me and I nodded. Probation sucked, I would know. I'd been on probation at the beginning. He wouldn't be in the dark hole, but he wouldn't be allowed out of his quarters for a while. Which also meant, I would be sleeping with Ian.
Kill me, Melanie begged at the sound of my thoughts.