A/N: I know where this story is going , but i don't want to rush into it and screw it up, i still have more characters coming and a whole bigger plot that comes into play so stick around! sorry this is so short it's all i have right now but i figured it's better than nothing
And like so many other times, this one passed with forgotten words and little true encouragement.
She was all jitters and excitement the day Jackson was to arrive at the airport, Pogue and Reid both tried to convince her to take one of them with her, but she would have none of it.
"I'll be fine, I'll be back in a couple hours with Jackson, god you guys act like you have any actual stake in my life.."Charlie trailed off before pulling out of the student parking lot.
They watched her car leave in silence, before turning and looking at each other
"We following her?" Reid said flatly
"Your car or mine?" Pogue answered in the same tone, they smiled and answered together
Charlotte stood at the gate, winding the rosary Jackson gave her around her fingers nervously, and chewing on her bottom lip. She wanted to see him so bad it was a physical pain, thumping in her heart.
Then he was there, coming out of the doorway, bag slung over him shoulder, running a hand over his buzzed brown hair. Charlotte's heart lept into her throat, and tears came to her eyes.
"Jackson!" She yelled before running at him, he dropped his bag and scooped her up in his arms, twirling her around. "I'm so glad you're safe." Charlotte murmured before kissing him.
"It feels so good to hold you again." Jackson said setting her down and holding her tight.
"Let's get out of here," Charlotte said smiling up at him, she turned and looked forward, the smile dropping from her face, "You've got to be kidding me." She said looking murderous, glaring daggers at the retreating backs of Reid and Pogue.
"What is it sugar?" Jackson said looking down at her quizzically, she looked up at him and shrugged it off
"Nothing of any consequence. Let's get something to eat babe" Charlotte said putting an arm around his waist, "Then I'll drive you back to the dorms where I've been staying, and we can..." She trailed off suggestively, wiggling an eyebrow at him
"I've missed you so much," Jackson said leaning down and kissing her firmly on the lips, his arm tightening around her, "Let's skip lunch..." he said into her hair, pulling her close
"The car's out front" She said shutting her eyes, "I'll drive,"
Pogue and Reid spied on them front behind a luggage display, Reid's jaw dropped lower by the second
"They're going to go back to the dorms and have SEX!" Reid said totally shocked
"They're married dumbass!" Pogue said looking at Jackson with jealousy
"But that doesn't mean-"
"Reid, she's pregnant! Do i need to give you the sex talk? Do you know how babies are made? They've already had sex."
Reid deflated, ego bruised
"If i would've known that she went for brunettes i wouldn't have wasted my time" Reid muttered glaring at their backs as Charlotte and Jackson walked out to the parking lot quickly, "Let's get out of here."
They lay in her twin bed in comfortable silence looking at each other as if the fear that it was all a dream was too much. Charlotte ghosted her finger tips over his forehead, and sighed,
"I want to live in this moment forever, just here with you, safe."
"You'll always be safe with me," Jackson said kissing the top of her head, she looked up and kissed him gently
"I can't hide here forever, they're going to find me, soon. And when they do, I can't pretend to be a nice little prep student anymore Jackson. Then there'll be a war, and goddamn it, it's my war!" Charlotte said sitting up with the sheets pulled to her, "I'm sure that Mercy, Hazel, and my brothers are doing okay, but it's my place, I belong there Jackson."
"I know, I know, I just want the twins to be safe."
"And you think I don't? It may not be your world but it's mine and it'll be their's too. It's March, there won't be much more time of peace. As soon as Nadia and Aidan are born safely and healthy, I have to go back and start this war before they do, I'm the last piece that needs to fall into place."
"You're right, it's not my world and as much as i understand that it's where you belong, you have to understand that on some level i don't understand why you can't just forget it all and just live quiet with me." Jackson said sitting up as well
"I can't even believe that you'd ask me that. This is my family you're talking about, I'm all they have, and they're all I have, my parents left me to them, and them to me, after they died in the wreck they've been as much of a family as I could handle having."
"So you're their mascot?" Jackson said getting out of bed and pulling his boxers on, "You're going to risk your life and possibly that of our children to wave a flag and yell charge?"
"Why the hell are you in Israel then? Mascot? Are you fucking kidding me? You've seen what I can do, I'm the ace and you know it. You understand war, understand this: if I lose this war there won't be a world left for you to have your little Middle East conflict, then we'll be in the Normal world too, and then you'll all be fucked; got it?" Charlotte said getting up and pulling on her clothes
"I KNOW, goddamn it, I KNOW!" Jackson said turning and punching a wall, "I just wish we didn't have to be a part of it..." Jackson trailed off, facing the wall in only his jeans
Charlotte softened, she walked over and lay a hand in the middle of his back,
"I know... But it's in my blood Jackson, it's my war, I'm the only reason there hasn't been a war before now. All of my life and my parents lives have prepared me for this, it's where I belong." She said quietly
"And I'll be with you, through everything," Jackson said turning around and cupping her face in his hands gently. "I made a vow, I'm your's body and soul, and you are mine." He said kissing her firmly as his phone went off, he pulled away and checked the caller id, Sergent K.
"Sugar... I've got to..."
"I know, take it." Charlotte said kissing him on the cheek quickly before turning towards the dresser and picking up her brush
"Yes, sir. I'll be on the plane in two hours." Charlotte froze in front of her mirror, she twirled around and stared at Jackson in shock, her defenses crumbling
"What? Two hours? They can't..." She said tears pooling as her hopes crashed
"They can and they just did, I have to leave now to get to the airport sugar..." Jackson said gently scooping her up and holding her, her fingers clung to him
"I should have expected this..." Charlotte said backing up and wiping her eyes, "I know I should've, I just thought we'd have more time..."
"I have to go. I love you more than anything, be safe, be strong." Jackson said kissing her mouth then her forehead
"I'll be fine, I haven't used any of my powers since I got pregnant, they won't find me until I want to be found." Charlotte said quietly, she looked up, eyes bright with the tears she now held back, "I love you, come home safe, I need you."
Jackson nodded and began dressing quickly, soon he was standing in the doorway looking at Charlotte sitting on the edge of the bed, and he knew that he know saw her as she's been every moment he was gone. Still as stone, body taut as a bow, eyes sharpened by pain and worry turning them into two red-rimmed lasers, dark hair catching the light and shining red and mahogany.
"Ready?" Jackson said softly, she turned to him, the pain intensified with knowing she would memorize the lines of his hard warrior face in this moment, hard and unyielding, brown eyes large and soft as butternut squash.
"To let you go again? Never." She sighed and stood up, her small body thin save for her large pregnant midsection, taut and proud. "Let's go." She said picking up her keys and walking towards the door, she opened the door to find the Sons gathered in the hallway, Caleb poised to knock
"Hey... Charlotte," Caleb said somewhat awkwardly lowering his hand,
"What's up guys?" She said tiredly, then realizing with a start that she was now dressed as she had never allowed them to see her before. She wore a loose blue sweater, that seemed to be draped carelessly about her down to her knees. she wore thick gray leggings underneath and black Uggs. The sweater slipped low over one shoulder revealing smooth tan skin over delicate bones. Her hair was tied back into a loose bun high on her head.
"We remembered that you said Jackson was coming in today, is he here?" Pogue said politely
"Yeah, you just caught him, his Sargent called, he's leaving for the airport now, he can't stay the week." She murmured looking into Pogue's green eyes sadly, she turned to Jackson, they all stepped into the hallway
"Jackson, these are my friends, Caleb, Reid, Tyler, and... Pogue." She said looking at Pogue strangely, "Guys this is my husband Jackson." The guys shook hands and nodded, Charlotte looked like she was trying to hold herself together, her body still had the bow and arrow tautness of a soldier on high alert.
"We have to go, I'm driving Jackson to the airport..."
"Okay sugar," Jackson said quietly
Reid looked at Jackson in surprise and understood why Charlotte had gotten so upset at him for using the nickname, Jackson pronounced the word tenderly, a caress to crumbling hopes, and falling expectations, a much louder 'I love you' than if he'd said the words. Reid bowed his head in respect of the depth of feeling there was between Charlotte and Jackson, the love he'd always longed for in all his one night stands and pathetic attempts at relationships.
"Bye guys," Charlotte said softly as they walked out to the parking lot and got into her car, the car left the parking lot slowly, they held hands the entire way to the airport. They didn't let go when his row was called and it was time for him to board, he bent down and kissed her again, she closed her eyes and began
"I refuse to live in fear anymore, I love you, I don't have fear of what might happen anymore," She opened her eyes and looked at him, "I love you too much to allow myself to live in terror that you'll be killed every moment of every day."
"I am in constant fear that something will happen to you and the twins, but that stops now too" Jackson said cupping her face in his hands, "Today is the day that we both start living in hope instead of fear." He kissed her soundly, and said looking into her eye"I love you." and was gone onto the plane.
She let one last tear fall from her eyes, then turned and was gone, she drove back to the dorms in silence, she sat in her car silently with the motor off for a while in the student parking lot before making herself step out of the car and back into her life.